100字范文 > 新兴服务业 new services英语短句 例句大全

新兴服务业 new services英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-07 03:57:27


新兴服务业 new services英语短句 例句大全

新兴服务业,new services

1)new services新兴服务业

1.Speed up the development ofnew services in Shaanxi, advance ajustment of inner structure;加快陕西新兴服务业发展促进内部结构调整


1.Pioneer Services and Enterprises Ordinance新兴服务业与企业法

2.Speed up the development of new services in Shaanxi, advance ajustment of inner structure;加快陕西新兴服务业发展促进内部结构调整

3.An Analysis of Object Functions and Profiting Mode of Inertial Expansion of Emerging Service Industry--Researching the Case of Hangzhou QinYe Drivers" Training Center新兴服务业惯性扩张的目标函数与盈利模式——杭州勤业驾驶培训中心的个案研究

4.a new carpet-cleaning service新兴的地毯清洗业务

5.Changes of Protestantism in China and the Rise of Border Service新教在华路向变化与边疆服务的兴起

6.On Jingzhou Higher and Vocational Education Serving for Industry Flourishing the City;荆州高教职教为工业兴市服务的思考

7.Discussion on the strategic significance of integral development of New Industry and Modern Service in Industrial Structure of Northeast China;论新兴工业与现代服务业融合发展在东北地区产业结构中的战略意义

8.The Research on the Competitiveness of the Service Industry and Service Innovation in Hebei Province;河北省服务业竞争力与服务创新研究

9.Employment Service--New Focus of Information Service in University and College Libraries;就业服务——高校图书馆信息服务新热点

10.Service Level Agreements --An Emerging Trend in the Internet Services Market;服务水平协议(SLA)——Internet服务业的新趋势

11.With the rising of a brand-new concept of pharmaceutical care in China"s pharmaceutical industry, medical libraries are facing new challenges.随着药学服务这一全新的理念在我国医药行业的兴起,医药图书馆正面临着新的挑战。

12.The Research on Auto Service Business Development Strategy of Fuxing Corporation in Five Years;富兴公司汽车服务业务五年发展战略研究

13.This newly emerging industry involves the development of technology, manufacturing of products, circulation of commodities, utilization of resources, provision of information, and undertaking of contracted projects.环保产业是包括技术开发、产品生产、商品流通、资源利用、信息服务及工程承包的新兴产业。

14.Such newly emerging industries as modern commerce, tourism, postal services, catering, entertainment and information technology, unknown in old Tibet, have grown by leaps and bounds.现代商业、旅游、邮电、饮食服务、文化娱乐、IT等在旧西藏闻所未闻的新兴产业迅猛发展。

15.The Relationship of Urbanization and the Development of Manufacturing and Service Industries--An Emerging Classical Economic Analysis Method城市化进程与服务业、制造业发展的关系——一个新兴古典经济学的分析方法

16.Construction plan of dwelling houses as well as commercial, industrial, and other urban service facilities.二、宅、业、业及其他都市服务设施兴建计画。

17.To Greatly Develop Vocational Education so as to Service for Shenyang Vigorous Development;大力发展职业教育为沈阳老工业基地振兴服务

18.The New Developing Trend in the World’s Service Industry and Some Ideas on the Development of Tianjin’s Service Industry;世界服务业发展新趋势与天津服务业发展思路


New Service Industry新型服务业

1.Channels of Technical Spillover from FDI ToNew Service Industry in China-A Case Study of Henan ProvinceFDI对新型服务业技术溢出渠道的实证研究——以河南省为例

3)services innovation服务业创新

1.Study on developing a policy system for regionalservices innovation in China完善我国区域服务业创新的政策体系研究

4)Xinjiang service industry新疆服务业

1.The different natural condition and economic environment from other regions offerXinjiang service industry special charac-teristics.新疆具有与其他省市地区不一样的自然条件、经济环境,使得新疆服务业的发展也具有了自身的特点。

5)prospering library by service服务兴馆

6)innovative service industry创新型服务业

1.Development trend analysis ofinnovative service industry in Beijing;北京创新型服务业发展趋势分析

2.With the integration of services and technology as well as the development of scientific and technological innovation,innovative service industry has emerged.随着服务与科技的融合以及科技创新的发展,创新型服务业应运而生。


