100字范文 > 强制许可 compulsory license英语短句 例句大全

强制许可 compulsory license英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-29 02:15:30


强制许可 compulsory license英语短句 例句大全

强制许可,compulsory license

1)compulsory license强制许可

1.The Harmonization Research to Set up Compulsory License System of Patent;对强制许可制度与观念的协调研究

2.On Compulsory License System for Patented Medicine Relate to Public Health under TRIPS Agreement;TRIPS协定下公共健康药品专利强制许可保障措施研究

3.Research on the Compulsory License System of Pharmaceutical Patents under WTO;WTO框架下的药品专利强制许可问题研究


1.(8) any compulsory license for exploitation of the patent;(八)专利实施的强制许可;

2.and the Patent Office can grant a compulsory license to this new person.专利局可授予新申请者强制许可。

3.New Interpretation of TRIPs and Compulsory License System For Medical Products;TRIP_s与医药产品强制许可制度之新解

4.The Study of Compulsory Licensing Regulation of Patent Abuse专利权滥用之强制许可原则规制研究

5.An Analysis of "Compulsory License System" Based on Industrial Gambling基于产业博弈的“强制许可制度”分析

6.(12) any grant of compulsory license for exploitation of the patent;(十二)专利实施的强制许可的给予;

7.Chapter VI Compulsory License for Exploitation of Patent第六章 专利实施的强制许可

8.Chapter V Compulsory License for Exploitation of Patent第五章 专利实施的强制许可

9.Coercive Permission of Intellectual Property Related to Technical Standards;与技术标准相关的知识产权强制许可

10.Anti-monopoly law in the compulsory licensing of intellectual property;知识产权强制许可中的反垄断法(英文)

11.Dependent patent:a possibility of increasing access to medicine under medicine patents compulsory license system;以从属专利寻求药品强制许可之出路

12.Research on Compulsory Licensing Mechanism for Addressing the Public Health Problem under TRIPS;论TRIPS框架下应对公共健康危机的强制许可机制

13.Practice and Thoughts on the System of Medicine Patent Compulsory License of China;我国药品专利强制许可制度的实践与思考

pulsory Permission System Shouldn t be Excluded by the Copyright Law of China;论我国著作权法不应放弃强制许可制度

15.American law ordinarily calls this a“ compulsory license,” but I will refer to it as a“ statutory license.美国法律界通常称其为“强制许可”,但是我更愿意称其为“法定许可”。

16.(b) Each Member has the right to grant compulsory licences and the freedom to determine the grounds upon which such licences are granted.(b)每一成员都有权准予强制许可并可自由决定准予该强制许可的理由。

17.Research on the Legality of Coercive Permission of AIDS Medicine under the WTO Framework--Start coercive permission of AIDS medicine in China;WTO体制下艾滋病药物强制许可的合法性探析——兼论我国艾滋病药物强制许可的启动

18.(5) fee for requesting invalidation, fee for requesting suspension of the patent procedure, fee for requesting a compulsory license, fee for requesting adjudication on exploitation fee of a compulsory license.(五)无效宣告请求费、中止程序请求费、强制许可请求费、强制许可使用费的裁决请求费。


compulsory licensing强制许可

1.Anti-monopoly law in thecompulsory licensing of intellectual property;知识产权强制许可中的反垄断法(英文)

2.There are specific regulations on implementingcompulsory licensing for patented medicine in TRIPS Agreement.药品专利强制许可是平衡专利权人利益和公共健康利益的重要手段。

3.This paper examines the restriction effect of patent monopoly on the accessibility of pharmaceuticals, focuses on the positive effect and limitations ofcompulsory licensing .本文研究了药品专利保护体系下,专利垄断对药品可获得性的限制,重点研究强制许可和平行进口在提高药品可获得性上所起的积极作用及其存在的局限。

3)compulsory permission强制许可

1.The system ofcompulsory permission was regulated in The Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention in detail.强制许可制度兴起于美国,后来迅速扩及英国以及大陆法系各国。

2.In the age of digitalization, conventional copyright protection rules, such as rational utilization, legal permission, andcompulsory permission are still suitable for digital library copyright protection.在数字化时代,出于对数字图书馆公益性的考虑,传统环境下的版权限制方式:合理使用、法定许可、强制许可仍然适用于数字图书馆背景下的版权限制。

3.Follow-up improvement on know-how should be authorized to apply to the court forcompulsory permission.专有技术的后续改进与专有技术所有人的权利不可避免地会发生冲突 ,从鼓励技术进步的角度出发 ,应当借鉴专利法中有关从属专利的规定 ,授权后续改进者就专有技术向法院申请强制许

4)Compulsory Licenses.强制许可.

5)compulsory license强制许可证

6)Compulsory License System on Copyright Law强制许可制度

1.Compulsory License System on Copyright Law;论著作权法中的强制许可制度


