100字范文 > 制约系统 restraint system英语短句 例句大全

制约系统 restraint system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-15 20:12:29


制约系统 restraint system英语短句 例句大全

制约系统,restraint system

1)restraint system制约系统

1.Therefore,by the way of penetrating from the angles of "the language forms,semantics,language values and context" in combination with the relative factors,it is feasible to constitute arestraint system,a proof system and a flexibility system of Chinese grammar.因而,从“语形、语义、语值、语境”角度切入,结合不同的相关因素,可以构建汉语语法的制约系统、证明系统、柔性系统。

2.The integration of formation mechanism and transformation mechanism are discussed based onrestraint system of Chinese grammar.汉语语法制约系统试图探讨话语生成机制和转化机制的整合,其流程是从制约内容出发,解析不同制约因素形成的操作模式,再将制约因素的综合合力转换成不同的制约力度,对应相应的制约结果。


1.State Influence System and the Optimization in Adjusting the Linear SIS;状态制约系统及线性状态制约系统的调整优化

2.Karst ecosystem is an ecosystem controlled by karst environment.岩溶生态系统是受岩溶环境制约的生态系统。

3.Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-missile Defence Systems限制反导弹防御系统条约

4.contract Analyst/ Programmer合约系统分析/程序编制主任

5.Contract System Analyst [Fire Services Department]合约制系统分析员〔消防处〕

6.Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems限制反弹道导弹系统条约

7.Johanns has said the system probably will have to be mandatory(11).约翰斯说跟踪系统多半会强制执行。

8.Constraint Information Management and Control System in Conceptual Design概念设计中约束信息管理与控制系统

9.Constrained Time-Optimal Predictive Control for a Class of Systems with Backlash含间隙系统的约束时间最优预测控制

10.Output Feedback Nonlinear Predictive Control for Constrained Hammerstein Systems约束Hammerstein系统输出反馈非线性预测控制

11.H_∞ Control for T-S Fuzzy Systems with Time-domain Constraints时域约束T-S模糊系统的H_∞控制

12.Robust H_∞ Control of Networked Control Systems with Control Constraints具有控制约束的网络控制系统的鲁棒H_∞控制

13.Because the outflow of the surface runoff from the mountainous area is nearly equivalent to the total water resources of the entire region,a basin system thus also represents a water resource system of the whole drainage.全流域的水循环系统和水资源系统,均受盆地系统的制约。

14.The Robust Optimal Control of Linear Systems with Control Constraint;具有控制约束线性系统的鲁棒最优控制

15.Knowledge Reduction of Information System Based on Improved Limited-Tolerance Relation;基于改进限制容差关系的信息系统知识约简

16.Language Potential and the Relation of Restriction and Realization Between Systemic Strata;语言潜势与系统层级制约及体现的关系

17.Modern controlled drafting systems use drafts of the order of 30.新式的牵伸控制系统使用大约30倍牵伸。

18.Protocol to the Treaty between the USSR and USA on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems美苏关于限制反弹道导弹系统条约的议定书


state influence system状态制约系统

1.In management and adjusting related objects,thestate influence systems(SIS) are very important and popular ones .在管理和对有关事物的调整方面,状态制约系统是重要的和十分常见的一类系统。

3)restraint system约束系统

1.Study on the relation between the mini-carrestraint system design variables and human body injury;微型轿车乘员约束系统设计参数与人体损伤关系研究

2.Virtual testing or mathematical simulation using MADYMO becomes a vital tool for occupantrestraint system development.应用MADYMO模型进行虚拟试验或数值仿真是乘员约束系统开发流程中重要的方式。

3.Vehicle sled test method and the mathematical simulation technique of siderestraint system are discussed in this doctoral dissertation.本文对车辆台车试验方法和侧面约束系统的数学仿真技术开展了研究。

4)booking system预约系统

1.In order to facilitate the usage of digital language labs for teachers and students,and to enhance the efficiency of utilizing digital language labs, we design abooking system based on B/S structure .为了方便教师和学生使用数字语言实验室资源,提高资源利用率,设计了一种基于B/S结构的预约系统。

5)electromagnetic waves约束系统

1.Dealt with the problem of propagation ofelectromagnetic waves in layers of dielec media according to the generalized variational principle.用广义变分法处理了介质层中电磁波的传播问题,把介质界面处的电磁波视为一个受约束的系统,采用广义变分基于在坐标变换下约束系统的变换性质,推导了两个介质界面附近电磁波的一些性质,由这些性质导出了电磁波能量中心运动方程,显示出每个界面都存在横向移动。

6)restriction system约束系统

1.The dynamic response of occupant constrained by therestriction system was simulated with PAM-SAFE.运用PAM -SAFE系列软件对正面碰撞的人体在约束系统作用下的运动响应进行仿真 ,建立了包括安全带系统、气囊、仪表板、座椅、人体等完整的约束系统模型 ,并将仿真结果与试验数据进行验证 ,表明该仿真达到了较高的精度 。


