100字范文 > 社会悲剧 social tragedy英语短句 例句大全

社会悲剧 social tragedy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-06 02:53:34


社会悲剧 social tragedy英语短句 例句大全

社会悲剧,social tragedy

1)social tragedy社会悲剧

1.Discussion of Xiangzi s tragic destiny origin in " Camel Xiangzi " came from two respects ofsocial tragedy and personality tragedy mostly,however,the article carrys on the discussion to Xiangzi s tragedy from another three angles and thinks that his tragic origin lies in these three respects: excessive reliance on the health;demanding and misunderstanding the sex and self-sufficient concept.对《骆驼祥子》中祥子的悲剧命运根源的探讨,大多是从社会悲剧和性格悲剧这两个方面来讨论的,而文章从另外的三个角度对祥子的悲剧进行了探讨,认为他的悲剧根源在于:对身体的过分依赖;对性的需求和错误认识以及自给自足的思想观念这三个方面。

2.GUO Mo-ruo pays much attention tosocial tragedy,appeals to giving full play to the education fu.在历史剧同历史与现实的关系上,他主张"借古鉴今",表现历史的真实;在历史剧的创作上,他强调"失事求似",写出历史的必然与可然;郭沫若重视社会悲剧,要求充分发挥悲剧的教育作用,认为社会主义时期可以写悲剧。

3.From the perspective of formation cause and aesthetic experience, Lu Xun s tragedies can be classified into two forming categories of "social tragedy" and "personal tragedy" and two receiving categories of "affective tragedy" and "reasoning tragedy".从悲剧的冲突成因和审美感受两个角度 ,鲁迅的悲剧小说可划分为“社会悲剧”与“个性悲剧”两种构成形态 ,以及“情感型悲剧”与“理智型悲剧”两种接受形态。


1.On O Neill s Social Tragedy :A Study of Long Day s Journey into Night;奥尼尔的社会悲剧观——兼评社会悲剧《长日入夜行》

2.Theodore Dreiser s Tragedy---Sister Carrie;论德莱塞的社会悲剧——《嘉莉妹妹》

3.A Discussion on Native Novel Tragedy Writing at the Beginning of the New Period;评新时期初期乡村小说的“社会悲剧”

4.The Tragedy of Character in the Society Tragedy --On the Life Nature of Xiangzi in the Camel Xiangzi;社会悲剧中的性格悲剧——试论《骆驼祥子》中祥子性格的生命本质

5.The Tragedy of Character in Social Tragedies-On the Life Nature of Xiang Zi, Hero in the Novel " A Rickshaw Boy;社会悲剧中的性格悲剧──试论《骆驼祥子》中祥子性格的生命本质

6.Riders to the sea"--An Irish Tragedy;《骑马下海的人们》——一幕爱尔兰式的社会悲剧

7.Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter (3):A Social Tragedy of Rejected Redemption;霍桑及其《红字》之三:拒绝救赎教义的社会悲剧

8.Tragedy of Destiny and Tragedy of Society--“Thunderstorm” Tragedy Analysis;命运的悲剧和社会的悲剧——《雷雨》的悲剧性分析

9.Far rrom the Madding Crowd--A tragedy of a Woman and a Tragedy of Society;《远离尘嚣》——一部社会的悲剧、妇女的悲剧

10.The Conversion of the Individual to the Society--On the Tragedy Alienation of Sunrise;个体对社会的皈依——论《日出》的悲剧疏离

11.On the Societal Inevitability of Love Tragedy in Wuthering Heights;试论《呼啸山庄》爱情悲剧的社会必然性

12.An Exploration of Tess′s Tragedy;解读苔丝的悲剧——罪恶社会的牺牲品

13.Failure of Socialization: Tragedy of Chrismas;失败的社会化——乔·克里斯默斯的悲剧

14.A Tragedy of the Patriarchal Society;男权社会下的悲剧——读《德伯家的苔丝》

15.The Tragedy and Comic of Modern Society --A New commentary on The Hairy;现代社会的悲喜剧——《毛猿》新论

16.The Women in the Collection of Stories Wild Rose;《野蔷薇》:混沌社会里平凡者的悲剧

17.Social Change · Fate Tragedy · Tragedy Philosophy--Causes in Hardy s Novels of Character and Environment;社会变革·命运悲剧·悲剧哲学——哈代“性格与环境小说”成因之初探

18.But such private matters have a tendency to become public tragedies.但这样的个人隐私正趋向于成为社会的悲剧。


tragedy of society社会悲剧

1.This article analyses the novel "The Necklace from the perspective oftragedy of society and offers new thought for the readers.本文则试图从社会悲剧的角度来重新解读此文,深入挖掘作者的社会批判意识,以期为读者提供一条新的思路。

3)social tragedies社会悲剧

1.There were natural tragedies in primitive society; in slave, feudal, and capital soci-eties,social tragedies and man - made tragedies were added to natural tragedies.原始社会有自然悲剧的出现,奴隶社会、封建社会、资本主义社会又增加了社会悲剧和人造悲剧。

2.Meekness is his negative side of his character and also the reason w hy character tragedy befell on Xiang Zi insocial tragedies.封建人格意识的道德观和物质主义感性个体生命的追求是祥子市民个性主义的人性本质,自私、冷酷和怯弱、无力是其性格消极阴暗的一面,这也是社会悲剧中祥子性格悲剧形成的原因。

4)tragedy of society社会的悲剧

1.The following thesis will discuss tragedy of destiny andtragedy of society in the drama of “Thunderstorm”,especially the former.本文就命运的悲剧和社会的悲剧,尤其是从命运的悲剧的角度谈谈《雷雨》的悲剧性。

5)view of social tragedy社会悲剧观

6)social and historical tragedy社会历史悲剧


社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决
