100字范文 > 操练课 drill classes英语短句 例句大全

操练课 drill classes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-23 03:34:42


操练课 drill classes英语短句 例句大全

操练课,drill classes

1)drill classes操练课

1.We collected data from 8 teachers\"drill classes of grade 3 in HBA, each lasting 2 hours, and we analyzed teachers\" questioning in several aspects, such as the categories in questioning, the teachers\" questioning strategies, the waitng-time for the questions and the teachers\" feedback, etc.其次,也是本文研究的主体,即自然研究的方法,对自然状态下HBA三年级小班操练课进行录音,然后转写为语料,对教师提问进行分析,提问分析主要从提问的类型、教师提问的策略、教师的等待时间、学生回答后教师给予的反馈等方面对转写的语料进行分析,以客观的角度得出教师课堂提问的特点以及存在的问题,同时配合访谈材料作为主观线索,从而为对外汉语教学和师资培训提供一些参考意见。

2)drill models课堂操练

3)Drill and practice courseware操练与练习型课件



1.The soldiers were drilling on the playground士兵们在操场上操练。

2.The soldiers drill every morning.士兵每天早上操练。

3.Exercises fatigued her.操练使她感到疲惫不堪。

4.The platoon drills regularly every day.这个排每天按时操练。

5.The exercises fatigued her.操练使她感到很疲乏。

6.At the end of the drill parade, the battalion fell out.操练之后,队伍解散了。

7.route march long march made by soldiers in training(部队操练中的)长途行军.

8.We went again to watch the militiawomen drilling.我们又去看女民兵操练。

9.military drill(esp marching,etc)军事操练(尤指行军等).

10.Refine your plan and practice more and more until you reach your goal!完善你的计划,操练,再操练,直到实现自己的目标。

11.Bed-time is to be strictly observed.下午,他们在操场上操练,做深呼吸。

12.The soldiers were at drill in the barrack-yard.士兵们在兵营练兵场操练。

13.Constant practice may result in improvement, but constant three-ly practice will result in success!坚持操练能让你进步,而坚持用“三最法”操练能让你成功!

14.show proficiency in operating a switchboard操作配电板十分熟练.

15.equipment used in gymnastic exercises.用于体操训练的装置。

16.They are training for the steering.他们在接受操舵训练。

17.The art or practice of such exercises.体操技巧体操训练的艺术或实践

18.Primary Research of Gymnastic Exercised Dynamic Training of Aerobics;健美操操化动作力度训练的初步研究


drill models课堂操练

3)Drill and practice courseware操练与练习型课件



1.Based on some practical examples,the paper proposes some skillful methods of how to activate the classroom teaching and learning in college English : emotional communication, simulatedpractice , devising questions and self - initiated exploration, etc.本文就大学英语的学科特点,遵循语言学习规律,结合自己的教学实践,运用实例阐述了情感交流、模拟操练、巧设疑问、自主学习等若干教学方法。

2.This thesis focuses on present situation of primary Chinese oral classpractice.本文研究的是对外汉语初级口语课堂的操练现状。

6)in-class exercises课课练

1.Application ofin-class exercises to P.E teaching;“课课练”在体育教学中的运用


操练1.以队列形式教授和练习军事技能。 2.练习。 3.犹实践。
