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账款 account英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-09 20:49:47


账款 account英语短句 例句大全



bining with work experience,the author provides personal opinion on enterpriseaccount receivable management according to the function,management and debt receiving of modern enterpriseaccount receivable.结合工作经验就应收账款的功用、管理、收账的展开,对现代企业应收账款的管理提出自己的看法。

2.Focusing on the reasons why there are problems in the course of competition between enterprises,the author discusses how to manage well theaccounts due to collect in an enterprise and provides his own opinion.针对企业间的竞争出现的一些问题,究其产生原因,论述了如何管理好企业的应收账款,并阐述了作者的观点。


1.receivables and payables应收账款和应付账款

2.A/P [account paid ]已付账款abbr.][

3.Bad Debt A loan or accounts receivable that is unlikely to be repaid.坏账不太可能偿还的应收账款或贷款。

4.The Comparison and Analysis of Accounts Receivable and Prepaid Accounts;“应收账款”和“预付账款”账户的比较与分析

5.Accounts payable often are subdivided into the categories of trade accounts payable and other accounts payable.应付账款通常分成购销应付账款和其他应付账款两类。

6.Neither should we credit the accounts receivable controlling account in the general ledger.我们也不能直接冲减总账中应收账款汇总账户。

7.Such collections are often referred to as recoveries of bad debts.收到这样的账款通常叫做坏账回收。

8.Monthly customers credit control, customers credit control balance sheets and confirmation and ageing report preparation.·月末客户应收账款确认及账龄分析。

9.The bill came to $ 5.50.账款共计5美元50美分。

10.Wrap [worldwide receivables assurance protection]全球应收账款担保措施[

11.Please give generously to famine relief .请为饥荒账款慷慨捐赠。

12.Internal controls for receivables应收账款的内部控制

13.Evaluating the Quality of Accounts Receivable评价应收账款的质量

14.Checking and filing report forms of receivable and payable account fund on account collected and payable account in advance;应收账款和预收账款的核算及项目填报

15.The Comparison of Application of Certificate by Letter into the Audit of the Bills Receivable and Payable;函证在应收账款与应付账款审计中的应用比较

16.We have checking accounts and saving accounts.我们有活期存款账户和储蓄存款账户。

17.We have both checking and savings accounts.我们有私人支票账户和存款账户。

18.How do I transfer money from my saving account to my checking account?我怎样把钱从存款账户转到支票账户?


account receivable应收账款

1.Simply discussing on the risk management of enterprisesaccount receivable;浅谈企业应收账款的风险管理

3)receivable account应收账款

1.Management ofreceivable account in construction enterprises;浅议施工企业应收账款的管理

2.Strengthenreceivable account management and enhance enterprise competitiveness;加强应收账款管理 增强企业竞争能力


1.Set up interior control system ofreceivables;建立应收账款内部控制制度

2.Probing into the legal problem ofreceivables impawn in optimization of financial biology;应收账款质押在优化金融生态中的法律问题探析

3.Constructing the Management System of the Receivables with the Control as the Guiding Direction;构建以控制为导向的应收账款管理体系

5)accounts receivable应收账款

1.Analysis on the Accounts Receivable Factor Transactions of our Country;我国应收账款保理业务分析

2.A Brief Talk on the Teaching Method of Financial Management-Accounts Receivable Management;浅谈《财务管理——应收账款管理》的教学方法

6)deposit account存款账户


