100字范文 > 博弈理论 game theory英语短句 例句大全

博弈理论 game theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-30 20:47:41


博弈理论 game theory英语短句 例句大全

博弈理论,game theory

1)game theory博弈理论

1.Inequalitygame theory is used to establish the model and algorithm of inequality game distribution of multi-sensor management in M4,which can realize effectively the optimization of multi-sensor management.利用非平等博弈理论,建立多传感器资源的非平等博弈分配模型和分配算法,可以合理有效地解决多传感器管理方案的优化问题。

2.This paper analyzes the causes of the disturbance and its influence that it may bring to our country from the perspective ofgame theory and demonstration method.美国次债风波造成了全球罕见的金融动荡并有可能对我国造成严重影响,通过博弈理论及实证方法分析了次债风波产生的根源及对我国产生的影响,在此基础上,提出了政府可采取扩张型财政政策;提高利率和汇率政策的主动性、灵活性,加大金融创新;采取更加有效的措施控制房地产市场和股市风险等相应的建议。

3.A new and efficient approach to find supply function equilibrium of producers for network constrained electricity markets according to the bidding slope option was proposed and thegame theory was applied.在考虑网络约束的电力市场下,应用博弈理论,提出了通过改变发电商报价曲线斜率来寻求发电商的供给函数平衡的新的有效方法。


1.Supply Chain Partnership of Construction-installation Enterprise Based on Game Theory基于博弈理论的供应链合作伙伴关系

2.A Game-theory-based Study on Forming a Supply Chain Project;基于博弈理论的供应链项目构建研究

3.An Analysis of China and U.S. Exchange Rate Policies: a Game Theory Perspective;基于博弈理论对中美汇率政策的解析

4.Research on the Efficiency Optimization in a Supply Chain Based on Game Theory;基于博弈理论的供应链效率优化研究

5.Two-Level-Games :Pattern of Domestic Politics and Diplomacy Interaction;双层博弈理论:内政与外交的互动模式

6.The Evolution Eame Theory of CPA Auditing;注册会计师审计的生物进化博弈理论

7.An Analysis on the Phenomenon of Making False GDP Figures with Game Theory;对统计数据造假行为的博弈理论分析

8.Study of Bidding Strategies with Game Theory in Power Market;博弈理论在发电商竞价策略中的应用

9.Analysis and development of the method and model of option game theory;期权博弈理论的方法模型分析与发展

10.Study on Transformation of Village in City by the Game Theory基于博弈理论的城中村改造问题研究

11.The design of incentive mechanism named SOIM based on the game theory基于博弈理论的P2P激励机制SOIM的设计

12.Application of Game Theory in the Prevention and Treatment of Influenza A(H1N1)博弈理论在防治甲型H1N1流感中的应用

13.Analysis of the Theoretical Model of Pigovian Tax Under the Guidance of Game Theory;博弈论思想下的庇古税理论模型分析

14.New theory of Sovereignty in the view of Game theory;博弈论视角下国家主权理论的新思考

15.A Theoretical Study on Market Order: Perspective from Game Analysis on the Market Interest;市场秩序理论研究——从利益博弈的角度

16.Earnings Management Analysis of Listed Corporation Based on Game Theory;基于博弈论的上市公司盈余管理分析

17.Study on Decision-making of Management Based on Game Theory and Rough Set Theory;基于博弈论和粗糙集的管理决策分析

18.The Application of Game Theory in the Emergency Management of the Allocation of Resources;博弈论在应急管理资源配置中的应用


mutli-person Game Theory人博弈理论

3)managerial game theory管理博弈论

4)theoretical study/game theory理论研究/博弈论

5)evolutionary game theory进化博弈理论

1.Farmer Household s Behavior of Conversion Cropland Based on Evolutionary Game Theory;基于进化博弈理论视角的农户群体退耕行为分析

2.Anevolutionary game theory model of TCP (transmission control protocol) algorithms based on the non cooperative game was developed to investigate the TCP and to develop other end to end or distributed traffic control algorithms.为了精确研究 TCP(transmission control protocol)算法 ,指导其他端到端流量控制算法以及路由器中的分布式流量控制算法的设计和实现 ,该文从非合作博弈的角度出发 ,提出了一种基于进化博弈理论的 TCP算法模型。

3.Adopting the model of two-stage game,using theevolutionary game theory of role-conditioned behaviors,this paper analyzes on the phenomena of the protection and infringement of intellectual property right among enterprises,and draws some relative conclusions.采用两阶段博弈模型,使用角色互换的进化博弈理论,对企业间的知识产权保护和侵权现象进行分析并得出了相关结论。

6)two level game双层博弈理论


