100字范文 > 负指数函数控制器 negative exponent function controller英语短句 例句大全

负指数函数控制器 negative exponent function controller英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-31 10:24:25


负指数函数控制器 negative exponent function controller英语短句 例句大全

负指数函数控制器,negative exponent function controller

1)negative exponent function controller负指数函数控制器

1.Thenegative exponent function controller is proposed based on the strategy of controlling halo-chaos,and a Kapchinsky-Vladimirsky(K-V) high-current ion beam through an accelerator channel is studied using the particle-in cell procedure(PIC).根据控制束晕-混沌的非线性策略,提出一种负指数函数控制器,并运用该控制器和多粒子(PIC)模拟程序研究初始分布为Kapchinsky-vladimirsky(K-V)分布的强流离子束在加速器通道中的传输过程。


1.Control of Beam Halo-chaos by Negative Exponent Function负指数函数控制器实现束晕-混沌的有效控制

2.A Fuzzy Controller by Parameter Self-regulating Based on Intelligent Quotient Function;基于智能权函数法的参数自整定模糊控制器

3.is the value of the function, a nonnegative number用于指数分布函数计算的区间点,非负数值

4.The advantage of the variable is presented and a sine function con roller is constructed.通过研究,提出了一个正弦函数开工的控制器。

5.Simulink Simulation of RBF network PID Controlle Based on S-function;基于S函数的RBF神经网络PID控制器Simulink仿真

6.2-D Analysis and Design of Iterative Controller Based on Influence Function基于影响函数的迭代控制器2-D分析与设计

7.Design of Predictive Functional Controller of the Tension Control System Between Frame in Cold Rolling Mill冷轧机机架间张力预测函数控制器的设计

8.ESS Model of Negative Index Fitness Function;负指数适合度函数的进化稳定策略模型

9.An exponential function is one in which the variable appears in an exponent.指数函数是指数中出现变量的函数。

10.Optimization Design of PID Controller Parameters Based on ITAE Index基于ITAE指标的PID控制器参数优化设计

11.Research on Fuzzy Optimization of H∞ Control Based on Mixed Sensitivity Function;基于混合灵敏度函数的H∞控制器参数模糊优化研究

12.Digital Function Signal Generator"s Design and Realization Based on the Control of MCU基于单片机控制的数字函数信号发生器的设计与实现

13.Periodic change imposed on a controlled variable or a function by a controller.通过控制器控制某一变量或函数进行周期性变化。

14.Study of a Fuzzy Controller with Generalized Membership Function in Vibration Control;广义隶属函数型模糊控制器在振动控制中的研究

15.Analysis of Difference Between Control Function and Interpolation Expression of SISO Fuzzy Controller单入单出模糊控制器控制函数与插值式的偏差分析

16.VHDL Programmer Design of the Positiveand Negative Pulse-wide Signal Generation byNumerical Control Method;正负脉宽数控调制信号发生器的VHDL程序设计

parative analysis of methods for designing digital control point of load converters数字控制负载点变换器设计方法的比较分析

18.No domain controller is found for the specified domain. Please explicitly specific the domain controller and search base.未找到指定域的域控制器。请明确指定域控制器和搜索数据库。


minus paired-dominating function负对控制函数

1.Aminus paired-dominating function of G is a function of the form f:V→{-1,0,1} such that f(v)=1 for any vertex v ∈ D,f(v)≤0 for any vertex v ∈ V-D,and f(N[v])≥1 for any vertex v ∈ V.设D V是图G=(V,E)的任意一个对控制集,如果一个函数f:V→{-1,0,1}满足条件1)对任意点v∈D,有f(v)=1,对任意点v∈V-D,有f(v)≤0,2)对任意点v∈V,均有f(N[v])≥1,则称函数f为图G的负对控制函数。

2.Let DV be any paired-dominating set of G=(V, E), aminus paired-dominating function of G is a function of the form f:V→{-1,0,1} such that f(v)=1 for any vertex v∈D,f(v)≤0 for any vertex v∈V-D,and f(N[v])≥1 for any vertex v∈V.如果一个函数f:V→{-1,0,1}满足条件:(1)对任意点υ∈D,有f(v)=1,对任意点v-D,有f(v)≤0;(2)对任意点v∈V,均有f(N[v])≥1;则称函数f为图G的负对控制函数。

3)negative exponential function负指数函数

1.Aiming at the influence of the gross error to the estimated value of the parameter, when determining the undetermined parameters in thenegative exponential function using weighted least square method, the paper presents the robust solution of the undetermined parameters.该文针对在用加权最小二乘法确定负指数函数中待定参数时,粗差对参数估值的影响,提出了待定参数的抗差解法,并通过实例证明了这一方法的有效性。

4)logarithm-function controller对数函数控制器

1.Beam halo-chaos for five different initial ion distributions is effectively controlled by alogarithm-function controller based on the variable.文章改变以往习惯于以离子束均方根半径等为控制变量的束晕-混沌模拟控制方法,取匹配半径外离子数与总离子数之比为控制变量,并构造一对数函数控制器,以进行束晕-混沌控制的模拟研究。

2.The effect on the beam radius due to the change of the filling factor for K-V distribution was studied underlogarithm-function controller and was compared with the result of the delayed feedback controller.研究了在以对数函数控制器进行束晕控制的条件下,填充因子的变化对强流离子加速器中初始分布为K-V分布的离子束半径的影响,通过将其与延迟反馈控制器下所得的结果进行比较,发现在相当大的填充因子取值范围内,使用对数函数控制器时,束半径的变化比使用延迟反馈控制器时小,而且在以离子数比为控制变量的对数函数控制下,束最大半径和均方根半径也没有像使用延迟反馈控制器那样有明显的峰值或波谷出现。

3.Based on those, the impact on beam halo-chaos control’s effect due to the change of filling factor for K-V distribution was studied under thelogarithm-function controller by selecting ion numbers ratio as controlling variable and selecting root-mean-square radius as controlling variable, and was compared with t.在此基础上研究了以离子数比为控制变量和以均方根半径为控制变量的对数函数控制器下填充因子的变化对K-V分布离子束束晕控制效果的影响,并将数值模拟结果及以均方根半径为控制变量的延迟反馈控制器的结果进行了比较。

5)wavelet control function小波函数控制器

6)sine function controller正弦函数控制器


