100字范文 > 朝服 court dress英语短句 例句大全

朝服 court dress英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-23 18:29:46


朝服 court dress英语短句 例句大全

朝服,court dress

1)court dress朝服


1.With the emperor in full attire on the throne皇帝身穿朝服坐在座上

2.A Discussion of Portraits in Regalia of Qing Dynasty Emperors and Empresses and Several Ways of Viewing Court Dress;关于清代帝后朝服与朝服像的几点看法

3.As a young man he had quite liked to put on court dress and cut a dash.他年轻时很愿意穿上朝服出出风头。

4.They divested the King of his robes of state.他们把国王的朝服脱下来。

5."Let them take the robes which the king generally puts on, and the horse on which the king goes, and the crown which is on his head:"当将王常穿的朝服和戴冠的御马,

6.The Co-existence of Luxury and Elegance--The Clothing Style of the Six Dynasties;奢华与飘逸并存——论六朝服饰风格

7.on the color, they own political utility, deify monarchy for serving Han dynasty.色彩上,政治功利,神化帝王,为汉王朝服务。

8.Limitation of Image Information in the Research on Ancient Clothing--Taking the Clothing in the North Dynasty as an Example浅析图像资料在古代服饰研究中的局限性——以北朝服饰研究为例

9.The court went into mourning for the Queen"s uncle.朝庭为皇后亡叔服丧。

10.The royal court wants Balhae"s royal family to cooperate.朝廷想要高丽皇室成员臣服于我们

11.The Differences between Southern and Northern Clothes Customs during the Southern and Northern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝时期南北服饰风俗之差异

12.To See the Dynasties Of Borrowing "shells" From the Clothing in Dream of the Red Chamber;从《红楼梦》的服装看它借"壳"朝代

13.A Study on the Essential Features of the Beauty of Traditional Korean Dress and Personal Adornment;试论朝鲜民族传统服饰美的基本特征

14.The North Korean Nuclear Issue and Future Prospects of Creating a Korean Peninsula Security Regime朝核问题与朝鲜半岛建立安全规制的前景——基于说服型博弈的分析

15.I looked to the left and saw Gerard in his now see-through white uniform.我朝左边看,看见杰勒德穿着已湿透的白色制服。

16.These should be pressed using a cloth and positioning the garment as for faced edges i.e. with the edge of the hem towards you.用一块烫布熨烫,底边朝上翻,在衣服上定位。

17.A compelling example is that of Koreans in Japan.一个极有说服力的例子就是在日本的朝鲜人。

18.Collapse of Ming and rise of Manchus: a new example of Central Asian conquest.明朝灭亡与满清崛起:征服中亚的新例子。


dynasty conquer王朝征服

1.Influenced bydynasty conquer and immigration force,great changes have taken place in the formation and development of folk belief in Guangxi.在王朝征服和移民力量的影响下,广西民间信仰的形成与发展发生了变化。

3)portraits in court apparel朝服像


5)Costume of Northern Dynasties北朝服饰

6)on conquest dynasties征服王朝论


