100字范文 > 泰国东北部 Northeast Thailand英语短句 例句大全

泰国东北部 Northeast Thailand英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-31 01:50:09


泰国东北部 Northeast Thailand英语短句 例句大全

泰国东北部,Northeast Thailand

1)Northeast Thailand泰国东北部

1.Traditional Invention and the Sale Culture——The Manufacture of Paisheng Musical Instrument in Isan ofNortheast Thailand传统的发明与文化的销售——以泰国东北部Isan地区的排笙制作为例


1.Rice Drought and Farm Households Coping Strategies in Eastern India, Northeastern Thailand and Southern China;印度东部、泰国东北部和中国南方水稻干旱及农户处理策略

2.Traditional Invention and the Sale Culture--The Manufacture of Paisheng Musical Instrument in Isan of Northeast Thailand传统的发明与文化的销售——以泰国东北部Isan地区的排笙制作为例

3.Dishes would include northern Chiang Mai"s famous spicy herb sausages and northeastern Khon Kaen"s grilled chicken, Woodtipong said.吴迪彭透露,泰国北部城市清迈的名菜香辣草药肠和东北部城市孔敬的烤鸡也在可送美食之列。

4.Based on the area cladograms, the evolutionary directions of the areas may be considered from Far East-Northeast China in East Asia and from Altai-Sayan in other areas.其中分别来自这两部分的前苏联远东—我国东北与阿尔泰—萨彦岭分布区有密切关系。

5.During vacation, we"re going to travel to the north of Thailand.在假期中,我们将要去泰国的北部旅行。

6.Buddhist monks walk beside a field of sunflowers in northern Thailand.几个僧人走在泰国北部的向日葵地里。

7.A river, about129 km(80 mi) long, of northern England flowing eastward to the North Sea.泰恩河英格兰北部的一条河,流程约129公里(80)公里,向东流入北海

8.Chiefly Northeastern U.S.【多用于美国东北部】

9.the northeastern region of the United States.指美国的东北部地区。

10.Shenyang is situated in the northeast of China.沈阳在中国东北部。

mon and Unique Dance Features of the Ethnic Groups in Northern Mountainous Thai泰国北部山地民族舞蹈的共性与个性分析

12.Experience of Anti-Poverty Practice in Northern Thailand Reflected in Doi Tung Development Project;从黎敦山的发展看泰国北部反贫困的经验

13.The Survey Report on the Drug Situation in "Golden Triangle" and Northern Thailand“金三角”地区泰国北部毒品形势调查报告

14.The Villad"Este was a short distance northeast of Rome, nestled high in the Sabine Hills.埃斯泰别墅在罗马东北部不远的地方,偎倚在萨空山的高处。

15.Quantitative prediction of petroleum resource structure of the Upper Cretaceous Taizhou Formation by statistical methods in the east of Subei Basin用统计法预测苏北盆地东部上白垩统泰州组油气藏资源

16.Abstract: Pinus Koraiensis is a provincial tree spiece in the Northeast woodland of our country.红松是我国东北北部林区的乡土树种。

17.Chi was a big state in the central part of the present Shantung Province, and Lu was a smaller one in the southern part.齐是大国,在今山东省的中部和东北部;鲁国较小,在今山东省的南部。

18.Shamanic Musical Instruments and Their Cultural Features from Different Altai Family Language Ethnic Groups in North East China;中国东北阿尔泰语系诸族的萨满乐器及其文化特征


Northern Thailand泰国北部

1.Chinese Teaching inNorthern Thailand;泰国北部华文基础教育的弊端例谈——以清迈蒙福学校为例

2.Cin-Ho--Yunnan Moslems inNorthern Thailand;泰国北部的云南穆斯林——秦和人

3.The Survey Report on the Drug Situation in "Golden Triangle" andNorthern Thailand“金三角”地区泰国北部毒品形势调查报告

3)Northeast China中国北东部

1.Metallogenetic geological feature and prospecting direction of volcanic type uranium deposit inNortheast China;中国北东部火山岩型铀矿成矿地质特征及找矿方向

2.The Meso-Cenozoic basins inNortheast China are major exploration region for in-situ leachable sancl-ston-type uranium deposits.中国北东部中新生代盆地是地浸砂岩型铀矿的主要勘查区,自1996年开始,为了寻找地浸砂岩型铀矿床,对这些盆地开展了1:500 000—1:200 000铀矿区域地质调查,投入了大量钻探工作量,运用可地浸砂岩型铀矿评价准则,对松辽盆地、海拉尔盆地的成矿地质条件进行分析,提出成矿的有利层位和远景区、段,为该区寻找地浸砂岩型铀矿床提供了科学依据。

3.The large uranium deposits named 433,434,460,470 have been found in the Mesozoic Era volcanic rock in northeast China since half century.半个世纪来,在中国北东部中生代火山岩中发现了433、434、460、470等大型铀矿床。

4)Northeastern United States美国东北部

1.Based on the analysis of many factors which constrain the sustainable development of aviation in the Yangtze River Delta,and on the comparison with theNortheastern United States metropolitan region,which is similar to the Yangtze River Delta,some suggestions were put forward to promote the coordinated development of the air.通过对制约长三角航空业可持续发展的诸多因素分析,并选择与长三角都市群相似的美国东北部都市群进行对比,提出了推进长三角地区机场群协调发展的建议。

5)the eastern part of Northeast China中国东北东部

1.Mesozoic volcanism inthe eastern part of Northeast Chinaand Transpacific plate;中国东北东部中生代火山活动与泛太平洋板块

6)east of Northwest China中国西北东部

1.Influence of spring dust activities over the Taklimakan Desert area on concentrations of atmospheric PM_(10) ineast of Northwest China.;结果表明,该区大气沙尘活动的强弱与中国西北东部(西宁、兰州、银川、西安)大气PM10含量高低存在着显著的正相关(相关系数超过0。


