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液体培养法 liquid suspension culture assay英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-16 06:46:40


液体培养法 liquid suspension culture assay英语短句 例句大全

液体培养法,liquid suspension culture assay

1)liquid suspension culture assay液体培养法

1.vasinfectum) were screened by using both radial growth assay andliquid suspension culture assay.采用带毒平板法和液体培养法测定两种植物抗菌化合物血根碱和白屈菜红碱对植物病原真菌水稻纹枯病菌(Rhizoctonia solani)、番茄枯萎病菌(Fusarium oxysporium f。


1.liquid culture method液体培养法[特指小量制备λ噬菌体DNA的一种方法]

2.A Clinical Study of Detecting Mycoplasma Pneumoniae with Mycoplasma Pneumoniae Rapid Liquid Culture;快速液体培养法检测肺炎支原体的临床应用研究

3.The culture of bone marrow stromal cells was performed in 615 mice with Dexter system.用液体静置法体外培养小鼠骨髓基质细胞.

4.Selection on liquid culture medium for mycelium of Trametes robiniophila Nurr.by orthogonal design正交设计法筛选槐耳菌丝体液体培养基的研究

5.Methods ESCs were propagated 1 generation after anabiosis to gain embryonic bodies (EB).方法 将ESC自液氮中复苏、培养,传1代后进行拟胚体培养。

6.Screening of Nutrient Elements for Culturing Mycelia of Russula sp.红菇菌丝体液体培养营养因子的筛选

parative evaluation on the result of solid culture and liquid culture for ureaplasma urealyticum解脲脲原体固体培养与液体培养结果的比较

8.Study on Pleurotus Ferulae Liquid Bacterium Seeds Cultivation and Technology;白灵菇液体菌种培养及栽培技术研究

9.Selection of Liquid Medium for Tremella sanguinea by L_9 (3~4) Orthogonal Design采用L_9(3~4)正交设计方法筛选血耳菌丝体液体培养基

10.The depths-layer-culture, that is Edible Fungi hyphas growing in liquid medium.深层培养,即让食用菌菌丝在液体培养基中生长。

11.The Effect of Medium Composions on Protoscoleces in Vitro Cultivation培养液成分变化对原头蚴体外培养的影响

12.Methods Bacterial cultures were made on venipuncture needle, the puncture needle head of liquid bottle and the open site of rubber plug in intravenous transfusion.方法对输液过程中液体瓶塞开启处、输液管瓶端针头和静脉穿刺针分别进行细菌培养。

13.Study on the Optimization of Liquid Fermentation Culture Medium for Producing Phellinus Linteus Expolysaccharide by Response Surface Methodology响应面法优化桑黄菌产胞外多糖液体发酵培养基的研究

14.Nutrition Requirements of Several Biocontrol Fungi Cultured in Liquid and on Solid Matrix液体与固体培养几种生防真菌的营养研究

15.Transfers of liquid cultures can also be made by pipette.移植液体培养物可采用吸管。

16.Optimization of Liquid Fermentation Condition of Abscisic Acid Producing Strains脱落酸产生菌液体发酵培养基的优化

17.Optimization of Liquid Medium for Rhodospirillum Branch of Photosynthetic Bacterium红螺菌科光合细菌液体培养基的优化

18.Optimization of liquid fermentation medium for fibrinolysin production by Rhizopus chinesis根霉产纤溶酶液体发酵培养基的优化


liquid culture for mycoplasma ICS液体显色培养法

1.Objective To discuss the sensitivity specificity and coincidence ofliquid culture for mycoplasma ICS,and using A7 mycoplasma agar method as gold standard.目的以固体培养法为标准,探讨液体显色培养法培养支原体的敏感性、特异性和一致性。

3)submerged culture液体培养

1.Changes of extra-cellular enzyme activity and reducing sugar consistency during thesubmerged culture of Helvella crispa;皱马鞍菌液体培养过程中胞外酶及还原糖的动态变化

2.Study on enriched germanium of Ganoderma lucidum bysubmerged culture;灵芝液体培养富锗的研究

3.Conditions optimization ofsubmerged culture of Armillariella tabescens亮菌液体培养工艺的优化试验

4)Liquid culture液体培养

1.The influence of Zn and La on the Grifola Frondosa "s mass production in liquid culture;Zn、La对灰树花液体培养菌丝产量的影响

2.Study on liquid culture of Helicobacter pylori;幽门螺杆菌液体培养的研究

3.Study on optimal condition in liquid culture and toxicity of Acremonium hansfordii to Brevicoryne brassicae;顶孢霉菌(Acremonium hansfordii)液体培养最适条件及杀蚜毒力的研究

5)liquid cultivation液体培养

1.Theliquid cultivation of flammulina velutipes and the effect of 6-BA on mycelium growth;白金针菇的液体培养及6-BA对其菌丝体生长的影响

2.Screening the key factors affecting the pinoresinol diglucoside production during theliquid cultivation of Phoma sp. by using Plackett-Burman;Plackett-Burman设计法筛选影响茎点菌属在液体培养中生产松脂醇二葡萄糖苷的主要影响因子

3.Optimization of conditions forliquid cultivation of the antagonistic actinomycete CCTCC M207210 to Penicillium expansum扩展青霉拮抗放线菌CCTCC M207210液体培养条件的优化

6)liquid fermentation液体培养

1.The both of Bacillusnatto produced DAP inliquid fermentation, but in 0.固体培养时,只有宫城菌在20%豆渣培地能生产出2,6-吡啶二羧酸。

2.Study on Liquid Fermentation of Mucor Mucedo(L..) Fres and Safety Evaluation of Sufu;高大毛霉是腐乳酿造的一株优良菌株,主要用于传统固体发酵法生产腐乳,而在液体培养条件下的生长特性及应用研究未见报道。


