100字范文 > SE序列 SE sequence英语短句 例句大全

SE序列 SE sequence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-16 16:30:53


SE序列 SE sequence英语短句 例句大全

SE序列,SE sequence

1)SE sequenceSE序列

1.This article is studying the rule of the image signal value when TR value is changed by MRI ofSE sequence.利用一系列图像信号值拟合得出了所测猪肉的纵向弛豫时间T1范围,并发现了在SE序列成像过程中图像信号与T1之间有相关性。

2.[Results] Among the 15 subarachnoid hemorrhage,only 7 case were diagnosed on conventionalSE sequences,which appeared as abnormal signal on T1WI.[方法]回顾性分析蛛网膜下腔出血15例,所有患者在发病2 d内均进行CT和MR检查,MR检查序列包含SE序列的T1WI和T2WI以及FLAIR序列,CT与MR检查时间间隔少于30 min。


1.The artifacts with SE sequent and FSE sequent were the smallest ,but the artifacts with Fast sequence were the largest .SE序列最小 ,与 FSE序列基本相同 ,FAST序列最大 ;

2.MR Contrast-enhanced T_1 Weighted Imaging of Meningeal Disease:Comparison Inversion Recovery Sequence with Spin Echo Sequence脑膜病变的磁共振增强T_1WI:IR与SE序列的比较

3.13 patients with fatty pathological change were scanned using SE and fatness suppression on the low?magnetical?field domestically?produced MRI machine.方法:13例脂肪性病变患者在国产低场磁共振机上作SE序列及脂肪抑制扫描。

4.isometric DNA sequence同组异序DNA序列

5.flanking sequence侧翼序列,旁侧序列

6.serial anticipation method序列预测法 序列预度法

7.targeting sequencing前导序列,导向序列

8.being or denoting a numerical order in a series.指一个序列的号数顺序。

9.To schedule the order of(a sequence of procedures).安排(一系列程序)的顺序

10.segment sequencen.1. 【电脑】程序段序列

11.the ending of a series or sequence.一个系列或序列的最后。

12.The exhibits are arranged on a historical basis .陈列品按年代顺序排列。

13.Serial number(machine code)序列号(机器码):

14.BSN - Backward sequence numberBSN -- 后向序列号

15.FCS - Frame check sequenceFCS -- 桢检测序列

16.On the Smarandache Combinatorial Sequences;关于Smarandache组合序列

17.On the Smarandache-Reimann Zeta sequence;关于Smarandache-Reimann Zeta序列

18.centromeric sequence着丝粒序列[见于着丝粒的共有序列]



1.Analysis of selenium contents in 32 kinds of aquatic production in Guangzhou;广州市32种水产品的Se含量特征分析

2.Determination of selenium in seawater using ion selective electrode;离子选择性电极测定海水中的Se

3.Effects of selenium on reproductive performances and immune functions in dairy cows;不同Se源对奶牛繁殖性能和免疫功能的影响

3)a Sea-Se


1.Identifying and sequence analysis of HLA-B~*2736;HLA-B~*2736等位基因的序列分析

positive sequence in treatment of oral and maxillofacial hemangioma;口腔颌面部血管瘤血管畸形的综合序列治疗

3.Sequence analysis of HIV-1 subtype B′viruses;B′亚型人类免疫缺陷病毒的基因序列分析


1.Study on detector of Mealy type pulsesequences with wrong logic output;Mealy型脉冲序列检测器中非逻辑输出的研究

2.Study of Numerical and Figure Expression for DNA Sequences;DNA序列数形表示的研究

3.Family ofsequences with low cross-correlation and large linear span;一类具有低相关特性和较大线性复杂度的序列集


1.cDNA cloning,sequencing andcharacterization of radish chloroplastATPase beta subunit;萝卜叶绿体ATP酶β亚基的cDNA克隆及序列特征

2.Cloning and Sequencing of gE Gene Fragment Encoding Epitopes of Pseudorabies Virus Fa Strain;伪狂犬病病毒闽A株gE基因表位抗原编码区的克隆与序列测定

3.Cloning and Sequencing of Full_length Fusion Gene of Strain ZQ98_1 of Pigeon Paramyxovirus_I;鸽Ⅰ型副粘病毒ZQ98-1株F基因全序列的克隆和序列分析


