100字范文 > 制约要素 restriction elements英语短句 例句大全

制约要素 restriction elements英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-29 00:53:37


制约要素 restriction elements英语短句 例句大全

制约要素,restriction elements

1)restriction elements制约要素

1.Also therestriction elements for the derivation of conjunctive nouns from verb nominalization are analyzed in depth from the aspects of syllable, verb tense and the transitive and intransitive properties of verbs.并从音节、动词的态、动词的自他性等方面就动词经过名词化,派生连用形名词的制约要素进行了深入的分析。

2)the essential restrictive factor要素制约

1.The great difference of the economic development between Western Europe and East Asia shows thatthe essential restrictive factor caused by lack natural resources is easier to make the change of the ways of economic growth,but which is not inevitable to improve the change of the ways of economic growth unless there is a system of innovation.西欧与东亚经济发展的大相径庭证明,由资源短缺所导致的要素制约更容易激励经济增长方式的转变。

3)inherent restrictive factors内在制约要素


1.Different phase of economic growth has different speciallimited-factors.经济增长过程中面临多种要素约束,最根本的约束要素是人力资源。


1.The Relationship between Foreign Trade and the Limited-Factors in Economic Growth;论经济增长过程中的要素约束与发展对外贸易

2.Research on Chance-constrained DEA Models with Fuzzy Factors;具有模糊要素的机会约束型DEA模型研究

3.Research of TFP Calculation Based on Regression Model with Convex Constraint;基于凸约束回归模型的全要素生产率测度研究

4.Soft Budget Constraints and Transformation of the State-Owned Enterprise :Factor Input Analysis;软预算约束与国企改革:从要素投入的视角分析

5.Restrictions of Ownership and Factors Price Distortion:An Empirical Study Using the Industrial Data of China;所有制约束与要素价格扭曲——基于中国工业行业数据的实证分析

6.Appraisal Pattern of Economic Growth Factor Contribution & Binding Condition of Technological Progress;经济增长要素贡献评价模型和技术进步约束条件

7.TFP Growth and Convergence across China"s Industrial Economy Considering Environmental Protection环境约束下中国地区工业全要素生产率增长及收敛分析

8.Connect external primary reference constraint shape to constrained role(s).将外部主要引用约束形状连接到被约束的角色。

9.I wish I am a free agent , but my contract bind me for three more year我要是不受约束就好了, 可是我的合同还要约束我三年

10.I wish I were a free agent, but my contract binds me for three more years.我要是不受约束就好了, 可是我的合同还要约束我叁年.

11.I wish I were a free agent, but my contract binds me for three more years我要是不受约束就好了,可是我的合同还要约束我三年

12.a colorless basic antibiotic that inhibits the growth of Gram-positive organisms.一种约束革氏组织生长的无色抗生素。

13.The Determinant of Soft Budget Constraint: Theory and Empirical Evidence;软预算约束的决定因素:理论与实证

14.Study on the Influencing Factors of Depositor Discipline in Banking Industry of China;中国银行业存款人约束影响因素研究

15.On the External Restrictive Factors of China s Government Performance Measurement;论中国政府绩效评估的外在约束因素

16.The development limited factor Analysis of Dingxi City and the suggestion;定西市小城镇发展的约束因素及对策

17.The Confinement Factor of High and New Technology Industry Development and the Countermeasures;高新技术产业发展的约束因素及对策

18.Analysis on the Institutional Factors to Restrain the Effects of Monetary Policy;货币政策效能约束的制度性因素分析


the essential restrictive factor要素制约

1.The great difference of the economic development between Western Europe and East Asia shows thatthe essential restrictive factor caused by lack natural resources is easier to make the change of the ways of economic growth,but which is not inevitable to improve the change of the ways of economic growth unless there is a system of innovation.西欧与东亚经济发展的大相径庭证明,由资源短缺所导致的要素制约更容易激励经济增长方式的转变。

3)inherent restrictive factors内在制约要素


1.Different phase of economic growth has different speciallimited-factors.经济增长过程中面临多种要素约束,最根本的约束要素是人力资源。

5)factor contract要素合约

6)essence of the contract契约要素


