100字范文 > 地震保险费率 earthquake insurance rate英语短句 例句大全

地震保险费率 earthquake insurance rate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-25 12:52:28


地震保险费率 earthquake insurance rate英语短句 例句大全

地震保险费率,earthquake insurance rate

1)earthquake insurance rate地震保险费率


1.Determination of earthquake premium rate based on engineering seismic risk assessment;基于工程地震风险评估的地震保险费率厘定

2.Research on Earthquake Insurance Rate and Insurance Mode of Earth-rockfill Dams土石坝工程地震保险费率厘定和保险模式研究

3.Earthquake insurance premium rate of buildings based on seismic hazard characteristic zone基于地震危险性特征分区的建筑物地震保险费率

4.Aseismic Assurance Evaluation of Structures Subjected to Earthquake Resistant Capability;基于结构动力可靠性的地震保险费率厘定方法

5.Discussion on the Seismic Calamity Insurance Premium Rate of Underground Tunnel in Soft district Clay and Claims软土地区地下隧道地震灾害保险费率厘定和理赔探讨

6.Ratemaking Method of Earthquake Insurance for Buildings Considering Structural Resistant Capacity考虑结构抗力因素的建筑物地震保险纯费率厘定方法

7.Calculation methods for earthquake loss risk and insurance premium of buildings;建筑物地震损失风险与保险费用的确定方法

8.freight including insurance paid to…运费、保险费付至某地价

9.A new method for calculating fair crop yield premium rate and premium农业保险费率和保费的计算方法研究

10.the ratio of the annual claims paid by an insurance company to the premiums received.保险公司赔偿每年索赔单保险费比率。

11.On the New Fconomy and the Reform of the market-oriented Insurance;论保险费率市场化与保险运作市场化

12.A simulation of insurance guarantee fund rates in China Under RRM我国保险保障基金风险费率模拟分析

13.The current insurance rate is $1.325per 100.00 of insure value, which include 0.15 for war risk.现行保险费率:每100美元保险值交1.325美元,其中包括战争保险费率0.15。

14.Research on earthquake insurance loss estimation considering seismic hazard characteristic zone基于地震危险性分区的地震保险损失评估研究

15.This risk is coverable at a premium of 0. 30%.该险别的保险费率是0. 30%。

16.The Formulation of Premium Rate and Its Division in China;中国粮食产量保险费率的订定方法和保险费率区划

17.Please give us the premium rate for fpa coverage and for wpa coverage .请告知我们平安险和水渍险的保险费率。

18.Please give us the policy rated for F. P. A. coverage and for W. F. coverage.请给我公司平安险和水渍险的保险费率。


Premium rate保险费率

1.Study on the risk-based determination of the premium rate in breakwater construction;基于风险量化防波堤工程施工期保险费率厘定

2.A new method for calculating fair crop yield premium rate and premium农业保险费率和保费的计算方法研究

3.Evolution and reform of the premium rate system in China中国保险费率管理制度的变迁与改革

3)Insurance rate保险费率

1.The research for engineering insurance rate calculation based on the RBF neural networks;基于RBF网络的工程保险费率厘定研究

2.Author stresses on different insurance rate, compulsory insurance and support by government will contribute to the environmental liability insurance.为了更好的发挥环境责任保险分散风险、消化损失的功能 ,在运作机制的设计上应采取差别保险费率、强制保险和由政府给予支持的制度。

3.When the insurance companies are supposed to choose the insurance scheme for an urban subway project, the most important thing is to decide the insurance rate; however, the scale of insurance rate is dependent on the level of risk to some extent.保险公司在确定城市地铁工程保险方案时,最主要的工作是确定保险费率,而工程保险费率的大小是以工程风险的大小为基础的。

4)insurance premium保险费率

5)earthquake insurance地震保险

1.Some problems forearthquake insurance of buildings;建筑物地震保险的若干问题

2.Development of Japan searthquake insurancethrough the Osaka Kobe earthquake;阪神地震与日本地震保险的发展

3.The countermeasures for promotingearthquake insurance for urban infrastructure;建立城市基础设施地震保险的主要措施

6)earthquake insurance law地震保险法

1.There is still noearthquake insurance law in China,which is a missing link in the earthquake insurance system.而现阶段制定我国的地震保险法既是必要的也是可行的。


什么是追加保险费? 追加保险费是指购买了平安世纪理财投资连结保险(主保险合同)的客户,按照主合同的约定向本公司支付当时保单年度的保险费后,经本公司同意可在该保单年度内随时支付任意金额的保险费进入投资帐户进行投资。
