100字范文 > 负指数分布 negative exponential distribution英语短句 例句大全

负指数分布 negative exponential distribution英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-21 23:07:53


负指数分布 negative exponential distribution英语短句 例句大全

负指数分布,negative exponential distribution

1)negative exponential distribution负指数分布


1.Research on two-parameter negative exponential distribution of discontinuity spacings in rock mass岩体结构面间距的双参数负指数分布研究

2.A test for prediction of MCP life-time is described and it is pointed that the life-time curve of MCP depends on negative exponent distribution.叙述预测微通道板工作寿命试验过程,指出微通道板工作寿命曲线服从负指数分布。

3.is the value of the function, a nonnegative number用于指数分布函数计算的区间点,非负数值

4.The exponent is a fraction or negative number.指数是一个分数或负数。

5.load distribution indicator货油分布指示器负载分布指示器

6.Empirical Bayes Estimation of Parameter for Linear Exponential Distribution in the Case of Negatively Associated Samples负相伴样本情形下线性指数分布参数的经验Bayes估计(英文)

7.table of exponential random number按指数分布的随机数表

8.truncated exponential pathlength distribution截指数路径长度分布

9.generalized bivariate exponential distribution广义双变量指数分布


11.Bayesian Estimation for the Parameters of Exponential Distribution with Grouped Data;分组数据下指数分布参数的Bayes估计

12.The Shortest Confidence Interval of the Parameters on Two-parameter Exponential Distribution;双参数指数分布参数的最短置信区间

13.The Bayesian Estimation of Parameter of Zero-failure Data on Exponential Distribution指数分布无失效数据参数的Bayes估计

14.is the value at which you want to evaluate the distribution, a nonnegative number用来计算γ分布的区间点,非负数值

15.A Recursive Distribution Function Estimator Under NA Samples负相协样本分布函数的递归型核估计

16.Exponential Stability of Linear Distributed Parameter Systems;线性分布参数系统的指数稳定性分析

17.Statistical Inference for the Exponential Distribution in the Situation of Only-one-failure Data;指数分布基于DOOF数据的统计分析

18.Bayes statistical analysis for zero-failure data of exponential distribution;指数分布的无失效数据的Bayes统计分析


exponential distribution负指数分布

3)shifted negative exponential distribution移位负指数分布

1.Capacity model of the minor mixed traffic flow under major stream withshifted negative exponential distribution on the unsignalized intersection is set up, and it is an extension of capacity model for mixed traffic flow.建立了无信号交叉口主车流服从移位负指数分布下的支路多车型混合车流的通行能力模型 ,发展了无信号交叉口的混合车流通行能力理

4)Maiyiefu Index distribution function迈耶负指数分布函数

1.All indicators were actually measured and the diameter structure was imitated by the application of Weibull distribution function andMaiyiefu Index distribution function.实测各项因子后应用Weibull分布函数和迈耶负指数分布函数对其进行直径结构模拟,分析了研究区林分的树种组成和直径结构规律。

5)two-parameter negative exponential distribution双参数负指数分布

1.Research ontwo-parameter negative exponential distribution of discontinuity spacings in rock mass岩体结构面间距的双参数负指数分布研究

6)Distribution index分布指数

1.Used the interpolation to obtain the droplet the diameter distribution map and calculated the droplet diameters distribution index.采用插值法得到雾滴的直径分布图,从而计算出雾滴直径的分布指数。

2.Terrain niche index was used to describe the regional terrain difference and nondimensio-nal distribution index was used to quantitatively analyze the spatial distribution characteristics based on the spatial information of landscape components.采用地形位指数描述区域地形差异,并利用无量纲的分布指数对景观组分空间分布特征进行定量分析;通过地形差异揭示景观空间格局分布规律,并对各景观要素定量赋值,通过生态效应模型研究土地利用综合生态效应。

3.The terrain factors(elevation,slope and aspect) and distribution index was overlapped to quantitatively analyse the region soil erosion,which could study the soil erosion spatial distribution from terrains factors(elevation,slope and aspect).借助于分布指数,通过空间叠加分析,从高程、坡度与坡向3个方面对研究区域的土壤侵蚀进行了定量化分析,揭示了土壤侵蚀在海拔、坡度、坡向上的空间分布特征。


负指数分布负指数分布negative exponential distribution贝裕蛾分布汇瑞笋公柏e、四胭丽园成州h面呱;。甲皿aT“-月、”oen。胶幻眼。oep成。Pe邵朋11“e]同指数分布(ex ponen石al改tribution)·
