100字范文 > 优势理论 advantage theories英语短句 例句大全

优势理论 advantage theories英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-27 05:16:43


优势理论 advantage theories英语短句 例句大全

优势理论,advantage theories

1)advantage theories优势理论

1.This paper, based onadvantage theories and taxonomy of three industrial structure, using two indexes of regional.本文以优势理论和三次产业结构分类法为基础,借助区位商和比较劳动生产率两个具有代表性的指标,在对我国产业现状和未来发展方向、重点分析的基础上,描述了皖西地区的概况,具体分析了皖西的产业现状及其未来产业协调发展的优势与劣势,结合国情省情及皖西实情,提出了皖西地区产业协调发展的思路,制定了具体实施策略和保障措施。


1.The practical significance of Comparative Advantage Theory, Absolute Advantage Theory and Competitive Advantage Theory;论比较优势、绝对优势、竞争优势理论的实践意义

2.Founding the Theory of Knowledge Property Advantage and the Strategy;构建知识产权优势理论与战略——兼论比较优势和竞争优势理论

3.From comparative advantage to competitive advantage: Based on the development path on comparative advantage;从比较优势到竞争优势——基于比较优势理论发展路径的分析

4.Development of Comparative Advantage and Late-developing Advantage Theory and Their Fusion比较优势与后发优势理论的发展与融合

5.Analysis of the World View and Methodology of Comparative Advantage Theory and Competitive Advantage Theory比较优势理论、竞争优势理论的世界观与方法论分析

6.Synthetic Comparative Advantage Theory: Three major Transformations of the Comparative Advantage Theories -the Comparative Advantage Theory of Inframarginal Economics;综合比较优势理论:比较优势理论的三大转变——超边际经济学的比较优势理论

7.On Debates of Comparative Advantage Theory and Policy Application比较优势理论及其政策应用争论述评

8.Seeing the Comparison Advantage Theories and the Competitive Advantage Theorieses from the Angle of the District Making Use of in Practice our Country;从区域角度看比较优势理论和竞争优势理论在我国的现实运用

9.The extending of the principle of comparative advantages of the world trade theory in China under the new situation;新形势下我国对外贸易比较优势理论分析

10.The Study of Agriculture-Industrialization Based on Competitive Advantage Theory;基于竞争优势理论的农业产业化研究

11.Theory of Comparative Advantage and the Development of Chinese Foreign Trade;比较优势理论与中国对外贸易的发展

12.First-mover Advantage Theory: A Resource-based View;资源基础视角的先行者优势理论研究

13.Advantage Comparative Theory and Chongqing Special Industries;比较优势理论与重庆特色产业的发展

parative Priority Theory and Study on China Third Department;比较优势理论与中国第三部门的研究

15.Evergreen companies--new integration in competitive theory;企业常青树——竞争优势理论的新整合

16.Talk about the Industrial Economics in the Theory of Comparative Advantage;浅析比较优势理论中的产业经济思想

parative Advantage Theory and "Immiserizing Growth" Problem;比较优势理论与“贫困化增长”问题

18.The Theoretical Review of Enterprise Competitive Advantages;企业竞争优势的理论回顾及研究趋势


theoretical superiority理论优势

1.It shows tremendoustheoretical superiority and space of discourse.兴起于20世纪六七十年代的新历史主义,自上世纪80年代被介绍到中国以来,已经经历了近30个年头,其一度在中国掀起了新历史主义研究的热潮,至今仍对中国的学术界产生着重要的影响,在此背后所彰显出的是其巨大的理论优势和话语空间,这里试图着眼于新历史主义理论优势和当代意义的梳理和挖掘,进而辩证思考当下学术界对它的评价。

3)preferred plane theory优势面理论

1.An incremental calculation method for soil nail forces based onpreferred plane theory;基于优势面理论的土钉力增量计算方法

2.Finally,the cause of preferred fault effect of strata displacement is analyzed withpreferred plane theory .应用优势面理论对地下工程开挖引起岩移的断层效应进行了探讨。

3.A great deal of data about weak structural plane were analyzed,the combinatorial connection of various weak structural planes were studied,andpreferred plane theory was used to explain the origin of the landslide.详细介绍了三峡库区马家屋场后坪滑坡体的特征,收集了大量软弱结构面资料,研究了各软弱结构面的组合关系,运用优势面理论,合理解释了该滑坡体的成因。

4)competitive advantage theory竞争优势理论

1.By applyingcompetitive advantage theory and in view of the development of auto mobile industry in China in recent years, this paper analyses the competitive state of China s auto mobile industry in term of micro- competitive system, medium-competitive system and macro-competitive system with the supporting of figures as TC index, international market share and labor productivity.运用波特的竞争优势理论,从微观、中观、宏观竞争机制三个方面,根据近年我国汽车产业发展实际,结合TC指数、国际市场份额、劳动生产率三项主要指标,分析我国汽车产业的竞争力状况,有针对性的提出提高汽车行业竞争力应将产业由投资推进阶段过渡到创新推进阶段,培养无形资产和建立先进营销体系,调整政府的政策行为。

2.It summarized the main point of thecompetitive advantage theory, analysis the exist and manifestation of the library competitive, put forwards the concrete measures of the competitive ability of the core library.总结了竞争优势理论的主要观点,分析了图书馆竞争性的存在及其表现形式,提出了全面塑造图书馆核心竞争力的具体措施。

3.This paper gives a theoretical analysis on these economic effects by using Porter s Competitive Advantage Theory and Demand Trade Theory.文章利用迈克尔·波特的竞争优势理论和需求贸易理论从生产要素、需求条件、相关与支持性产业、企业战略、结构及行业竞争、机遇和政府等方面对此作出理论分析,提出"亚运会影响下的广州服务贸易竞争力模型",在此基础上总结广州服务贸易发展现状,得到一些启示及发展对策。

5)advantage transfoming theory优势转化理论

6)comparative advantage theory比较优势理论

1.On the base of grain situation in mountain region of Western Hunan,usingcomparative advantage theory,the author suggested it was not suitable for the production of the grain crops in mountain region of Western Hunan,compared to main grain producing area.从湘西山区粮食的基本情况出发,运用比较优势理论,通过与粮食主产区进行对比,从地理、地形以及气候、历史等方面多角度地阐述湘西山区不适宜粮食作物的生产。

2.Started with thecomparative advantage theory,this paper analyzed on the causes which pushed on the economic theories development,then drew the conclusion that it would conduce to its development by liberalizing assumptions,deepening theoretical manifestation,holding practical demonstration and adopting dynamic analysis.经济学理论的发展过程中存在着内在的动态演进路径,本文从比较优势理论出发对经济学理论的发展动因进行分析,得出放宽假设条件设置、深化理论分析内容、进行实践检验辨伪、推进理论动态研究等可推动经济学理论的发展,并据此提出可以从假设条件、论证体系、实证检验、动态分析等方面入手进行经济学理论研究。

3.This paper analyzes the export trade of our country on the basis ofcomparative advantage theory,points out the advantages that the labor-intensive products possess in export trade,and simultaneously describes the potential problems.文章在比较优势理论的基础上对我国的出口贸易进行分析,指出劳动密集品在出口贸易中具备的优势和存在的潜在问题。


