100字范文 > 制度制约 the System Restriction英语短句 例句大全

制度制约 the System Restriction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-16 14:40:09


制度制约 the System Restriction英语短句 例句大全

制度制约,the System Restriction

1)the System Restriction制度制约

1.Construction of Out-of-land Peasants Social Security andthe System Restriction on Implementation;失地农民社会保障构建及实施中的制度制约


1.To Restrict Power by System--An Analysis of Huang Zongxi s Political Conceiving;以制度制约权力——黄宗羲政治构想解析

2.Analysis on system restricting factors of peasant s citizenship in China;我国农民市民化的制度制约因素探析

3.On the regulation of wedding engagement;论婚约制度——兼谈我国婚约问题的规制

4.Constrains of Chinese Administrative Permit System and Institutional Innovation;行政审批制度改革的体制制约与制度创新

5.On the Construction of Restricting Mechanism in China s Civil Appeal and Trial System;我国民事上诉审制度的制约机制构建

6.Convention on the International Regime of Maritime Ports《国际海港制度公约》

7.conference loyalty regime班轮公会忠诚信约制度

8.John indulges a taste for wine to the point of insobriety约翰纵酒过度毫无节制。

9.Three Restraints to Entrepreneurs;企业家约束:自我约束、外在约束与制度约束

10.The Institutional Restraints and Institutional Innovations of Chinese Farmers Income Growth;我国农民增收的制度约束与制度创新

11.On System Restriction and Innovation of Modern Agricultural Construction现代农业建设的制度约束与制度创新

12.Convention on the Regime of the Straits(Convention of Lausanne)关于海峡制度的公约 (洛桑公约)

13.Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Maritime Ports国际海港制度公约和规约

14.Convention and Statute on the Regime of Navigable Waterways of International Concer国际性通航水道制度公约和规约

15.On the State Parties Reporting System of UN Human Rights Conventions;联合国人权公约缔约国报告制度述评

16.Form of Mandatory Reporting System of Annex I of MARPOL 73787378防污公约附则I强制报告制度格式

17.an act of limiting or restricting (as by regulation).用制度来限制、约束的行为。

18.Studies on Innovation of the Power Restriction and Power Supervision;权力制约与权力监督的制度创新研究


density restriction密度制约

1.Using the second method of Liapunov,by making the Liapunov function,discussing the balance point stability in a kind of food chain ecosystem with non-lineardensity restriction.利用Liapunov第二方法,通过构造Liapunov函数,讨论了一类具有非线性密度制约的食物链生态系统平衡点的稳定性。

2.Studies thedensity restriction of tilapia in the closed aeration culture water and the chlorella influence,find that the tiptop biomass of tilapia fry was 4.在封闭曝气养殖水体内研究罗非鱼的密度制约作用和小球藻的影响,发现罗非鱼苗的最高生物量为4。

3)contract system契约制度

1.It is necessary to introducecontract system to construction enterprises operation and management,so as to adapt to the further development of the market economy,raise the level of business management,increase enterprise benefit and construct socialism harmonious society.建筑施工企业经营管理中完全有必要引入契约观念、构建契约制度,以适应市场经济的进一步发展,提高企业管理水平,包括企业内部行政和外部经营管理,增加企业效益,构建社会主义和谐社会。

2.It is a necessity of historical development, building a harmonious society and enterprise development to establish acontract system for private enterprises.民营企业建立契约制度,是历史发展的必然选择,是构建和谐社会的客观要求,是企业自身发展的需要。

4)density dependence密度制约

1.Density dependence of Phalaris aruandinacea clonal population on middle mountain region of subtropical zone of China.;亚热带中山地区草芦无性系种群的密度制约

2.A type anorexia system of the predatory spencies withdensity dependence;捕食者种群具有密度制约的一类厌食系统

3.The results showed it presenteddensity dependence on birth rate, death rate and increase rate of population.在哈泥贫营养沼泽,研究了毛壁泥炭藓(Sphagnumimbricatum)种群的密度制约规律,结果表明,种群出生率、死亡率和增长率均表现为负密度制约;随初始密度的增加,种群出生率和增长率下降,死亡率增加;分株高度和生物量及其分配无严格的密度制约规律。

5)system restraint制度约束

1.Based on the background of institutional transformation of China,this paper suggests that the household register system and the supporting policies endemic to China constructed thesystem restraints on the labor interregional mobility.基于中国的转型背景,认为中国特有的户籍制度及其相应的配套政策构成了劳动力区际流动的制度约束,这种制度约束使不同类型的劳动力流动方式不同。

2.And this can expand two approaches to constructing public administrative ethics;system restraint and virtue inspiration.由此,可以引伸出建构公共行政伦理的两重维度:制度约束与德性激励。

3.The paper tries to obtain the system enlightenment about advancing consuming demand of our country from the analysis of the western consuming theory and itssystem restraint.试图从西方的消费理论及其制度约束的分析中得到有利于促进我国消费需求的制度方面的启示:消费者应转变消费观念;企业应加速制度创新,改变生产理念,重塑市场主体;政府应从制度上促进城市化步伐,为消费需求的增长提供制度保证。

6)Density dependent密度制约

1.A class of predator-prey model with Holling type I functional response is considered,in which both of the species are density dependent.对具有Holling I类功能反应且食饵与捕食者种群都有密度制约项的一类捕食系统,本文分析了正平衡点的存在性和稳定性。


