100字范文 > 清代帝王 The emperors of Qing dynasty英语短句 例句大全

清代帝王 The emperors of Qing dynasty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-17 13:47:07


清代帝王 The emperors of Qing dynasty英语短句 例句大全

清代帝王,The emperors of Qing dynasty

1)The emperors of Qing dynasty清代帝王


1.Official Compiling History and Cultural-moral Governance of the Emperors in Qing Dynasty;史馆修史与清代帝王文治——以乾隆朝为中心

2.Emperor,National Archives and Government History Science--Viewing the feature of the government historical science from theangle of the emperors" intervention of the history writing of Qing dynaty帝王·史馆·官方史学——从清代帝王对史馆修史的干预看官方史学的特征

3.The Imperial Utopia--The Ideal Realm of Imperial Gardens in the Qing Dynasty帝王的乌托邦——清代皇家园林中的理想境界

4.Clay figurine artist Wang Chunlin made five plates of clay children to send to the imperial court and they were highly praised by Emperor Qianlong.彩塑师王春林制作五盘泥孩儿进献,得到清代乾隆皇帝的赞赏。

5.With a total area of 68.2 ha., Beihai Park was “the Imperial Garden” in the Liao, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties.北海公园原是辽、金、明、清历代封建帝王的“御花园”。总面积共有68.2公顷。

6.Tutorial Pictures for the Emperors:A Perspective of Exploring the Tutoring of the Emperors in Ancient China从《帝鉴图说》管窥中国古代帝王教育

7.He is the perfect type of imperiality in any ancient dynasty.他是任何古代王朝理想的典型帝王之尊。

8.The Customary Calling for Emperors of Different Dynasties in China and Counting of Years;对我国历代王朝帝王及其纪年的习惯称说

9.In ancient times, yellow was the Chinese imperial color,古代,黄色是中国帝王的颜色,

10.The Emperor Narrative in Novels from 1980s;80年代以来长篇小说中的帝王叙事

11.A Study of the Posthumous Titles of the Ming Emperors: Centered with Emperor Taizu and Emperor Wuzong明代帝王谥号研究:以太祖和武宗为例

12.The premier process from "internal saints" to "external kingcraft" is the First Memorial to the Empire of Qing Density.由“内圣”走向“外王”,第一步就是《第一次上清皇帝书》。

13.On the Political Culture Tradition of the Ancient Chinese Emperors and Its Modern Transformation试论中国古代帝王政治文化传统及其现代转化

14.Emperors of the Qing Dynasty preferred to use the words "three rams bringing bliss".清代皇帝也喜欢用“三羊开泰”的典故。

15.For emperors in all dynasties, offering sacrifices at the Altar of the Earth and Harvests became the most solemn of all ceremonies.历代帝王,最隆重的祭神仪式,就是祭社稷。

16.Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and the Ministers of the State of Dai:with Reference to Prince Changyi and His Ministers;汉文帝与代臣——兼论昌邑王刘贺与昌邑臣

17.The Principle of Procedure under Law Revisited;现代刑事诉讼法的“帝王"原则:程序法定原则重述

18.Modes of Imperial Thinking and Thinking of Confucian Classics --with Study of Confucian Classics of the Han Dynasty as the Starting- Point;帝王思维与经学思维模式——从汉代经学谈起


Qing emperors清朝帝王

3)emperors of the early Qing Dynasty清初帝王

4)Emperor in Qing Dynasty清代皇帝

5)Yingbi of Temple of Ancient Monarchs历代帝王庙影壁

6)Chinese imperial novels古代帝王小说

1.Finally,focusing on AncientChinese imperial novels for the overall understanding and discussion.本文从中国古代帝王小说中选择了汉武帝、隋炀帝、唐太宗、唐玄宗、宋太祖、宋徽宗,乾隆等七位帝王逐一进行研究,简单梳理了有关七位帝王的主要小说文本,并就每位帝王小说的不同特点进行了初步分析概括。


