100字范文 > 博弈理论模型 game-theoretic model英语短句 例句大全

博弈理论模型 game-theoretic model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-26 03:37:38


博弈理论模型 game-theoretic model英语短句 例句大全

博弈理论模型,game-theoretic model

1)game-theoretic model博弈理论模型

2)game theory mod博弈论模型


1.Micro-credit Interest Rate Analysis Based on the Game Theory;基于博弈论模型的小额信贷利率分析

2.Game Theoretical Models of Government Procurement Auction in China;我国政府采购招标的博弈论模型研究

3.The Study on the Game-Theory Model about the Green Label Used and Supervised;绿色标志使用与监督行为的博弈论模型研究

4.Analysis of the Theoretical Model of Pigovian Tax Under the Guidance of Game Theory;博弈论思想下的庇古税理论模型分析

5.User Behavior Decision-making Model Based on Game-theory Framework;基于博弈论框架的用户行为决策模型

6.Game-based time-of-use electricity price models and relevant simulations;基于博弈论的分时电价模型及其仿真

7.A Model of Bidding Strategy for Power Generating Enterprises Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的发电企业竞价策略模型

8.Re-discussion on the Talents Outflow--the Exploration Based on the Gaming Model;再论人才流失——基于博弈模型的探索

9.Analyzing the Bargain Model of Game Theory in International Commercial Negotiation;国际商务谈判的博弈论议价模型分析

10.Analysis and development of the method and model of option game theory;期权博弈理论的方法模型分析与发展

11.Incentive Pricing Model for Equipment Acquisition Based on Game Theory基于博弈论的装备采购定价激励模型

12.Power Control Model Based on Game Theory in Ad Hoc Networks基于博弈论的Ad hoc网络功率控制模型

13.Evaluation Model of Information Security Technologies Based on Game Theoretic基于博弈论的信息安全技术评价模型

14.Study on the Self-Adaptive Model of Bidding for Generating Unit Based on the Game Theory under Power Market;基于博弈论的电厂报价的自适应模型研究

15.Optimum Configuration Method for the Cooperative Supply Chain Based on the Fuzzy Game Theory;基于模糊博弈论的合作型供应链优化配置方法

16.The Game Theoretic Incentive Model of P2P Based on Differential Quality of Service;基于博弈论的P2P服务质量差异激励模型的研究

17.Optimal Nonlinear Manufacture Pricing Model Based on Option-Game Theory;基于期权博弈理论的最优非线性产品定价模型

18.Option Game Evaluation:The Theoretic Models Based on Agents and Projects;期权博弈评价:基于主体和项目视角的理论模型


game theory mod博弈论模型

3)game theory博弈理论

1.Inequalitygame theory is used to establish the model and algorithm of inequality game distribution of multi-sensor management in M4,which can realize effectively the optimization of multi-sensor management.利用非平等博弈理论,建立多传感器资源的非平等博弈分配模型和分配算法,可以合理有效地解决多传感器管理方案的优化问题。

2.This paper analyzes the causes of the disturbance and its influence that it may bring to our country from the perspective ofgame theory and demonstration method.美国次债风波造成了全球罕见的金融动荡并有可能对我国造成严重影响,通过博弈理论及实证方法分析了次债风波产生的根源及对我国产生的影响,在此基础上,提出了政府可采取扩张型财政政策;提高利率和汇率政策的主动性、灵活性,加大金融创新;采取更加有效的措施控制房地产市场和股市风险等相应的建议。

3.A new and efficient approach to find supply function equilibrium of producers for network constrained electricity markets according to the bidding slope option was proposed and thegame theory was applied.在考虑网络约束的电力市场下,应用博弈理论,提出了通过改变发电商报价曲线斜率来寻求发电商的供给函数平衡的新的有效方法。

4)game model博弈模型

1.Cooperativegame model for international technology transfer;国际技术转移行为的合作博弈模型研究

2.Study on Inner-enterprise Game Models about Interest Among Proprietor, Manager and Laborer;企业中个体与群体利益行为机制的博弈模型研究

3.Discrete dynamic Stackelberggame model for traffic guidance strategy and its solving method交通出行诱导的离散Stackelberg动态博弈模型及其求解算法

5)game theory model博弈模型

1.Aiming at characteristics of the partnership relation between enterprise owners and professional managers,game theory model under the hypothetic supposition condition is established,and the equilibrium results of thegame theory model are gotten.针对企业所有者和职业经理人之间关系特点,在设定的假设条件下构建博弈模型,并求出这一博弈模型的均衡解。

2.From the analysis of conventional mod-els,a newgame theory model is set up for bidding,and it starts with two bidders and then ex-poses multi-bidders under symmetric information.本文在对传统模型分析的基础上,把博弈理论运用到投标报价的决策中,研究并建立了在信息对称情况下的具有两个投标者的报价博弈模型及具有多个投标者的报价博弈模型,提出了投标者应采取的最优报价水平。

3.On the basis of analyzing conventional models,this paper sets up agame theory model for bidding,starting with two bid-ders,then extending to multi-bidders.本文把博弈理论运用到投标报价的决策中,首先研究并建立了具有两个投标者的报价博弈模型,进而研究并建立了具有多个投标者的报价博弈模型,提出了投标者应采取的最优报价水平。

6)game models博弈模型

bining management theory and the theory of industrial organization, the authors set up three types ofgame models, including repeated negotiation game model in the period of absorbing firms, game model in the stage of adjustment and cooperative game model about revenue distribution.针对企业集团化过程中的不足 ,提出了将博弈论应用于企业集团组建的全过程的观点 ;结合现代管理理论和产业组织理论 ,系统分析了集团化过程中的现实问题 ,建立了 3种博弈模型即吸纳成员企业的重复谈判博弈模型、整合阶段的博弈模型和收益分配的合作博弈模型 ,能为企业联合提供决策支持 。

2.Spulber′sgame models to analyze the different trading between individual investors and institutional investors,as well as the foundamental plane information changing or unchanging when institutional investors determine the stock price.应用丹尼尔·F·斯普尔伯等提出的博弈模型 ,分析了散户与散户之间及散户与庄家之间的股票交易情况 ,以及庄家确定股票价格时有不改变基本面信息和改变基本面信息的情况 。

3.Based on the theory of "Private Supply of Public Goods" ,we designgame models to study the problems which live in constructing agricultural regional brand.在建立博弈模型并引入政府和农协因素之后,使农户确定共同的价值观,我们认为可以使区域品牌投入的自愿供给达到最优,并通过研究得出区域品牌在建立后可能出现"柠檬市场"效应。


