100字范文 > 战略招聘 strategic recruitment英语短句 例句大全

战略招聘 strategic recruitment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-14 00:29:24


战略招聘 strategic recruitment英语短句 例句大全

战略招聘,strategic recruitment

1)strategic recruitment战略招聘

1.The successful connection between thestrategic recruitment and the career instruction in universities is vital for the employers\" human resources.用人单位战略招聘与高校职业指导的成功对接,是用人单位生命力的源泉,是检验高校教育事业发展的关键点,是提高社会资源的利益率、减少浪费、促进社会发展的有效措施。


1.The Study of the Successful Connection between the Strategic Recruitment and the Career Instruction in Universities用人单位战略招聘与高校职业指导对接研究

2.An Applied Study of Recruitment Based on Strategic Human Resources Management;基于战略人力资源管理的招聘应用研究

3.The Recruitment Strategy of Multinationals and the Challenge to the Enterprises in China;跨国公司的人才招聘战略与我国企业所面临的挑战

4.Recruiting Strategies and Interview Skill招聘策略及面试技巧

5.A new position of Commissioner for Tourism was recently created to strategically further this objective.为实现这一战略目标,现公开招聘管理旅游业的专员。

6.A Study of Consensus Analysis in Recruiter and Applicant Impression Management Tactics;招聘者与应聘者印象管理策略一致性分析研究

7.Strategies for China s Enterprises to Employ Talent Through Computer Network;企业运用网络招聘人才的策略的探讨

8.A Strategic Study on Choice of Internal Promotion and External Recruitment内部晋升与外部招聘抉择的策略研究

9.Establishing a Psychological Contract:A Strategy of Effective Recruitment for Enterprises建立心理契约:企业有效招聘的策略

10.Research on the Outsourcing of Recruiting Farmer Worker;招聘外包及其在农民工招聘中的应用

work Application Invitation--A New way to Invite Talented Persons for Enterprises;论企业人才招聘的新渠道——网络招聘

12.Structuralized Interview in the Enterprise Employment Advertising;结构化面试在企业招聘中存在的问题解析及应对策略

13.On Teacher s Appointment at State Universities in Modern China from 1912 to 1937;略论民初至抗战前夕国立大学教师的聘任问题

14.The Research on Developing Strategy of China Merchants Security Co. Ltd.,;招商证券股份有限公司发展战略研究

15.Research of Marketing Strategy for CMB Chongqing Branch Foreign Exchange Business;招商银行重庆分行外汇战略营销分析

16.Application of STP Promotion Theory in University Student Enrollment Propaganda;STP营销战略在高校招生宣传中的应用

17.Central Recruitment Unit [Labour Department]统筹招聘组〔劳工处〕

18.Civil Service Common Recruitment Examination公务员综合招聘考试


Recruitment strategy招聘策略

1.Study on Enterprise Recruitment Strategy Based on Competency;基于胜任力的企业招聘策略研究

3)strategy of inviting traders招商战略


1.The innovative methods and effect ofemployment for civil nurses in our hospital;我院招聘文职人员创新思路的做法与成效

2.The role of nursing department in theemployment of civil nurses;护理部在招聘文职护士中的作用

3.Application of Structural Interview in Colleges Employment;结构化面试在高校教师招聘中的应用


1.The practice and understanding ofrecruitment of civil servants in military hospital;军队医院文职人员招聘的实践与体会

2.Research on the Problem in the Recruitment of Employee;员工招聘中的若干博弈问题研究

3.The Application of the Competency Model in Recruitment;浅析胜任力模型在企业招聘中的应用


1.The Mode Research of Sales Force Management in Online Recruit Services Corporation;招聘网站销售人员管理模式研究

2.But there are some misunderstandings in therecruiting, selecting, testing and promoting the personnel in the hi-tech industry.借鉴国外先进国家人才结构和注重能力素质的人才观,提出了选择人才需要重视其实际能力、心理素质和工作意愿的全方位人才招聘考核标

3.This paper summarizes application ofrecruiting network in INTERNET,then put forward new ideas of service of one site to wards government and enterprise unit selecting talents.综述了互联网环境下人才招聘网站的应用现状,进而提出了面向政府及企事业单位选拔人才一站式服务的新思路;在给出了人才评估的分析模型后,对人才招聘及过滤进行了具体研究和实现。


