100字范文 > 动态光散射法 dynamic light scattering英语短句 例句大全

动态光散射法 dynamic light scattering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-12 05:11:42


动态光散射法 dynamic light scattering英语短句 例句大全

动态光散射法,dynamic light scattering

1)dynamic light scattering动态光散射法

1.Brownian Motion anddynamic light scattering to Characterize Particle Size;布朗运动与动态光散射法表征粒子粒径

2)dynamic laser scattering method动态激光散射法

3)Dynamic light scattering动态光散射

1.Analysis on the mutual information function for testing the electrical machinery s rotational speed by dynamic light scattering method;动态光散射检测电机转速的互信息函数分析

2.New advance in study of particle sizing with dynamic light scattering;对动态光散射颗粒测量技术中几个问题的讨论

3.The research of particle determination by dynamic light scattering spectrum;动态光散射法超细颗粒测量技术研究


1.The Determination of Single Scattering Region in Low-Coherence Dynamic Light Scattering低相干动态光散射中单散射区域的确定

2.Research about Sub-micro Particles Sizing Based on Dynamic Light Scattering;基于动态光散射的超细颗粒测试技术研究

3.Dynamic Light Scattering Application to Measure Biomacromolecule;动态光散射技术在生物大分子测量上的应用

4.A Novel Dynamic Light Scattering Inversion Algorithm for Nano-Meter Particles一种新的动态光散射纳米颗粒反演算法

5.Study on Hydrodynamic Diameter of Lysozyme Based on Dynamic Light Scattering基于动态光散射的溶菌酶水力学直径研究

6.Effect of the polarization state of the laser in dynamic light scattering for particle sizing光源的偏振态对动态光散射颗粒测量结果的影响

7.Dynamic Light Scattering Study on the Aggregation Kinetics of Soil Colloidal Particles in Different Electrolyte Systems不同电解质体系中土壤胶体凝聚动力学的动态光散射研究

puter Simulation of Bimodal Distribution Ultrafine Particles Dynamic Light Scattering and Precision Analysis双峰分布的超细颗粒动态光散射信号模拟及精度分析

9.Studies on the Aggregation and Interaction of DDAPS Micelles with Fluorescence and Light Scattering Methods荧光和动态光散射方法研究两性表面活性剂胶束的聚集和相互作用

10.Influence of Glycerol on the Conformation of Hemoglobin in Aqueous Solutions:a Study of Fluorescence Quenching and Dynamic Light Scattering丙三醇对水溶液中血红蛋白构象的影响——荧光猝灭和动态光散射研究

11.Dynamics of relaxation oscillation caused by stimulated Brillouin scattering in optical fiber and its suppression光纤中受激Brillouin散射动态弛豫振荡特性及其抑制方法

12.Investigation of the Critical Phenomena in Ternary Solutions of Water+3-Methylpyridine+Sodium Bromide by the Dynamic and Static Light Scattering水+3-甲基吡啶+溴化钠三元溶液动-静态光散射临界行为研究

13.Determination of Tea Polyphones by Flow Injection Resonance Light Scattering Method茶多酚的流动注射-共振光散射法测定

14.The light beam is scattered by small particles in the moving fluid.光束被流动流体中的微粒所散射。

15.Digital Image Discovery by Laser Scattering Rate of Settling of Particle;沉降颗粒激光散射像点运动图像研究

16.Design and Application of the Automatically Measuring System on Laser scattering;激光散射自动测量系统的设计与应用

17.Dynamic characteristics of weak scattering produced far Gaussian speckle field弱散射产生的远场高斯散斑场的动态特性

18.electron beam scanned dynamic scattering display电子束扫描动态散射显示


dynamic laser scattering method动态激光散射法

3)Dynamic light scattering动态光散射

1.Analysis on the mutual information function for testing the electrical machinery s rotational speed by dynamic light scattering method;动态光散射检测电机转速的互信息函数分析

2.New advance in study of particle sizing with dynamic light scattering;对动态光散射颗粒测量技术中几个问题的讨论

3.The research of particle determination by dynamic light scattering spectrum;动态光散射法超细颗粒测量技术研究

4)Dynamic laser light scattering动态光散射

5)Dynamic/static light scattering动态静态光散射

6)dynamic laser light scattering动态激光光散射


