100字范文 > 中国式悲剧 Chines-style tragedy英语短句 例句大全

中国式悲剧 Chines-style tragedy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-30 13:40:58


中国式悲剧 Chines-style tragedy英语短句 例句大全

中国式悲剧,Chines-style tragedy

1)Chines-style tragedy中国式悲剧

2)Chinese tragedy中国悲剧

1.The destruction in bothChinese tragedy and western tragedy is expressed as justice overcoming wickedness.中国悲剧表现在外在的正义力量战胜邪恶势力的过程中,西方悲剧则表现在内在的人性善战胜人性恶的过程中。

2.Scholars understanding ofChinese tragedy had undergone four stages in modern and contemporary times.近现代以来中国学者对中国悲剧的认识经历了四个大的阶段。

3.Chinese tragedy ideas are the relevant tragedy argumentations, which the Chinese scholars recognize, and grasp the ancientChinese tragedy.所谓中国悲剧观,就是近现代以来中国学者对中国古代悲剧的认识和把握。


1.On Comparison between Chinese and Western TragicArts and the Development of Chinese Tragic Art;中西悲剧艺术之比较与中国悲剧艺术的发展


3.On Meaning of Happy Ending of Chinese Tragic Play;“团圆”:悲剧审美趋向的符号象征——论中国悲剧大团圆结局意义

4.The Myth of Destiny and the Disappearance of Chinese Tragic Spirit;命定神话与中国悲剧精神的消解(续)

5.Judgmenting Chinese Classical Tragedy Form the Top Ten Classic Tragedy of China;从十大古典悲剧看中国古典悲剧的悲剧性

6.Discussion on Chinese tragedy consciousness and its spirit--Take The Book of Songs as the case;论中国的悲剧意识和悲剧精神——以《诗经》为个案

7.From pathos to reunion --On the concept of chinese ancient tragedy;始于悲情 终于团圆——浅析中国古代戏剧的悲剧观

8.A New Research into Beikai of Ershisishiping;中国罕见的悲剧型态和悲剧概念——《二十四诗品·悲慨》新探

9.Study the Characteristics of Beauty Appreciation of Chinese Classical Tragedies from the Outcome of Chinese and Western Revenge Plays;从中西复仇剧结局看中国古典悲剧的审美特性

10.On the Reunion Conclusion of the Chinese Classical Tragedy ──Also Taking Account of the Causality in the Classical Tragedy;浅论中国古典悲剧的大团圆结局──兼论古典悲剧中的因果报应问题

11.One who performs tragic roles in the theater.悲剧演员在戏剧中扮演悲剧角色的人

12.On China s Modern Tragedy in the Spirit of the Performance of Literature;论中国近代悲剧精神在文学中的表现

13.The Criteria of Tragedy in Chinese Classical Dramas;关于中国古典戏曲中悲剧标准的探讨

14.The Tragic Consciousness in Ancient China and the Happy Ending of Traditional Drama;中国古代悲剧意识与传统戏剧的“大团圆”结局

15.The Tragic Archetype of an American Everyman: Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman一位普通美国人的悲剧原型——论《推销员之死》中威利·洛曼的悲剧形象

16.A Probe of Women Tragedies --Women Tragedies in the Post war American Women s Literature;女性悲剧面面观——美国战后女性文学中的女性悲剧

17.The Passion for Tragedy Kindled by Shakespeare s Tragedies--Perception and Creation of Modern Chinese Tragedy under the Influence of Shakespeare;莎士比亚悲剧点燃的悲剧激情——莎士比亚与中国现代悲剧观念及创作

18.A Comparative Study of the Two Chinese Versions of an American Tragedy;《美国悲剧》两种中译本的比较研究


Chinese tragedy中国悲剧

1.The destruction in bothChinese tragedy and western tragedy is expressed as justice overcoming wickedness.中国悲剧表现在外在的正义力量战胜邪恶势力的过程中,西方悲剧则表现在内在的人性善战胜人性恶的过程中。

2.Scholars understanding ofChinese tragedy had undergone four stages in modern and contemporary times.近现代以来中国学者对中国悲剧的认识经历了四个大的阶段。

3.Chinese tragedy ideas are the relevant tragedy argumentations, which the Chinese scholars recognize, and grasp the ancientChinese tragedy.所谓中国悲剧观,就是近现代以来中国学者对中国古代悲剧的认识和把握。

3)Chinese tragedy ideas中国悲剧观

1.Chinese tragedy ideas are the relevant tragedy argumentations, which the Chinese scholars recognize, and grasp the ancient Chinese tragedy.所谓中国悲剧观,就是近现代以来中国学者对中国古代悲剧的认识和把握。

4)modern Chinese tragedy中国现代悲剧

1.The beginning of the 20th century saw the awakening of awareness ofmodern Chinese tragedy.20世纪初,中国现代悲剧意识开始觉醒,在学人自觉地向西方寻找范型的过程中,以莎士比亚为代表的西方戏剧家唤醒并培育了一些在中国传统戏剧中没有或者很薄弱的艺术素质。

5)China ancient tragedy中国古典悲剧

6)ancient Chinese tragedy中国古代悲剧


