100字范文 > 模拟演练 simulation drilling英语短句 例句大全

模拟演练 simulation drilling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-16 13:57:45


模拟演练 simulation drilling英语短句 例句大全

模拟演练,simulation drilling

1)simulation drilling模拟演练

1.The practice and effect ofsimulation drilling of emergency response to hanging in psychiatric patients精神科开展自缢患者应急处置模拟演练的实践与效果


1.Mock drilling is a usual way in teaching of the major of management.模拟演练是管理类专业教学中的常用方法。

2.Design and Realization of Metro Emergency Drilling System地铁信号故障模拟演练系统的设计与实现

3.The practice and effect of simulation drilling of emergency response to hanging in psychiatric patients精神科开展自缢患者应急处置模拟演练的实践与效果

4.A: We brought fruit juice.口试模拟实战演练(一)

5.The army training exercises ended with a mock battle.军队的训练演习以一场模拟战结束。

6.Design and Implementation of Computer Attack Training Simulator Based on Vulnerability;基于漏洞的攻击演练模拟器的设计与实现

7.The Function of Animal Imitation Exercise in Performing Teaching;动物模拟练习在表演基础课教学中的作用

8.Design and implementation of a unit-level combat training simulation system分队指挥模拟对抗演练系统设计与实现

9.simulated scene training情感模拟训练情境模拟训练

10.A large-scale tactical exercise carried out under simulated conditions of war.对抗演习在模拟战争状态下所进行大型战术训练

11.Design and Realization of Field Comprehensive Military Drill Simulation System Basing on Distributed Scene基于分布式视景仿真的野外综合演练模拟系统设计与实现

12.Influence of modeling situation drilling method on cultivation of critical thinking ability of student nurses模拟情境演练法对培养护生评判性思维能力的影响

13.three-axis simulator trainer三自由度模拟训练器

14.Then he showed his left hand to her.中考英语听力模拟训练

15.The people who travel on Fred"s bus like Fred because he is always friendly.中考英语听力模拟训练

16.There they watch the first sunrise of the new year.中考英语听力模拟训练

17.The next day I phoned all my friends.中考英语听力模拟训练

18.TGTS (Tank Gunnery Training Simulator)坦克射击训练模拟器


simulation drilling in mimic scene情景模拟演练

3)virtual training虚拟演练

1.According to the demand of the Subway Anti-terrorismvirtual training, with the fire disaster event disposition as an example, a 3D Subway Virtual Training System is developed by using the Game Graphical Engine technique.根据地铁反恐实战模拟演练的需要,以地铁火灾事件处置为例,采用游戏引擎技术,开发了地铁3维虚拟演练系统,对地铁内部环境进行了逼真模拟,在3维环境下,实现了信息查询、多媒体信息关联展示、动态视频调用等功能,并可以动态操作控制3维虚拟对象,进行事件的动态处置,在基于3维的虚拟演练方面,做了有益的探索与尝试。

4)combat training simulation system模拟对抗演练系统

1.Design and implementation of a unit-levelcombat training simulation system分队指挥模拟对抗演练系统设计与实现

5)simulated training模拟训练

1.Realization of calculating engine forsimulated training by use of Simulink;用Simulink实现模拟训练系统的解算引擎

2.Study and practice of thesimulated training of Enterprise Management;《企业管理》课程模拟训练的研究与实践

3.Research on the application of virtual reality technology in firesimulated training虚拟现实技术在消防模拟训练中的应用研究进展

6)simulating training模拟训练

1.Thesimulating training system of equipment support command that provides information for the battle simulating system is more available in the modern war .作战模拟技术作为研究现代战争特点和规律的有效手段,越来越受到各国军队的重视,而作为对作战模拟系统提供信息支持的装备保障指挥模拟训练系统在现代战争中发挥着越来越大的作用。

2.Based on the computer simulation technology,thesimulating training means is increasingly taken seriously.基于计算机仿真技术的模拟训练日益得到重视,该文根据海警舰艇仿真系统的装备情况,主要分析仿真系统在舰艇指挥专业实验教学、海警部队训练中的应用,以及在经济建设中的应用领域,讨论在模拟训练中设备、人才、信息等资源整合与共享的重要性。


