100字范文 > 优势模式 favored pattern英语短句 例句大全

优势模式 favored pattern英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-10 04:44:18


优势模式 favored pattern英语短句 例句大全

优势模式,favored pattern

1)favored pattern优势模式


1.Study and Utilization of Heterosispa Tenr in Early-matured Maize早熟玉米杂种优势模式的探究与利用

2.Grouping of Parental Lines and Establishment of Heterotic Patterns in Indica Hybrid Rice (Oryza Sativa L.);杂交灿稻亲本杂种优势群的划分及杂种优势模式的构建

3.Study on Heterotic Groups and Patterns of High Amylopectin Maize高支链淀粉玉米的杂种优势群和杂种优势模式研究

4.Studies on Heterotic Patterns and Breeding Technology of Maize in Jilin;吉林省玉米杂种优势模式及育种技术的研究

5.Exert the advantage of network and optimize the method of English teaching;发挥网络优势 优化英语教学模式

6.Advantages of the 2+2 Pattern in College Oral English Teaching Mode;“2+2”式高校英语口语教学模式的优势

7.Trying Theory "Zhongxin" Pattern Supriority and Its Non-Model;试论“中信”模式的优势及其非楷模性

8.A Comparative Structural Advantage and Paradox of the Pattern--Taking as an example the pattern in south of Jiangsu;比较制度优势与模式化悖论——以苏南模式为实例

9.The advantage of online learning to the traditional educational mode;网络教育模式较之传统教学模式的优势

10.On the Advantage, Disadvantage and the Economic Modeof Sustainable Development of Wulin Mountainous Area;武陵山区的优势、劣势及可持续发展模式研究

11.Creating a new paradigm for global competitive edge-strategic network;构筑全球竞争优势的新模式——战略网络

12.Practice Interactive Classroom Instruction with the Aid of Group-based Teaching Mode;发挥团队优势 实现教学模式的改革

13.Independent Colleges: Comparative Advantages of their School-running Model and their Effect;独立学院办学模式的比较优势及影响

14.Enterprises competitive advantages and application of the advanced manufacture modes;企业竞争优势和先进制造模式的应用

15.The Tries to the University“Reunite to Create the Type” the Mode Advantage of the Land Scape Painting Teaching;试论高师“复合创造型”教学模式的优势

16.Exploring New Mode of Running Higher Vocational Colleges--East-West Collaboration and Strength Complementarity高职办学模式初探——东西合作,优势互补

17.Innovation of Talent Cultivation Mode by Taking Professional Advantage拓展行业办学优势 创新人才培养模式

parative Advantage Analysis on the Modes of Supply of Trade in Service服务贸易提供模式及其比较优势研究


Heterotic pattern杂种优势模式

3)heterosis model杂种优势模式

1.On the basis of study and practice of heterosis parent selection of maize heterosis at home from 1960 to 1997, theheterosis model of hybrid parent selection was summarized, a survey of hybrids practice was analyzed too.根据 1 960~ 1 997年的国内玉米杂交种亲本选配的研究和实践 ,综述了玉米杂交种亲本选配的杂种优势模式 ,分析了当前玉米杂交种的生产实践简况 ,提出了今后玉米杂种优势模式 ,并对种质改良方面进行了探

4)Heterosis models杂交优势模式

5)superior mode优势模态

1.Thesuperior mode, that is, the relative vibration response between the cutting tool and working table, not only influences the machining quality of the workpiece, but causes self-excited vibration of the machine tool.结果表明,在机床振动中并非每一阶主振型都会对加工质量构成较大影响,提高机床抗振性主要是减少刀具与工作台之间的相对振动即相对动柔度和提高优势模态频率。

6)scale advantage规模优势

1.This paper analyzes the reasons,scale advantages and unfavorable factors of Chinese large enterprises transnational mergers and acquisitions, and advance some tactics for rational mergers and acquisitions of enterprises.分析了中国大型企业跨国并购的动因、规模优势以及不利因素,并提出企业理性并购的策略。

2.This will better display the group sscale advantage and the synergy effect, helping the insurance group to achieve the objective of faster, better and stronger development.实行产寿险互动式发展,是保险集团生存的需要、发展的需要、服务和谐社会的需要,可以进一步发挥规模优势和协同效应,实现又好又快做大做强的发展目标。

parative advantage,scale advantage belong to"specialization benefits",but price advantage belongs to"trade benefits".分工后的比较优势、规模优势属于“分工利益,”而“价格倾斜”优势属于“贸易利益”。


