100字范文 > 洪水神话 flood myth英语短句 例句大全

洪水神话 flood myth英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-23 13:46:39


洪水神话 flood myth英语短句 例句大全

洪水神话,flood myth

1)flood myth洪水神话

1.An Archetypal Study of the Flood Myth in the Mill on the Floss;《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中的洪水神话的原型解读

2.The water-origin-type world creating myth directly influences formation of theflood myth,and these ancient and civilized countries were the original birth place of theflood myth;the early philosophy thought of these ancient and civilized country-the universe concept of.水生型创世神话直接影响了洪水神话的形成,五大文明古国是遍布世界的洪水神话的最初诞生之地,其早期的哲学思想——"水为世界本原"或"气为世界本原"的宇宙观是由水生型创世神话升华而来的。

3.Different texts of Philippineflood myth are different in Plots,but thir basic narrating structure is the same,which can be divided into three parts:beginning,centre and end.菲律宾洪水神话异文的具体情节不尽相同,但其隐含的基本叙事结构却是共同的,都可以划分为开端、中介、结尾三个发展阶段,于是可以用一个统一的情节结构纲目来归纳各异文中的情节发展。


1.Analyze the myth on survivors of floodwater--Taking the texts of Yi floodwater myths for example;洪水遗民神话解析——以彝族洪水神话文本为例

2.Flood Myth : the Pearl on the Crown of Mythology;洪水神话:神话学皇冠上的明珠——全球洪水神话的发现及其研究价值

3.The Legend of Dayu and the legendary Flood Story in Gaoshan Ethnicity in Taiwan;大禹治水传说与台湾高山族洪水神话

4.On the Popularity of the Flood Myth and Its Cognition Values;试析洪水神话的世界性及其认识价值

5.“Flood myth” corresponding with archaeological findings;“洪水神话”与考古发现的对应试证

6.An Archetypal Study of the Flood Myth in the Mill on the Floss《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》中的洪水神话的原型解读

7.The Displacement of the Flood Myth:Archetype Interpretation to George Eliot s The Mill on the Floss;变形的洪水神话——《佛洛斯河上的磨房》的原型解读

8.Narrative Arts in the Flood Legends of China′s South Minorities;试析我国南方少数民族洪水神话的叙事艺术

9.Degeneration and Regeneration--Macroscopical Structure of Philippine Flood Myth;蜕变与再生——菲律宾洪水神话的宏观结构

10.An Analysis of Nu Wa Reprair the Sky of Mythology Connotation from the Perspective of Floods Mythology;从上古洪水神话看女娲补天的文化内涵

11.On the Discourse Power in the Construction of Early Forms of Human Marriage:An Analysis of Mythology of Flood;关于人类早期婚姻形态建构的话语权力说:洪水神话分析

12.A Comparative Study on Mongolian Mythology:with the Center of “the Paradise the Earth”&“Hunter Hailibu”;蒙古族洪水神话比较研究——以《天上人间》和《猎人海力布》为中心

13.The fairy tales about floods, as the common theme of all peoples across the world, have become human common memories of the disasters in man` s infancy.洪水神话作为世界各族的一个共同主题,已成为人类对童年期灾难的共同记忆。

14.Collecting and Sorting Out Folk Literature and the Study of Anthropology--Taking Flood Myth and Ethnic Identity as an Example;民间文学的收集整理与人类学研究——以洪水神话和族群认同研究为例

15.The Evolution of the Flood-and-Gourd Myth and the Migration of the Indian-Myanmar Naga People洪水、葫芦神话的衍变与印缅那加族的迁移

16.Some of the telephone poles were knocked down by the surging waters.一些电话线杆被汹涌的洪水冲倒。

17.Neural Network Based Predicative Method for Flood Disaster基于神经网络的洪水灾害预测方法

18.FIR Neural Network and Its Applications in Flood Forecasting;FIR 神经网络及其在洪水预报上的应用


flood mythology洪水神话

1.Mainly using the way of fancy and fabrication,flood mythology of Mongol group narrate how ancient people multiply again after destroying by a fierce flood.蒙古族洪水神话主要用幻想和虚构的方式 ,叙述古时人类被一次大洪水毁灭之后 ,如何再生繁衍的故事。

3)Myths on Flood洪水神话

1.Study on Shuizhi Son——A Comparison between Chinese and JapaneseMyths on Flood;水蛭子考——中日洪水神话比较

4)the myth of flood bearing mankind洪水育人神话

5)brother-sister-get-married pattern flood mythology兄妹婚型洪水神话

1.Thebrother-sister-get-married pattern flood mythology has always been taking as the evidence of consanguineous marriage, which is a misinterpretation.兄妹婚型洪水神话历来被视为是人类早期存在过血缘婚阶段的重要论据。

6)Hongtong water god temple洪洞水神庙

1.The frescoes inHongtong water god temple not only vividly present the social feature of Shanxi in the Yuan Dynasty,but also reflect many historical characteristics of science,culture and life in this period.洪洞水神庙壁画生动地反映了元代山西地区的社会面貌,也折射出元代科学、文化、艺术、生活等诸多历史特征,透过这些壁画我们既可以了解当时的社会风俗,也可以分析当时的科学文化发展状况。


