100字范文 > 地震矩率 earthquake moment rate英语短句 例句大全

地震矩率 earthquake moment rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-07 03:32:21


地震矩率 earthquake moment rate英语短句 例句大全

地震矩率,earthquake moment rate

1)earthquake moment rate地震矩率

1.The recurrence interval has been estimated by three methods: offset landforms,earthquake moment rate and fault slip rate.利用断错地貌、地震矩率和滑动速率3种方法,分别估算了龙门山断裂带大地震的复发间隔。

2)Seismic moment rate地震矩年变化率

3)Seismic moment地震矩

1.The seismic risk evaluation is carried out on several segments of the East Kunlun and Altun faults by using the seismic moment and real-time probabilistic model.运用地震矩和实时概率模型,分别对东昆仑断裂带和阿尔金断裂带上的几个断裂段进行了地震危险性评估,得到的概率数据都属于小概率事件范围,说明未来100年内,这两个断裂带各段上发生与其历史上大小相当的地震的可能性很小。

2.In this paper, the method for inversing the kinematics parameters of a fault zone from seismic moment tensors is discussed and applied to the study of the present kinematics characteristics of Xianshuihe Fault zone and Fenwei Fault zone.文中探讨了利用地震矩张量反演断裂形变带运动学参数的方法,并将其应用于鲜水河断裂带和汾渭断裂带现今运动学特征的研究。

3.The ratio of radiated energy over seismic moment, or the so-called reduced energy, is studied for global deep-focus earthquakes deeper than 70km using the scalar seismic moment in the Harvard CMT catalogue and the radiated energy estimated by NEIC from January 1987 to December 2001.利用1987年1月至2001年12月的哈佛CMT目录和美国NEIC地震辐射能量目录 ,研究了全球范围内震源深度大于 70km的地震的辐射能量与地震矩之比 (或称折合能量 )随地震矩的变化及其与震源深度之间的关系 。


1.seismic moment, 5.2×1026 dyne-cm;地震矩5.2×10~(24)达因·厘米;

2.The Application of XinJiang JiaShi Region s Middle and Small Earthquake Moment Tensors Inversion;新疆伽师地区中小地震矩张量反演应用研究

3.Quick moment tensor solution of the August 9, Izu Islands, Japan earthquake8月9日日本伊豆群岛地震矩张量解

4.Current Crustal Strain Field in the Sichuan-Yunnan Area by Joint Inversion of GPS and Seismic Moment Tensor川滇地区地壳应变场的GPS与地震矩张量联合反演研究

5.Apparent Stress Obtained from Broadband Radiated Energy Catalogue and Seismic Moment Catalogue and Its Seismological Significance由宽频带辐射能量目录和地震矩目录给出的视应力及其地震学意义

6.Use Seismic Moment Tensor and GPS Data to Analyse the Recent CrustalM ovement Energy Distribution Characteristics of China Continent利用地震矩张量与GPS资料推算中国大陆现今地壳运动能量分布特征

7.Accelerating Moment Release (AMR) Before Strong and Intermediate-strength Earthquakes in China;中国一些中强震前地震活动的矩加速释放现象

8.Study of Seismic Resistance Design of Rectangular Concrete Plate Pump House in the Earthquake Zone地震区矩形混凝土板式泵房抗震设计的探讨

9.Earthquake Induced Interior Hydrodynamic Force on Rectangular Hollow Bridge Pier地震下矩形空心桥墩内部动水力分析

10.Quick moment tensor solution of the March 19 Tonga earthquake3月19日汤加地震快速矩张量解

11.Studies of the Seismic Fortification Principle Based on the Earthquake Damage Matrix;基于结构地震震害矩阵的建筑抗震设防原则研究

12.Seismic Response Analysis of Rectangular RC Liquid Storage Structures;钢筋混凝土矩形贮液结构地震响应分析

13.Quick moment tensor solution of the August 3, Gulf of California earthquake8月3日加利福利亚湾地震快速矩张量解

14.Precise transfer matrix method for solving earthquake response of curved box bridges曲线箱梁桥地震反应的频域精细传递矩阵法

15.The largest earthquake ever recorded on the moment magnitude scale measured 9.5.曾经被记录的用力矩震级描述的最大的地震是9.5级。

16.The moment magnitude scale measures the total energy released in an earthquake and it describes large earthquakes more accurately than does the Richter scale.力矩量级可以测量地震释放的总能量,并且用它来描述大地震比用里氏震级要精确得多。

17.Although large earthquakes are customarily re ported on the Richter scale, scientists prefer to de scribe earthquakes greater than 7.0 on the moment magnitude scale.尽管大地震常以里氏震级来报道,但科学家喜欢用力矩量级来描述大于7.0级的地震。

18.Study of Finite-element"s Centred Mass Matrix and Parallel Algorithm on Simulation of Seismic Wave;地震波有限元集中质量矩阵及并行算法模拟研究


Seismic moment rate地震矩年变化率

3)Seismic moment地震矩

1.The seismic risk evaluation is carried out on several segments of the East Kunlun and Altun faults by using the seismic moment and real-time probabilistic model.运用地震矩和实时概率模型,分别对东昆仑断裂带和阿尔金断裂带上的几个断裂段进行了地震危险性评估,得到的概率数据都属于小概率事件范围,说明未来100年内,这两个断裂带各段上发生与其历史上大小相当的地震的可能性很小。

2.In this paper, the method for inversing the kinematics parameters of a fault zone from seismic moment tensors is discussed and applied to the study of the present kinematics characteristics of Xianshuihe Fault zone and Fenwei Fault zone.文中探讨了利用地震矩张量反演断裂形变带运动学参数的方法,并将其应用于鲜水河断裂带和汾渭断裂带现今运动学特征的研究。

3.The ratio of radiated energy over seismic moment, or the so-called reduced energy, is studied for global deep-focus earthquakes deeper than 70km using the scalar seismic moment in the Harvard CMT catalogue and the radiated energy estimated by NEIC from January 1987 to December 2001.利用1987年1月至2001年12月的哈佛CMT目录和美国NEIC地震辐射能量目录 ,研究了全球范围内震源深度大于 70km的地震的辐射能量与地震矩之比 (或称折合能量 )随地震矩的变化及其与震源深度之间的关系 。

4)Relation between seismic moment and magnitude地震矩-震级关系

5)scale seismic moment标量地震矩

1.With the wave spectra of earthquakes,thescale seismic moment and seismic radiant energy are calculated and further the apparent stress are calculated.5以上地震164次,通过数字地震波谱计算了标量地震矩和地震辐射能量,从而进行了视应力的计算。

6)seismic moment tensor地震矩张量

1.The application ofseismic moment tensor inversion to bulletin of seismological observation;地震矩张量反演在地震观测报告中的应用

2.Based on the data of GPS andseismic moment tensor and considered tectonic motion within the Chinese continent thoroughly,the euler parameters of main-plates in Chinese continent are studied through joint inversion method.基于中国大陆多年来的GPS速度数据和地震矩张量数据,在充分考虑大陆内部构造活动的基础上,联合反演研究了中国大陆主要块体的欧拉运动参数。

3.In the field of observation, the methods of the accurate location of earthquake sources, the inversion ofseismic moment tensor and the mechanism of earthquake source are improved and developed.他们对精确定位、地震矩张量反演和震源参数反演等方法进行了改进和发展 ,并利用这些方法 ,研究了许多重要地震事件的破裂过程 ,并结合地面形变测量 ,研究了地震破裂与区域应力场、地质构造运动的关系 。


气候要素日变化和年变化气候要素日变化和年变化diurnal variation and annual variation of climatic elementsq ihou yaosu ribianhua hen一anb一anhua气候要素日变化和年变化(diurnal varia-tion and annual variation of elimatieelements)由地球自转和公转所引起的以l」、年为周期的气候要素变化。日变化以气温为例,其日变化与地面加热状况直接有关,最高值在14一15时出现,最低值在日出前后测点的纬度、海拔高度、下垫面条件、季节以及人气干湿状况都可影响气温日变化,但不改变其主要性质)干旱地区夏季的气温日变化最显著,日较差(最高温度与最低温度之差)最大。气温日较差人小对农作物生长有收要意义,是农业气候分析的项目之一水汽压的日变化决定于地面加热条件、地面湿润状沉和湍流交换强弱。在充分湿润的地区和季节.水汽压最高值是午后最大,玄青晨最小,在其它地区,水汽压日变化曲线人多旱双峰型,两个高值分别出现在9时和「1落前后,两个低值发生在日出前和午后〔如图所示、风速日变化上要取决于近地层中湍流交换的日变化,11间因湍流加强,地面风速也增大,午后风速达最大值,夜间风速最小。沿海的海陆风现象及山区山谷风现象也属风的日变化,它们的速度和方向均有周日变化。年变化气候要素年变化与太阳辐射年变化有关最明显的是气温年变化,在北回归线以北的北半球大陆上,l月气温最低,7月最高,气温年变曲线比之天文辐射年变曲线约有一个月的位相落后。在海洋l比日︸1一一 。dq\汉俐田仁书5言 1 2 16时间/h20 24水气压的日变化上气温年变曲线的位相落后更多。从各地气温年变化特点就可看出海陆影响的程度(见大陆度)。降水的年变化也很明显,中国东部地区因受季风影响,夏季6一8月降水最多,冬季最少,干湿季竹交替明显地中海沿岸降水年变化具有冬季降水充沛,夏季少雨的特点,形成特殊的地中海气候。在英lfil各地,全年各月降水墩分配相当均匀,年变化较小,反映出典型的海洋性气候相对湿度的年变化与气温年变化相反,一般是夏季小冬季人。气温、降水、相对湿度等要素年变曲线的配置特点,可反映出各地气候的特点(翁笃鸣)
