100字范文 > 演练 drilling英语短句 例句大全

演练 drilling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-20 05:33:35


演练 drilling英语短句 例句大全



1.The practice of nursing emergency projectdrilling to strengthen risk management;实施护理应急预案演练 加强护理风险管理

2.Effect evaluation of the practice of field rescue training anddrilling in employed nurses;组织聘用护士野战救护训练及演练的效果评价

3.This paper is mainly on organization management and solution design for the implementation anddrilling of a disaster-tolerant system.本文针对容灾系统实施与演练的组织管理与方案制定,阐述了典型容灾系统的建设和管理需要考虑的某些问题。


1.A: We brought fruit juice.口试模拟实战演练(一)

2.A Comparison of Imitating Conducting Drill and Piano Duet Conducting Drill in Teaching指挥教学中摹仿演练与双钢琴演练比较研究

3.Tries to Discuss the Martial Arts Repertoire to Train the Sound of Something Astir Rhythm and Its Consciousness Training;试论武术套路演练中的动静节奏及其意识训练

4.Further, practicing the speech out loud will help the speaker identify the strong and weak parts of the speech.再者,大家演练讲稿也可以帮助演讲人知道演讲内容的强弱之处。

5.someone who is expert in the art of escaping.熟练表演脱身术的人。

6.The actors were rehearsing in the theater.演员们正在剧场里排练。

7.He performs perfectly on the piano.他熟练地演奏钢琴。

8.in rehearsal在排演中,在排练中

9.practice performance of a play,opera,etc(戏剧、歌剧等的)排练,排演

10.Actors need training in diction.演员需要训练发音。

11.practising arpeggios练习演奏急速和弦.

12.rehearse the actors for the fight scene指导演员排练武打场面.

13.a skilful painter, driver, performer熟练的画家、 司机、 表演者

14.Ballet dancers practise their skills every day.芭蕾舞演员每天练功。

15.Performance and Actor Training in Experimental Dramas小剧场话剧中的微相表演及演员训练

16.A speaker who honed her delivery by long practice.一个演讲者通过长期练习来磨练提高她的口才

17.A piece composed for the development of a specific point of technique.练习曲为练习某种特殊演奏技巧的乐曲

18.Review on Development of Sports Coaching from the Evolution of Training Cycle Theory从周期训练理论演化看运动训练学的发展



1.Some Problems in Accident Beforehand CaseDrill and its Improvement;事故预案演练中存在的问题与改进

2.Research on computer network attack drill based on attack description language;基于攻击描述语言的计算机网络攻击演练研究

3.Drill with Examples in Computer Aided Graphic Design Teaching;示例演练法在电脑图像处理教学中的应用


1.Discussion on EmergencyExercise of The Earthquake Field Work Team;关于地震现场工作队应急演练的探讨

2.Case Analysis of EmergencyExercise Abroad and Its Revelation to China国外重大应急演练案例解析及对中国的启示

3.This system provides an integrated exercise platform for electric power communication operators and is also helpful to improve communication management capability.介绍了电力通信反事故分析系统,该系统可以为电力通信人员提供一个综合演练平台,同时提高通信管理水平。


1.Survey on the Stability Factor in Routing Practice of Martial Arts;浅析武术套路演练中的稳定性因素

2.The program and principle of drawing up and perfection of emergency plan of accident andpractice are studied.通过对攀钢热电厂编制和完善事故应急预案与急救措施体系的介绍,探索了编制完善事故应急预案、进行实际演练的程序和原则。


1.The Discussion on the Dynamic and Static Rhythm Which lie in thePerformance of Routing Arts;论武术套路演练中的动静节奏

2.The performance of Wushu routing game , as one type of the games whose main object is to perferm artistic beautifulness , its highest purpose is to go after having both appearance and expression.武术套路的演练,作为一种表现其独特技击美和艺术美的运动形式,形神兼备是其追求的最高境界。

6)emergency drilling应急演练

1.Considering that the methods foremergency drilling performance assessment are very rare presently,a new method based on time constraint model is put forth according to the traits ofemergency drilling.针对该应急演练绩效评估方法单一现状,结合应急演练特点,提出基于时间约束模型的应急演练绩效评估方法。


表象演练训练表象演练训练image rehearsal training表象演练划I!练(image rehoarsal training)在过去感知的基础上,将自我暗示和运动表象相结合,强化运动技术的心理训练方法。这种训练主要是运动员有意识地利用正确的词语进行暗示,使自己头脑中已形成的运动表象重现,引起神经肌肉系统的相应变化,从而促进运动技术的形成,巩固加深动作的印象。表象心理演练法,通常要求在安静的环境中身体放松的情况下进行。演练要求尽量通真,身临其境,激发其成功的体验感。表象演练既可以演练整个比赛过程以及每一个动作、每一个环节,也可以演练获胜情景,夺取胜利所需的战略和策略。运动员平时养成牢记运动表象的习惯,牢记那些对自己起过积极作用的身体、情绪和思维活动表象,对进行表象演练是十分有益的。(谢三才撰刘漱慈审)
