100字范文 > 账号 Account英语短句 例句大全

账号 Account英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-19 23:36:21


账号 Account英语短句 例句大全



1.Architecture of centralized account and password management system in communication enterprises;电信企业网中账号口令集中管理体系研究

2.The process of Email account(EA) naming is a kind of both cultural behavior and cultural phenomenon,reflecting cultural psychological characteristics of the concerned people.邮箱账号(Email account,EA)命名是一种文化行为、文化现象,EA反映了命名者的文化心理特征。

3.In this paper,we focus on the vulnerability that the administrator account and password are empty,using some basic methods of attack,describing in detail the process of attacks.利用漏洞对系统进行攻击成为了黑客们惯用本文针对对管理员账号口令为空这一安全漏洞,采用了一些基本的攻击方法,详细地描述了具体地攻击过程。


1.Followed by the number of your savings account.然后,再写上您定期储蓄账户上的账号。

2.How can we get the free accounts?如何能得到免费账号?

3.The user id to connect as. Default: UNIX login name.指定联接时的用户账号。默认是:UNIX登录账号。

4.The user account or password entered is invalid. If you entered a domain account, make sure the name is prefixed with the domain name.输入的用户账号或密码无效。如果输入了域账号,请确认此账号具有域名前缀。

5.Assign a base set of properties and procedures when creating new user accounts or when changing existing users.在创建新用户账号或更改现有用户账号时,分配基本属性和过程集。

6.Just go to the home pages of the free e-mail account providers and register an account according to the directions.进入免费电子邮件账号提供商的主页,然后按照提示注册一个账号。

7.Do you know the name and the number of her bank account?您有没有她的银行名字和账号?

8.Did he remember to write the account number on the check?他是不是记得在支票上写上账号,

9.But I don"t have any e-mail account.可是我没有电子邮件账号。

10.Has your sister got a foreign currency bank account?您妹妹有外汇银行账号吗?

11.We can register for a free e-mail account.我们可以注册一个免费电子邮件账号。

12.Please place the sum to his credit把这笔款子存在他的账号上。

13.I opened an account in the bank in your name.我以你的名义在银行开了一个账号。

14.Please log in the server with your account and password.请用你自己的账号和密码登录服务器。

15.the number of a particular individual"s social security account.特定个人的社会安全账号。

16.Yes.It"s Bank of China, Nanjing Branch No. 6236425-4236-348977.有,是中国银行南京分行,账号是6236425-4236-348977。

17.Also, note that the security of the Account is your responsibility.同时,注意账号的安全也是你的责任。

18.Write down the destination bank, the name and the account number of the recipient.写下对方银行、收款人姓名及账号。


account apply账号申请

3)account relating账号关联

4)union account(UA)统一账号

5)account audit账号审计

6)Handwritten account numbers手写账号


