100字范文 > 序列测定 sequencing英语短句 例句大全

序列测定 sequencing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-02 11:24:25


序列测定 sequencing英语短句 例句大全



1.Cloning andsequencing of the cadmium resistance regulation gene CzcR in Ralstonia metallidurans;Ralstonia eutropha菌株镉抗性调节基因CzcR的克隆与序列测定

2.Sequencing of Arresten,an endogenous angiogenesis inhibitor gene,and its expression in E.coli BL21;内源性血管生成抑制因子Arresten的序列测定及在E.coli BL21中的表达

plete genomesequencing and phylogenetic analysis of a Dengue virus type I strain isolated in Fujian province;福建省登革1型病毒基因组序列测定及进化分析


1.Sequencing and Analysis of Duck Virus Enteritis New Gene Sequence;鸭肠炎病毒新基因的序列测定及其序列分析

2.Construction of Rice Mutants by T-DNA Insertional Mutagenesis and Analysis of Flanking Sequences;水稻突变体库的构建与侧翼序列测定

3.Sequencing and Phelogenetic Analysis of Hypervariable Region of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus VP2 Gene;IBDVvp2基因高变区序列测定与进化分析

4.The Complete Sequence Determination and Analysis of Bombyx mori Mitochondrial Genome;家蚕线粒体基因组全序列测定及分析

5.Cloning and Sequencing of MT cDNA Gene in Housefly Larvae;家蝇金属硫蛋白的cDNA克隆与序列测定

6.Sequences and Analysis of the Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) for Panaeolus Paludosus;沼生花褶伞rDNA的ITS序列测定及分析

7.Research on the Cloning and Sequencing of Cytb Gene in Liaoning Cashmere Goat辽宁绒山羊Cytb基因的克隆和序列测定

8.Cloning and sequence analysis of par-4 SAC genepar-4 SAC基因的克隆及序列测定

9.Sequence determination and analysis of the ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA in six species of Lolium毒麦属6个种的rDNA ITS序列测定及分析

10.Quantitative evaluation of viral fitness by nucleotide sequence determination核苷酸序列测定法定量评价病毒相对适合度

11.One version of the dideoxy sequencing method can be used to sequence the 5"ends of RNA molecules by "primer extension".一种形式的双脱氧序列测定法是通过引子的延长来测定RNA分子5’末端的序列。

12.Sequencing and Function Analysis of Plasmid pHH205 from Extremely Halophilic Archaea;极端嗜盐古生菌质粒pHH205全序列测定及功能分析

13.Construction of cDNA Library of Pichia Stipitis and Its ESTs Sequencing;树干毕赤酵母cDNA文库构建及EST序列测定

14.Sequencing and Analysis of E2 Gene of CSFV Gansu Epidemic Strain;甘肃流行猪瘟病毒E2基因序列测定及分析

15.Sequence and Analysis of the Complete Sequence of Plasmid Isolated from the Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae;胸膜肺炎放线杆菌质粒的序列测定与分析

16.Sequencing and Analysis of E2 Gene of Csfv GX Epidemic Strains;广西流行猪瘟病毒E_2基因序列测定及分析

17.serial anticipation method序列预测法 序列预度法

18.Sequence and Phylogenetic Analysis of 18S rRNA Gene for Eimeria in Chicken鸡球虫18S rRNA基因序列的测定与分析


sequence analysis序列测定

1.Cloning andsequence analysis of group specific antigen gp27 gene of rous sarcoma virus;禽劳斯肉瘤病毒群特异性抗原基因gp27片段的克隆及序列测定

2.Sequence Analysis of a 3.6kb BamHI Genomic Fragment of Fowlpox Virus Strain 282E 4;鸡痘病毒282E_4株基因组3.6kbBamHI片段序列测定与分析

3.[Methods] Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) essay andsequence analysis of the PCR product were used to ascertain the gene mutation.方法应用PCR及单链构象多态性(SSCP)分析技术结合基因序列测定方法确定突变类型。


1.Sequence and phylogenetic tree analysis of human T-lymphotropic virus type Ⅰ i n Fujian province;福建HTLV-Ⅰ的序列测定和系统树分析

2.Nucleotide Sequence Analysis of Genome Segment A of a Field Infectious Bursal Disease Virus;鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒核酸A片段RT-PCR扩增及序列测定

3.1,and thesequence was subsequently determined.1载体用T4DNA连接酶连接;连接产物转化大肠杆菌JM109进行筛选、序列测定。

4)DNA sequencing序列测定

1.Genomic DNAs were genotyped by PCR-SSP and directDNA sequencing at the exon 6 and 7 of ABO gene.方法对一例血型血清学正反定型不符的无偿捐血者样本进行了包括吸收放散、血型物质检测等系列血清学实验后,采用PCR-SSP方法、第6、7外显子PCR产物直接测序,进行ABO基因定型;并对第6、7外显子及第6内含子进行基因克隆序列分析,以及采用PCR扩增样本的ABO基因5端调控(CBF/NF-Y增强子)区域,扩增产物经胶回收后进行直接序列测定。

5)Sequence determination序列测定

1.Construction of an eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.1-glutathione-S-transferase M1 and sequence determination;方法采用RT -PCR方法将肺组织中提取总RNA扩增人谷胱甘肽硫转移酶M1基因的cDNA序列 ,将其插入到真核表达载体 pcDNA3 1多克隆位点中 ,构建重组表达质粒 ,并用PCR扩增、酶切分析及序列测定等方法对重组质粒进行鉴定。

6)Gene Sequencing序列测定


