100字范文 > 天然污泥 Natural sludge英语短句 例句大全

天然污泥 Natural sludge英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-11 11:06:05


天然污泥 Natural sludge英语短句 例句大全

天然污泥,Natural sludge

1)Natural sludge天然污泥

2)natural peat天然泥炭

1.The adsorption of crystal violet(CV)in aqueous solutions bynatural peat(NP)was investigated through batch experiments,including the affecting factors,kinetics,isotherms and thermodynamics of the adsorption.通过静态实验探讨了天然泥炭吸附水中结晶紫时的影响因素、动力学、等温式和热力学。

3)natural sediment天然泥沙

1.Verification ofnatural sediment tracing method of neutron activation by results of radioactivity tracing;用放射性示踪来验证中子活化天然泥沙示踪法


1.Natural sediment particles are not spherical.天然泥沙颗粒不是球状的。

2.The deposition of sediment in our natural stream channels has greatly aggravated floodwater damages.泥沙淤积在天然河道,已大大加剧了洪水的危害。

3.mud-gas separator泥浆-天然气分离器

4.Tianjin Port engineering sediment treatment and efficacy on silt coast淤泥质海岸天津港工程泥沙治理与功效

5.A Study on Characteristic and Mechanism of Spontaneous Sedimentation of Yellow River s Loess Particles;黄河泥沙的自然沉淀特性及机理研究

6.They dip the pan into the bed of the stream, and then pan out the sand and dirt, hoping that some gold will be left.他们用淘盘舀出小溪溪底泥沙,然后淘去泥沙,希望有金子留下来。

7.Producers must then mix it with water, heated using natural gas, to separate the oil from the sand.然后将沙混水,以天然气加热,使得油与沙分离。

8.Analysis of effect of a doption of fries by filling with river flows on water quality and sediment of Tianezhou wetland浅析灌江纳苗对天鹅洲湿地水质及泥沙的影响

9.His hindpaws then scattered sand: then his forepaws dabbled and delved.接着,它又用后爪扒散了沙子,然后用前爪刨坑,泥沙四溅。

10.Sheath Isolation Evaluation in Gas Wells天然气井水泥环封隔能力的测井评价

11.Characteristics of Natural Regeneration of Sabina Vulgaris Community in Mu Us Sandland;毛乌素沙地臭柏群落的天然更新特征

12.The study and the application of two-dimension water flow and sedimentmathematical model in the river;天然河道水沙平面二维数学模型研究

13.Regeneration of the Natural Mongolian Pine Forest in Hulun Buir Sandland呼伦贝尔沙地天然樟子松林更新研究

14.Phenotypic Variation of Natural Population of Sabina Vulgaris in Mu Us Sandland毛乌素沙地天然臭柏种群的表型变异

15.Analysis on Life Table of Natural Sabina Vulgaris Population in Mu Us Sandy Land毛乌素沙地天然臭柏种群生命表分析

16.The steamroller leveled out the gravel roadbed and than the concrete was poured.蒸汽辗压机先把路基的沙砾辗平,然后才倒下水泥。

17.It was obvious that the dark particles of mud and sand were from a source other than light-colored granites.这些深色的泥沙颗粒,显然并非来自于浅色花岗石。

18.Impacts of Natural Processes and Human Activities on the River Sediment Flux into the Sea and Its Environmental Significance, China;中国流域自然作用和人类活动对(河流)入海泥沙的影响


natural peat天然泥炭

1.The adsorption of crystal violet(CV)in aqueous solutions bynatural peat(NP)was investigated through batch experiments,including the affecting factors,kinetics,isotherms and thermodynamics of the adsorption.通过静态实验探讨了天然泥炭吸附水中结晶紫时的影响因素、动力学、等温式和热力学。

3)natural sediment天然泥沙

1.Verification ofnatural sediment tracing method of neutron activation by results of radioactivity tracing;用放射性示踪来验证中子活化天然泥沙示踪法

4)Roman cement天然水泥

5)Or natural clay?天然泥?

6)natural soil天然污垢


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