100字范文 > 消解神话 myth digesting英语短句 例句大全

消解神话 myth digesting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-29 04:46:01


消解神话 myth digesting英语短句 例句大全

消解神话,myth digesting

1)myth digesting消解神话

2)myth resolution神话消解

3)myth explanation神话解读


1.Deity in the World:Analysis of Oedipus" language人间的神祗:俄狄浦斯神语的神话解读

2.On Devil Terminator: Myth Explanations to Two Movies;魔鬼终结者:对两部电影的神话解读

3.Succeeding to The Myth:Analysis of the Mythological Elements in The Awakening;神话的延续——解读《觉醒》中的神话元素

4.The Power of Image;图像的威力:由神话读神画,以神画解神话

5.Unscrambling the National Spirit in the Fables of the Minorities of China;解读我国少数民族神话中的民族精神

6.Modern People in the Experience of Absurdity--Interpretation on The Myth of Sisphus荒诞体验中的现代人——解读《西西弗神话》

7.Cultural Analysis to the Deterioration of Babylonia Myth对巴比伦创世神话之“变质”的文化解读

8.A Myth or a Lie?--Analysis of A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest Gaines是神话,还是谎言?——解读盖恩斯《死前一课》

9.The Amalgamation of the Myth and the Reality: On the Corn Person;神话与现实的交融——解读《玉米人》

10.An Exploration into "Distortion" Motif in our country s Ancient Mythology;我国古代神话中的“变形”母题解读

11.Decoding the Form and Essence Structure of the Traditional Chinese Painting and its Potential Discourse;中国画“形”“神”结构及潜在话语解读

12.Understanding White Beauty Myth in The Bluest Eye;白人理想美的神话:《最蓝的眼睛》解读

13.A Fixation Period: A New Logical Viewpoint in Interpreting Chinese Myths and Western Myths;定格期:解读中西神话的一个逻辑支点

14.Demythological Reading and Comprehension of The Sound And The Fury;《喧哗与骚动》的“非神话化”解读

15.Angel and Devil--Discussion On the Female Images in the World Myths;天使与恶魔——世界神话中的女性解读

16.Eternal Myth: An Interpretation of Toni Morrison s Beloved;解读托尼莫里森《宠儿》中的神话原型

17.Myth of Memory: The Billiards Machine in 1973;记忆的神话——对《1973年的弹子球》的解读

18.The Mythological Prototype s Explanation of the Queen Mother of the West and Folklore Meaning;“西王母”神话的原型解读及民俗学意义


myth resolution神话消解

3)myth explanation神话解读


1.Angela Carter is a self-claimed "demythologizer," who is engaged in the shattering of myths, especially the male myth about the female, the Western-center myth about other cultures, and the white myth about the colored.英国女作家安吉拉·卡特自称“解神话的人”。


6)Fabrication of Semiconductor ZnO解析神话


