100字范文 > 税务干部 tax cadres英语短句 例句大全

税务干部 tax cadres英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-11 08:24:35


税务干部 tax cadres英语短句 例句大全

税务干部,tax cadres

1)tax cadres税务干部

1.In light of the development of tax cause,this article briefly states the importance of enhancing the quality oftax cadres and clarifies its views on three points It emphasizes self-education and cultivate training during thetax cadres′ professional study under external pressure and internal reques本文从税收事业发展未来的需要出发 ,简述了提高税务干部素质的重要意义 ,提出了如何加速地税干部知识化进程的三个观点 ,即 :综合性与专业性 ;外在压力与内在要求 ;业余自学与集中培训三个相统一的问题 ,分别进行了必要的阐述。

2.In this article, the author inquires into the values oftax cadres as a government official, illustrating from the following aspects, i.本文从我国社会主义市场经济体制的建立和政府职能相应转变的实际出发,从税务部门作为政府的经济综合管理部门的职能强化、地位和作用更为突出的变化实际出发,从人的自利性和求利性心理出发,对税务干部的从政价值理念进行研析。


1.Research on Component-based Taxation Cadre Evaluation System;基于组件的税务干部测评系统的研究

2.Views on Improving the Tax Cadres′Intellectual Study;加速税务干部知识化进程的几点认识

3.Research into the training of tax personnel carried out by the city-level tax department;对市级税务机关开展税务干部教育培训工作的探讨

4.The key to improving the professional competence of tax personnel is to identify the duties of tax departments at each level and perfect the training sysem.规范各级税务部门的培训职责,建立健全教育培训机制,是提高全体税务干部素质的关键。

5.An Analysis on Tax Cadres Values and the Corresponding Educational Strategies under the Socialistic Market Economy;社会主义市场经济条件下税务干部价值理念的研析及其教育对策

6.An analysis of the evaluating mechanism in performance test for tax personnel;关于强化税务干部队伍绩效考核评价机制问题的思考

7.In order to adapt to the tax administration, it is necessary to train the tax personnel systematically.为适应税收管理的需要,必须通过各种途径系统地开展税务干部教育培训工作。

8.and for tax refund, taxation authorities.国内税退税,税务部门。

9.The Practice and Reflection on the Tenure System of Middle-level Cadres in Qingdao Municipal Office of State Administration of Taxation青岛市国家税务局实行中层干部职务任期制的实践与思考

10.Tax official:yes.so different from the finance leasing situation, the whole rental turnover is taxable税务局:对!它的全部租赁收入都要计税。

11.Right Function of Village Cadre in New Period;农业税免税时代村干部职能的定位及激励机制

12.Tariff rates were fixed by the State Council, and partial adjustment to the duty rates was subject to deliberation and final decision by the State Council Tariff Commission.关税税率由国务院制定,税率的局部调整由国务院关税税则委员会审定。

13.The Research on Several Legal Problems about International Tax of E-business;电子商务国际税收若干法律问题研究

14.The Research of Some Problems AboutV.A.T.Accounting Theory And Practice;增值税会计理论与实务若干问题研究

15.An Exploration of Tax Planning in Shipping Industry of China我国航运行业税务筹划若干问题探讨

16.After door of The Ministry of Commerce and Industry applies for to end, still must arrive duty Wu branch, undertake duty Wu endowment ask.在工商部门申请完毕之后,还必须到税务部门,进行税务资询。

17.Of course, she must pay some additional charges as taxes to the Tax Administration.当然,她必须付一些附加费来向税务部门交税。

18.Research of How to Control the Tax Collection Cost in Grassroots Tax Authorities控制基层税务部门税收征收成本的研究


tax personnel税务干部队伍

1.An analysis of the evaluating mechanism in performance test fortax personnel;关于强化税务干部队伍绩效考核评价机制问题的思考

3)Tax department税务部门

1.The purpose of this paper is to build up a set of brand-new index system of performance evaluation, which is suitable and general for most of the grass-roots tax department of our country, and to provide some references for the management and reformation in tax department.本文旨在构建一套全新的适合我国大多数基层税务部门的通用的绩效评估指标体系,为税务部门的管理与改革提供点滴借鉴。

4)taxation department税务部门

1.As the theory and way of performance evaluation imported from western countries, it is being put into practice in localtaxation department gradually.随着绩效评估理论、方法从西方的引进,绩效评估在基层税务部门也逐步得到了应用。

5)local taxes cardres地税干部队伍

1.This paper analyzes the importance of strengthening the sense of responsibility aboutlocal taxes cardres and the existing problems.文章通过对强化地税干部队伍责任意识重要性和对当前地税部门在强化责任意识方面存在问题的分析,就如何强化地税干部队伍责任意识展开了较为深入的思考。

6)in-house tax department公司税务部门


