100字范文 > 报道分析 analysis of report英语短句 例句大全

报道分析 analysis of report英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-30 11:53:56


报道分析 analysis of report英语短句 例句大全

报道分析,analysis of report

1)analysis of report报道分析


1.Analysis and Ponder of Agricultural Reports of Our Party Newspaper in the New Time;新时期我国党报农业报道分析与思考

2.A Tentative Analysis of China s image in the New York Times;《纽约时报》对华报道分析:1993-1998

3.Reports Analysis of the European Football Championship in L"EQUIPE法国《队报》欧洲杯报道分析

4.a detailed description, account, analysis, etc详尽的叙述、 报道、 分析等.

5.The Framing Analysis on the Paper Media How to Report New Socialist Countryside;我国报纸媒体新农村报道的框架分析

6.The Empirical Analysis of "People s Daily" Reports on Migrant Workers;对《人民日报》农民工报道的实证分析

7.The Discourse Analysis of National College Entrance Examination Reports in Newspaper;报纸媒体中高考报道的新闻话语分析

8.The Analysis on Characters of City Newspapers Reported of the Beijing Olympics--Taking "Yangtze" as an Example;都市报北京奥运报道特点分析——以《扬子晚报》为例

9.A Content Analysis of the Reports about Chinese Migrant Workers in the New York Times: 1984-;纽约时报关于中国农民工报道的内容分析

10.The Analysis on the Public Opinion Leading of Our Country Newspaper Disaster Report Way in the Network Environment;我国报纸灾害报道及网络环境下舆论引导分析

11.Current Situation and Methods Analysis of Entertainment News;都市报娱乐新闻报道的现状及对策分析

12.A Stylistic Analysis of the Leads of Hard News in China Daily;对《中国日报》纯新闻报道中导语的文体特征分析

13.On International News Report of Global Times;《环球时报》国际报道特色分析与发展研究

14.A Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports on China in American Newspapers;美国报纸上中国报道的批评性语篇分析

15.Application of Register Theory to the Stylistic Analysis of Newspaper Reporting;应用语域理论于报纸新闻报道的文体分析

16.A Critical Discourse Analysis on Economic News Reports in English Newspapers;英语报刊中经济新闻报道的批评语篇分析

17.A Critical Discourse Analysis of Reports on Chinese Economy in American Newspapers;美国报纸对华经济报道的批评性语篇分析

18.Framework Aanalysis of China Youth Reports on Medical System Reform;《中国青年报》医疗体制改革报道的框架分析


interpretive reporting分析性报道

1.As a brand-new subject,“interpretive reporting”of enterprise s newspaper is featured by viewexpressing and in-depth reporting with the function of reason perspective and speeches strengthening,highly combining news analysis and economy analysis.企业报的“分析性报道”是一个崭新的课题。

3)News Story Analysis新闻报道分析

1.Research on Event-basedNews Story Analysis Technology;基于事件的新闻报道分析技术研究

4)message analysis报文分析

5)analysis report分析报告

1.This paper describes problems when compiling environmental monitoring andanalysis reports and develops compilation method using net sharing excel technology.简述了环境监测部门在编制环境监测分析报告时遇到的问题,介绍采用网络共享的Excel技术来编制环境监测分析报告的方法,并与传统报告编制方法进行了比较,体现出运用现代技术的优越性,同时分析了该方法编制报告时易产生的问题,提出了解决办法。

2.From the features of architectural education,the demands of graduation design andthe functions of teachers,the neccesities,effectness,contents and method ofanalysis reportcombined wite graduation desing are discussed,and a correlative analysis of a graduationdesign andanalysis report is conducted to improveanalysis report being rsefull andhelpfull for graduation design teaching proccess.本文从建筑学专业的教学特点,毕业设计教学目的与要求、指导教师的主导作用等方面讨论了在毕业设计中结合分析报告的必要性和有效性,简述了分析报告的内容与作法,并对毕业设计与分析报告成绩做了相关分析,从而说明分析报告有助于促进毕业设计的教学作用。

6)Analysis of reports报告分析


