100字范文 > 生活性服务业 consumer services英语短句 例句大全

生活性服务业 consumer services英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-25 18:13:05


生活性服务业 consumer services英语短句 例句大全

生活性服务业,consumer services

1)consumer services生活性服务业

1.Currently,the city commerce in China has presented some new characteristics:residents\" consumption driven to grow rapidly,proportion ofconsumer services keeping increasing,community commerce developing with full strength,on-line shopping expanding rapidly,etc.当前,我国城市商业呈现出拉动居民消费快速增长、生活性服务业比重不断提升、社区商业全力推进、网上购物迅猛发展等新特点。

2)Life service industry生活服务业


1.Development Mentality and Planning Layout on Shanghai Suburbs Life Service Industry;上海郊区生活服务业的发展思路与规划布局

2.residential careph.1. 社会服务业(指对老弱病残者提供生活帮助的服务业)

3.Logistic service influences the mental health of vocational school students;后勤生活服务对职业院校学生心理健康的影响

4.Relation between life quality and logistic service in students of two medical colleges in Hunan and Guangxi;湖南、广西两所医科职业院校学生生活质量与后勤生活服务的关系

5.Environmental Advisory Service生活环境辅导服务会

6.ship domestic refuse collection service逐船收集生活垃圾服务

7.To Realize the System Conversion of Welfare Service to Operation Service;实现由福利服务型向经营服务型的转变——改革国有企业生活服务系统的探索

8.Production and sale of chemical goods, foreign economic activity, export and import of goods and services.生产并销售化工产品、展对外经贸活动、出口货物及服务业务。

9.A Study on Service-sector Productivity and Its Economic Growth;服务业生产率与服务业经济增长研究

10.Because of their production activities, accounting for manufacturers is more complex than accounting for service business and merchandisers.对这种生产活动的会计核算要比服务业或商业公司复杂得多。

11.On Cultivating Professional Qualifications of Modern Service for Higher Vocational College Students by Innovating Theme Activities on Campus创新校园主题活动培养现代服务业类高职学生职业素养的思考

12.To enjoy ESDlife"s distinguished services and offers to help you plan your study and career, please go to ESDlife"s Personal Growth Channel.为享用生活易提供的升学及就业服务、用资料和其他优惠,请到生活易教育-就业频道浏览。

13.Build exemplary "windows"offering civilized services in "window"trades which are closely related to the well-Being of the masses在与群众生活关系密切的“窗口”行业创建文明服务示范“窗口”

14.Land used for administration and life service should be less than 10% of the total area.企业用于行政办公与生活服务设施的用地所占比例控制在10%以内。

15.Study of Our Sports Business Effort Service for People s Life of Well-off Society;我国体育事业着力于服务小康社会人民生活的研究

16.Further efforts should be made to develop public service facilities, better people"s living environment and expand community services in order to make life easier for the people.加强公共服务设施建设,改善生活环境,发展社区服务,方便群众生活。

17.Recreational undertaking refers to the business of providing sites and services for recreational activities.娱乐业,是指为娱乐活动提供场所和服务的业务。

18.A Study on the Effect of Service Outsourcing from Manufacturing Industry on Productivity Growth in Services;制造业服务外包对服务业生产率增长的影响


Life service industry生活服务业

3)consumerist newspapers markets生活服务类报业

1.It is highly necessary to introduce the uniquely significant concept of "field", also "news field", into the comparative study ofconsumerist newspapers markets of Guangdong and Shanghai.对穗沪两地生活服务类报业市场的比较研究,有必要引入一个非常重要且独具作用的概念——“场域”(field),也被译作“场”,对新闻业来说就是“新闻场域”。

4)Life service civilization生活服务性文化

5)Life-support services生活服务

6)Serve the daily life服务生活


