100字范文 > 脾虚证 spleen deficiency syndrome英语短句 例句大全

脾虚证 spleen deficiency syndrome英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-02 23:26:04


脾虚证 spleen deficiency syndrome英语短句 例句大全

脾虚证,spleen deficiency syndrome

1)spleen deficiency syndrome脾虚证

1.Expression of bcl-2 gene inspleen deficiency syndrome in colorectal carcinoma and the regulatory effect of Jianpikangfu decoction;大肠癌脾虚证bcl-2基因表达与健脾康复汤的调节作用

2.Changes of Gut Peptides and Electric Mechanical Activity of Ileum and Effect of Jiawei Sijunzi Decoction on Them in Experimental Rats with Spleen Deficiency Syndrome;实验性脾虚证大鼠胃肠肽及回肠电—机械活动变化及加味四君子汤的影响

3.Objective To develop a specific scale for the chronic hepatitis B patients withspleen deficiency syndrome.目的探索建立慢性乙型肝炎脾虚证候量表的方法。


1.Research on Spleen Deficiency, Its Sub-Clinical Forms and Experimental Diagnosis;脾虚证亚型及其与脾虚多指标关系的研究

2.Theory and Experimental Study on SPleen Deficiency Syndrome by the Therapy of Cong Xing Li Pi(CXLP)从心理脾调治脾虚证的理论及实验研究

3.Clinical Study on Hua Tan Pi Gan Tang Threat the Vertigo Syndrome-complex of Wind-phlegm健脾平肝汤治疗肝郁脾虚证眩晕临床疗效观察

4.Research on Spleen Deficiency, Its Sub-Clinical Forms and Clinical Symptom Characteristics;脾虚证亚型及其临床表现特点的探讨

5.Study on Correlation Between Spleen-Asthenia Syndrome and Islet a Cells Changes;脾虚证与胰岛A细胞变化相关性研究

6.Effect of Acupuncture Combined with American Ginseng on Cardiac Function in Rats with Spleen-deficiency Syndrome针药结合对脾虚证大鼠心功能的影响

7.Analysis on 10 Serum Enzymes for Experimental Rat with Syndrome of Spleen Deficiency实验性脾虚证大鼠10种血清酶分析

8.Research on ICC Characteristic of Gastric Movement Obstruction Caused by Spleen Deficiency Syndrome and Treated by Chinese Medicine of Strengthening the Spleen;脾虚证胃动力障碍的ICC特征及健脾中药干预研究

9.The Prognosis Analysis of Spleen-deficiency Syndrome in Lung Cancer and the Experiment of Invigorating Spleen Method in Treatment of Lung Cancer;肺癌脾虚证的预后分析及健脾法治疗肺癌的实验研究

10.Clinical Study on Changtai Oral Liguid Treating Pi Xu Syndrome of Gastrointestinopathy in the Elderly肠泰口服液治疗老年脾虚证胃肠病的临床研究

11.Research on the Relation of Gastric Movement Obstruction Caused by Spleen Deficiency Syndrome or Dampness-heat in Spleen and Stomach Syndrome;脾气虚证、脾胃湿热证与胃动力的关系问题探讨

12.To Authenticate the Scale of the Deficiency of Spleen an Kidney in Urinary of Internal Medicine泌尿内科疾病脾肾气虚证量表的验证

13.Quantified diagnositic standard for large intestinal cancer of spleen qi deficiency syndrome大肠癌脾气虚证辨证量化标准的研究

14.Study on Deficiency of Spleen and Kidney Scale in Urinary of Inernal Medicine;泌尿内科疾病脾肾气虚证量表的研究

15.Research Initially and Quantitatively on Functional Indicator of Deficiency of Spleen-QI of Pedo-eczema;小儿湿疹脾气虚证辨证体征临床初步量化研究

16.Research Initially and Quantitatively on Functional Indicator of Piqixu Syndrome of Paediatric Asthma;小儿哮喘脾气虚证辨证体征初步量化研究

17.Characteristics of Qi-Yin Deficiency Syndrome and Phlegm-dampness Due to Deficiency of the Spleen Syndrome of Type 2 Diabetes;气阴两虚证及脾虚痰湿证2型糖尿病动态血糖谱的特点

18.Clinical Study on Jianpiwenshen Soup in Treating Spleen Yang-deficiency and Kidney Yang-deficiency Syndrome (SYKYS) of Ulcerative Colitis;健脾温肾方治疗溃疡性结肠炎慢性复发型脾肾阳虚证的临床研究


Spleen Deficiency脾虚证

1.Clinical Research on the Method of Replenishing Qi to Invigorate Spleen Interfering in theSpleen Deficiency Syndrome that Caused by Chemotherapy to Mastocarcinoma Patients;益气健脾法干预乳腺癌患者化疗所致脾虚证的临床研究

2.Changes of Mechano-Electrical Activity and Relationship with Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in Colon of ExperimentalSpleen Deficiency Syndrome Rats;大鼠实验性脾虚证结肠电-机械活动及其与一氧化氮合酶的关系

3.Objective Observe the therapeutic effect of Wenzhong Huayi Tang on spleen deficiency of atrophic gastritis(CAG).目的观察自拟温中化异汤治疗萎缩性胃炎脾虚证的疗效。

3)Spleen-deficiency syndrome脾虚证

1.Effects of Cryptoporus volvatus ferment substance on airway hyperresponsiveness and inflammation in asthmatic mice with spleen-deficiency syndrome;隐孔菌发酵物对脾虚证哮喘小鼠气道高反应性及炎症的影响

2.Objective To study the correlativity between liver-depression and spleen-deficiency syndrome, spleen-deficiency syndrome, liver-depression syndrome and corticotrophin releasing factor(CRF).目的探讨肝郁脾虚证、脾虚证、肝郁证与神经肽CRF之间的相关性。

3.Objective: Explore the function of Jianpi (strengthen spleen) decoction in treating spleen-deficiency syndrome.目的 :探讨健脾汤防治脾虚证的作用。

4)spleen asthenia syndrome脾虚证

1.The influence of the Sijunzi decoction on the blood picture and gastric acid of experimental model ofspleen asthenia syndrome mice;四君子汤对脾虚证小鼠血象及胃酸分泌的影响

2.s Objective:To explorespleen asthenia syndrome in an orthotopic implanted model of human gastric cancer in nude mice and the feasibility of using this model to study the anti gastric cancer effect of traditional Chinese medicine.目的 :探讨人胃癌裸小鼠原位移植模型的脾虚证及该模型用于中药抗胃癌作用研究的可行性。

3.Objective:To study the relationship between Spleen asthenia syndrome and serum thyroxin,T 3 receptors of hypothalamus cells & thymus T lymphocyte nuclei in rats.目的 :探讨脾虚证与血清甲状腺激素及下丘脑、胸腺细胞核T3受体的关系。

5)Spleen Feebleness脾虚证

1.Design and Implementation of an ATMS-based Composite Computer-aided Diagnostic System for theSpleen Feebleness;基于ATMS的复合型脾虚证辅助诊断系统的设计和实现

2.The Applications of Feature Selection Based Classification Ensemble in theSpleen Feebleness Diagnosis;基于特征提取的分类集成在脾虚证诊断中的应用

3.Secondly, concepts and implementation techniques of applying the ATMS knowledge base maintenance system to the association rules mining in traditional Chinese medicine diagnosing spleen feebleness are discussed in detail.首先介绍了计算机辅助诊断理论、中医诊断中关联规则挖掘的理论和方法、非单调推理的概念以及在此基础上的ATMS的基本理论和实现方法,然后详细论述了将ATMS知识库维护系统运用于中医诊断脾虚证关联规则挖掘的理论和实现,最后对ATMS结合关联规则挖掘方法做了总结和展望。

6)syndrome of spleen deficiency脾虚证

1.To observe the curative effects of Dioscorea Persimilis Prain (Guang Shan Yao, GSY) and Dioscorea Opposita Thunb (Huai Shan Yao, HSY) in treating thesyndrome of spleen deficiency.[目的 ]观察褐苞薯蓣与怀山药对脾虚证的治疗作用。


脾虚证脾虚证 脾虚证 属脏腑辨证中常见之证型。主要指脾气、脾阳或脾阴不足所呈现之各种症候。《脉经》卷二:“脾虚,……病苦泄注,腹满,气逆,霍乱,呕吐,黄疸,心烦不得卧,肠鸣。”一说“脾气……若虚则生寒,令人心腹胀满,水谷不消,噫气吞酸,食辄呕吐,霍乱泄利,四肢沉重,多思气结,恶闻人声”(见《圣济总录》卷四十四)。邹澍《本草经疏》归纳“脾虚十二证,饮食劳倦,伤脾发热,饮食不消化,属脾气虚;伤食必恶食,停食,为恣饮汤水或冷茶、冷酒所致。水肿属脾气虚,兼脾阴虚;噎膈属气血两虚,由于血液衰少,而非痰气壅逆所成。脾虚属气虚,健忘属气血两虚,倦怠、嗜卧属脾气不足。脾虚腹痛,按之则止,属血虚;痞气,属脾气虚及气郁所致。”从临床现实分析,脾虚中又以脾气虚、脾阳虚为常见,每有腹胀、痞满、消瘦、肢乏、泄泻(或大便先硬后溏,亦有表现为脾虚便秘者)、食减、水肿等症。参见有关各条。
