100字范文 > 音高核心材料 The central pitch material英语短句 例句大全

音高核心材料 The central pitch material英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-07 09:34:09


音高核心材料 The central pitch material英语短句 例句大全

音高核心材料,The central pitch material

1)The central pitch material音高核心材料

2)major music material核心音乐材料

3)nucleus materials核心材料


1.On Piano Impromptu Dong Village"s Major Material Control Technique论钢琴即兴曲《侗乡鼓楼》的核心材料控制技术

2.Magnetic refrigerant material is the core of magneto-cooling technique. This paper reviews the development of magnetic refrigerant material.磁致冷材料,是磁致冷技术的核心。评介了磁致冷材料的发展现状。

3.Advanced filter elements are key components in hot gas filtration technology.高温气体除尘技术的核心是高性能过滤材料。

4.weapon grade nuclear material用于军事目的核材料

5.spent nuclear material pool烧过的核材料贮存池

6.nuclear materials safeguards核材料保障监督措施

7.nuclear materials inventory system核材料库存量甸系统

8.6 Please take care that core , type or model numbers stated on packing material (paper wrappers, cardboard boxes, etc) are exactly the same mentioned on the invoice.确保核心、类型及物品数量与包装材料(包装材料、纸板、纸箱等)要求一致。

9.Fabrication and Characterization of Cobalt Core-Shell Nanocomposites and Hollow Compounds;钴基核壳纳米结构材料及空心纳米结构的制备与性能研究

10.Investigation of the Magnrtic Field Sensor Made by Three Layer Magneto-Electric Composite Materials;以三层结构磁电复合材料为核心元件的磁场传感器的研究

11.Evaluation of resistance to SMV of soybean core collection from Southern China我国大豆核心种质南方材料对SMV流行株系的抗性评价

12.nuclear materials management and safeguards system核材料管理和核监督系统

13.Software for MUF evaluating in item nuclear material accounting件料核材料衡算MUF评估软件设计

14.Working Group on the Safe Carriage of Irradiated Nuclear Fuel and other Nuclear Material by Sea海上安全运输辐照核燃料和其他核材料工作组

15.multinational nuclear fuel cycle centre多国核燃料循环中心

16.Health Teaching and Learning Materials Clearing House保健教学材料交换中心

17.Casio"s core competences are in miniaturization, micro-processor design, material science and ultra-thin precision casings.卡西欧的核心能力是在小型化技术、微处理器设计、材料科学和极薄的精确模具。

18.state system of accounting for and control of nuclear material国家核材料统计计量管理系统


major music material核心音乐材料

3)nucleus materials核心材料

4)pitch materials音高材料

1.Through the research of the String Quartet by Jia Daqun , the article pointed out resumptively the composer s technique features on the aspects ofpitch materials, music structure, various-sound-language, rhythm, and timbre, as well as his successful experiment of combining the modern compositing technique with the Chinese traditional folk music materials.本文通过对贾达群《弦乐四重奏》的分析研究,概括地指出了作曲家在音高材料、乐曲结构、多声语言、节奏、音色等方面的技法运用特点,以及在运用现代作曲技法处理传统民族民间音乐素材方面的成功尝试,以期揭示出作曲家在创作思维、技法创新、音乐构造和音乐内涵方面的逻辑关系。

5)Core of material核心音乐素材

6)leading materials核心音程素材


音高1.声音的高低。由音波振动的频率来决定。频率高则音高;低则音低。音高是构成语音的要素之一。汉语里音高变化有区别词义的作用,如"妈"﹑"麻"﹑"马"﹑"骂"四个字的声调不同,即音高的不同。 2.音乐声学术语。指听觉赖以分辨乐音高低的特性。
