100字范文 > 法庭辩论 court arguments英语短句 例句大全

法庭辩论 court arguments英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-30 08:58:43


法庭辩论 court arguments英语短句 例句大全

法庭辩论,court arguments

1)court arguments法庭辩论

1.The present study probes into the uses of deixis incourt arguments.本文对法庭辩论中的指示语进行了研究,旨在发现能够表达实际(空间和时间),社会和心理近指和远指的指示语表达方式,并探讨这些表达方式的选择是如何作为一个动态顺应的过程,实现律师在法庭辩论中劝说的目的的作用。

2.The present study probes into the politeness phenomenon ofcourt arguments with linguistic politeness as the focus.本文采用语言学理论,对法庭辩论中律师使用的礼貌策略进行研究,旨在发现主要的礼貌策略和其语言实现形式,并揭示礼貌策略对律师在法庭辩论中实现最终的劝说目的所起的作用。


1.after the conclusion of the debate in the court, the court shall render a judgment according to law.法庭辩论终结,应当依法作出判决。

2.The close of a plea or deed.答辩总结法庭辩论上的最后陈述的请求或证据

3.A Pragmatic Analysis of Hedges in Courtroom Arguments;对法庭辩论中模糊限制语的语用分析

4.give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument).在争论中或在法庭辩论中被告的律师所做的答辩和驳斥。

5.Features of the English Trial Language-An Analysis from the Functional Perspective;基于功能语法学的英语法庭辩论的特点分析

6.Appraising Legal Cases in Court: The Application and Realization of Appraising Resources in Lawyers Debate Language;以“评”说“法”:法庭辩论中的评价资源与实现手段

7.A Pragmatic Analysis of Deixis and Distance in Court Arguments;法庭辩论中的指示语和距离指示的语用分析

8.A Cognitive-pragmatic Approach to Discourse Markers in Courtroom Oral Arguments法庭辩论中话语标记语的认知语用研究

9.A third reason is that the level of professionalism among Chinese lawyers isn"t all that impressive; too often their presentations are a far cry from the wonderful public speaking that people have seen in films.三是专业化程度低,远不像电影里律师进行法庭辩论那样精彩。

10.where the cause of the withdrawal is learned after the hearing commences, the challenge may be raised before the conclusion of arguments in court.回避事由在案件开始审理后知道的,也可以在法庭辩论终结前提出。

11.A Pragmatic Analysis of Hedges and Hedging in Courtroom Arguments;对法庭辩论中模糊限制语和模糊限制现象的语用分析

12.To plead or argue(a case)in a moot court.辩论,答辩在假设法庭上辩论或讨论(一个案件)

13.To argue or present(a case) in a court or similar tribunal.为…辩护在法庭或类似的法庭中辩论或控告(案件)

14.someone who presides over a forum or debate.主持论坛法庭或辩论的人。

15.Tempers flared out at court during the final argument法庭上最后辩论时大家都动了肝火。

16.Tempers flared out at court during the last argument.法庭上最后辩论时,大家都动了火。

17.went off on a tangent during the courtroom argument.在法庭的辩论中突然说跑了题

18.The art or practice of argumentation or controversy.争辩,辩论法争辩或辩论的艺术或做法


The Art of Court Debate法庭论辩的艺术

3)methods of debate论辩方法

1.Master Meng reveals the outstanding characteristic by applying themethods of debate in his discussion .孟子与时人的论辩涉及政治、经济、伦理道德、哲学等诸多领域;通过对旁征博引、因势利导、诱敌入彀、归谬反驳、执经行权等论辩方法的娴熟驾驭,表现出鲜明的个性特点。

4)legislation debate立法辩论


6)Discerning Dharmas and Dharmata《辩法法性论》


