100字范文 > 招聘方 recruiters英语短句 例句大全

招聘方 recruiters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-24 09:10:27


招聘方 recruiters英语短句 例句大全



1.It analyzes the marketing actions ofrecruiters and candidates in the recruitment activity.具体通过招聘方和应聘方在产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略和促销策略中的行为进行对比分析,为招聘方得到最适合的人才提供指导,同时为应聘方能找到最合适的工作提供建议。


1.Explore and recommend the most effective methods/ sources of recruiting.发掘推荐最有效的招聘方法与渠道.

2.What is the percentage of the employers who engage in this method of recruiting?用人单位中有百分之几使用这种招聘方法?

3.Design of a Recruiting System for Middle Level Management of QGPEC前郭石化公司中层管理人员招聘方案设计

4.Recruitment Scheme Design and Implementation and Human Resources Management System Preliminary Design for G Company;G公司招聘方案设计实施与人力资源管理体系初步构建

5.Teachers required By South University to teach English.南方大学招聘英语教师。

6.The Quantatitive Analysis on the Public Official Recruitment公务员招聘、录用方案的定量分析

7.The two parties who have invested in enterprise have the right to hire or fire their staff at their own discretion.出资的双方有权自行招聘或解雇人员。

8.The school authority decided to recruit teachers from the excellent graduates.校方决定从优秀毕业生中招聘老师。

9.Party A agrees to help Joint Venture to invite and recruit Chinese experts, technicians, workers and other personnel and Party B agree to help Joint Venture to invite and recruit foreign experts.合营企业的中方专家、技术人员、工人和其他人员由甲方招聘;合营企业的外方专家由乙方招聘。

10.We serve our clients from different field leadership advisory role, offering complementary services to all level business teams.泰伦资深招聘专家向广大客户提供优质、业、捷的全方位招聘解决方案。

11.Do the two parties who have invested in enterprise have the right to hire or fire their staff at their own discretion?出资的各方是否有权自行招聘或解雇人员?

12.The Research of the Optimal Human Resources Recruitment Scheme of HS Mineral Group Company;HS矿业集团公司人力资源招聘优化方案研究

13.Application of Personal Assessment Methods on the Recruitment of Administrative Staff in Universities;人才测评方法在高校管理人员招聘中的应用

14.The research of concerned problems of recruitment in regional undergraduate college;地方性本科高校人才招聘有关问题研究

15.Problems and Countermeasures of Low Success Rate of Empluyment for Granduates;招聘会签约率低学生方面存在的问题与对策

16.Research on Management of Agent Recruitment Service Quality of SG CompanySG公司代理招聘服务质量管理方案设计研究

17.Researching Scheme for Department Manager Recruitment Process Improving in CAYA Corporation开元公司部门经理招聘流程改进方案研究

18.On Network Recruitment of Teachers of the Newly-Established Local Colleges and Universities新建地方本科院校师资网络招聘工作的思考


Recruitment Project招聘方案

3)recruitment methods招聘方法


1.The innovative methods and effect ofemployment for civil nurses in our hospital;我院招聘文职人员创新思路的做法与成效

2.The role of nursing department in theemployment of civil nurses;护理部在招聘文职护士中的作用

3.Application of Structural Interview in Colleges Employment;结构化面试在高校教师招聘中的应用


1.The practice and understanding ofrecruitment of civil servants in military hospital;军队医院文职人员招聘的实践与体会

2.Research on the Problem in the Recruitment of Employee;员工招聘中的若干博弈问题研究

3.The Application of the Competency Model in Recruitment;浅析胜任力模型在企业招聘中的应用


1.The Mode Research of Sales Force Management in Online Recruit Services Corporation;招聘网站销售人员管理模式研究

2.But there are some misunderstandings in therecruiting, selecting, testing and promoting the personnel in the hi-tech industry.借鉴国外先进国家人才结构和注重能力素质的人才观,提出了选择人才需要重视其实际能力、心理素质和工作意愿的全方位人才招聘考核标

3.This paper summarizes application ofrecruiting network in INTERNET,then put forward new ideas of service of one site to wards government and enterprise unit selecting talents.综述了互联网环境下人才招聘网站的应用现状,进而提出了面向政府及企事业单位选拔人才一站式服务的新思路;在给出了人才评估的分析模型后,对人才招聘及过滤进行了具体研究和实现。


