100字范文 > 后发优势理论 late-developing theory英语短句 例句大全

后发优势理论 late-developing theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-10 09:54:26


后发优势理论 late-developing theory英语短句 例句大全

后发优势理论,late-developing theory

1)late-developing theory后发优势理论

1.Endogenic and dynamic trends appeared in comparative advantage theory,whilelate-developing theory has also shifted from pure discussion of theories in the past to demonstration inspection and model argumentation.传统比较优势和后发优势理论曾对发展中国家的经济发展产生过十分重要的影响,但两者在发展中国家的优势来源、所涉范围及作用机理的认识上存在差异。


1.Development of Comparative Advantage and Late-developing Advantage Theory and Their Fusion比较优势与后发优势理论的发展与融合

2.Practical Value of the Late-Developing Advantage Theory on the Development of the West of China;后发优势理论对我国西部后发地区的现实意义

3.The Theory of "Advantage of Backwardness" and Its Application in Harmonizing the Economic Development of Shandong;后发优势理论与山东省区域经济协调发展研究

4.Reflecting Upon the Late Development Superiority--Perspective of Modernization in the Developing Countries;对后发优势理论的反思——发展中国家现代化透视

5.How to Meet the Chanllenge of Knowledge Economy--From the Theory of Comparatice Advantage and Adantage of Backwardness Talking;如何迎接知识经济的挑战——由比较优势和后发优势理论谈起

6.To Study on Developing of County Area Tourism Economy in Jiaozuo Based on the Theory of Advantage of Backwardness--As An Example for Counties Area of Jiaozuo基于后发优势理论的县域旅游经济发展研究——以焦作各县域为例

7.The Factor Substitution in China s Economy Growth: A Perspective Based on the Theory of Advantage of Backwardness;我国经济增长中的要素替代:基于后发优势理论的思考

8.On the Late-developing Advantage and Late-developing Disadvantage of Developing Countries;论发展中国家的后发优势与后发劣势

9.To Discuss the Upgrade of Natural Resource Advantage:form Comparative Advantage to Late-development Advantage论自然资源优势的提升:从比较优势到后发优势

10.Meaning & Realization Mechanism of Advantage of Late-development in Industrial Structures;论产业结构后发优势的内涵及其实现机理

11.Research on Accelerating Chinese Urbanization with the Advantages of Backwardness;论发挥后发优势加快中国城市化进程

12.Conflicts and Expansions of the Research Angle of the Theory of Late-developing Advantage--Comment on the Late-Developing Advantage Paradigm;后发优势论研究视角的冲突与拓展——对后发优势范式的评析

13.At present, theories often emphasize on comparative advantage and lack for thorough inquiry on theoretical study and practical value of late-development advantage.目前,学术界大多重视比较优势的作用,而对后发优势的理论研究及其实践价值缺乏深入地探讨。

14.From comparative advantage to competitive advantage: Based on the development path on comparative advantage;从比较优势到竞争优势——基于比较优势理论发展路径的分析

15.On Advantage of Backwardness under the Background of the International of Higher Education;论国际化背景下高等教育的后发优势

16.On the Path of Industrialization and the Utilization of Potential Advantages in the Less-develop Areas;论落后地区的工业化道路与后发优势的发挥

17.New Explanation on Late-development Advantages & China s Economic Development;后发优势新论——兼论中国经济发展的动力

18.Theory of Comparative Advantage and the Development of Chinese Foreign Trade;比较优势理论与中国对外贸易的发展


On Later Developmental Superiority论"后发优势"

3)advantage of backwardness后发优势

1.Study the Advantage of Backwardness in the North Jiangsu Province and Find Ways to Carry It into Effect;苏北后发优势与实现机制研究

2.The Industry of Chongqing Makes Use of "Advantage of Backwardness" Theory to Realize the Countermeasure of Upgrading;重庆市工业利用后发优势实现升级的对策研究

3.The article first discuses the unchangeable trend of international of higher education, then analysises the possibility of China higher educationadvantage of backwardness under the background of the international of higher education.文章首先叙述了高等教育国际化已是不可逆转的趋势 ,分析了我国高等教育在国际化背景下的后发优势的可能性 ,并提出发挥后发优势 ,摆脱后发劣势的对

4)backward advantage后发优势

1.It s pointed out clearly in national “tenth five-year program” that use informationization to promote industrialization, bringbackward advantage into play and realize leaping-over development of social productive forces.国家的“十五”规划中明确指出 ,以信息化带动工业化 ,发挥后发优势 ,实现社会生产力的跨越发展。

2.According to the theory of"backward advantage", the special benefits brought by its special advantage enable the region to enjoy"backward advantage"in technology, institution, resources and location.根据"后发优势"理论,这种特殊优势带来的特殊利益使得南贵昆经济区具有技术上、制度上、资源上和区位上的"后发优势"。

5)late-developing advantage后发优势

1.This paper analyzes thelate-developing advantages and disadvantages of information resource construction in western regions of China, and probes into the paths for speeding up the information resources construction in western regions of China.分析了西部地区信息资源建设的后发优势和后发劣势,探讨了加速西部信息资源建设的途径。

2.Secondly,the article analyzes the background of structure optimization,and at last,puts forward the strategic framework from the aspects of comparative advantage strategy,competitive advantage strategy andlate-developing advantage theory.库兹涅茨、赛尔奎因和钱纳里的研究成果对福建省的产业发展进行总体的定位分析,其次对产业结构优化的背景进行分析,最后分别从比较优势战略、竞争优势战略和后发优势战略三个层面提出了福建省产业结构优化的战略构想。

3.For the domestic early starters,Nanning is of a late-developing re- gion,which features suchlate-developing advantages as technological simulation innovation,system transplantation and industrial structure optimization,etc.后发区域具有技术模访创新、制度移植、产业结构优化等方面的后发优势。

6)late-development advantage后发优势

1.The substance oflate-development advantage is that,during the course of industrialization and modernization,the late-development countries have the capacious space and the intensive motivation to study from the advanced countries in technology,system and developmental experiences,etc.后发优势的实质是后发国家在实现工业化和现代化的过程中,具有在技术、制度、发展经验等方面向发达国家学习的广阔空间,并且具有强烈的学习动力,即具有学习优势。

2.Using the Chinese super league football clubs and some economically advanced clubs as the subjects, this paper systematically studies and analyzes the economiclate-development advantage of the Chinese super league football clubs.本文以中超足球俱乐部和经济发达足球俱乐部为研究对象,对中超足球俱乐部经济发展实现后发优势进行系统研究与分析。

3.The theory onlate-development advantage means mostly the chasing theory in economics for development.后发优势理论主要是发展经济学领域的追赶理论。


