100字范文 > 日本国家主义教育思想 the thought of Japanese nationalism education英语短句 例句大全

日本国家主义教育思想 the thought of Japanese nationalism education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-01 23:58:05


日本国家主义教育思想 the thought of Japanese nationalism education英语短句 例句大全

日本国家主义教育思想,the thought of Japanese nationalism education

1)the thought of Japanese nationalism education日本国家主义教育思想

1.Meanwhile, the origins of this characteristic came from three aspects too, which were "the thought of Japanese nationalism education", "the thought of Japanese militarism" and "the spirit of Bushido".而形成伪满体育"灭私奉公"核心思想的渊源主要有三个,即"日本国家主义教育思想"、"日本军国主义思想"和"日本武士道精神"。

2)nationalism education theory国家主义教育思想

1.We can say, he was the representative ofnationalism education theory in China.国家主义教育思想是其核心内容。


mentary on Nationalism Education Thoughts During May 4~(th) Movement;“五四”前后国家主义教育思想述评

parison between the Thoughts of Nationalism Education of Yu Jia-ju and Mori Arinori;余家菊和森有礼国家主义教育思想之比较

3.Rousseau was a famous naturalism education thinker of France in the 18th century.卢梭是18世纪法国著名的自然主义教育思想家。

4.On the Study of Marxism Educationalist Yang Xianjiang s Pedagogy Thought;马克思主义教育家杨贤江的教育学思想研究

5.Patriotism is the Eternal Theme of Political and Ideological Education;爱国主义是思想政治教育的永恒主题

6.XUN Zi is an outstanding materialism thinker and famous educationalist in the latter stage of the Warring states.荀子是战国末期杰出的唯物主义思想家和著名的教育家。

7.On Significance of Structuralism to Education Reform;试论结构主义教育思想对我国教育教学的启示

8.Studies on British Utilitarian Educational Thought in the 19th Century;19世纪英国功利主义教育思想研究

9.Classic Marxist Writers Remarks on Education of the Young in Ideology and Theory;马克思主义经典作家论青年思想理论教育

10.Discusses the Dewey Pragmatism Education Thought and the Chinese Vocational Education Priefly;浅论杜威实用主义教育思想与中国职业教育

11.Discussion on Patriotic Education of Ideological and Political Education in College;论高校思想政治教育中的爱国主义教育

12.To Enlighten China General Education by the Eternalist Education Thought;永恒主义教育思想对我国通识教育的启示

13.The Impact of Education Reform on the Thought of Pragmatic Education in our Country论实用主义教育思想对我国教育改革的影响

14.In 1916, Cai Yuan-pei, our country"s well known democratic revolutionary, educator and thinker, was appointed president of Peking University.19,我国著名的民主主义革命家、教育家和思想家蔡元培被任命为北京大学校长。

15.On the Status of HUANG Yan-pei s Pragmatism Educational Thoughts in the Modern China Educational History;试论黄炎培实用主义教育思想在中国近代教育思想史上的地位

16.Practical Significance and Humanities of Confucianism and Education儒家德治主张与教育思想的人文性及现实意义

17.Confucian Humanitarian Thought in the Upper-class Women s Education in the Song Dynasty;论宋代上层妇女教育中的儒家人文主义思想

18.Lin Liru and the spread of Marxist concepts of education in China;林砺儒与马克思主义教育思想在中国的传播


nationalism education theory国家主义教育思想

1.We can say, he was the representative ofnationalism education theory in China.国家主义教育思想是其核心内容。

3)the thought of Japanese militarism日本军国主义思想

1.Meanwhile, the origins of this characteristic came from three aspects too, which were "the thought of Japanese nationalism education", "the thought of Japanese militarism" and "the spirit of Bushido".而形成伪满体育"灭私奉公"核心思想的渊源主要有三个,即"日本国家主义教育思想"、"日本军国主义思想"和"日本武士道精神"。

4)national capitalism国家资本主义思想

1.Dengyanda snational capitalism was born in 1920s to 1930s,the time of Chinese New Democratic Revolution practice.孕育并产生于20世纪二三十年代的中国新民主主义革命的伟大实践中的邓演达国家资本主义思想是多方面因素共同起作用的结果,包括马克思主义的世界观,孙中山的三民主义,邓演达流亡国外的感悟及其邓演达本人的革命品质等。

2.According to its developing rules and in time sequence, the author thought that the ideas of DengYanda snational capitalism has experienced four period.邓演达国家资本主义思想离不开邓演达本人的生活和革命实践。

5)theory of modern humanism education现代人本主义教育思想

6)view on the humanistic health education人本主义健康教育思想


