100字范文 > 虫害控制 pest control英语短句 例句大全

虫害控制 pest control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-11 15:43:40


虫害控制 pest control英语短句 例句大全

虫害控制,pest control

1)pest control虫害控制

1.The roles of vegetable diversifying in orchardpest controlling: A review;植被多样化在果园虫害控制中的研究进展


1.(b) pest and disease control, including general and product-specific pest and disease control measures, such as early-warning systems, quarantine and eradication;(b)病虫害控制,包括一般的和特定产品的病虫害控制措施,如早期预警制度、检疫和根除;

2.Application of Landscape Connectivity in Controlling Forest Disease and Insect Pests景观连接度在森林病虫害控制中的应用

3.Chemicals are used for keeping insects down.化学剂用来控制害虫。

4.Poor: No organized program for insect control. Insects or evidence of their presence found throughout plant.差:未建立害虫控制的程序,或在厂房内有害虫或害虫的痕迹。

5.A Study on the Comprehensive Control over the Diseases,pests and weeds in the Fields for Hybrid Rice Seed Production;水稻制种基地病、虫、草害的系统控制

6.The Study on Sustainable Control Tecology of Chestcut Pests in Xinyang;信阳板栗病虫害可持续控制技术研究

7.Experiment of Sex Pheromones Introduced from Japan on the Control of Apple Pests引进日本性信息素控制苹果害虫试验

8.Biological diversity in support of ecologically-based pest management at landscape level农业景观生物多样性与害虫生态控制

9.A Pest Management SEI Model with Biological and Chemical Control具有生物控制和化学控制的SEI害虫管理模型

10.A variety of pest control methods that include repairs, traps, bait, poison, etc. to eliminate pests.一系列包括各种各样的害虫控制方法如陷井、饵、毒物等以消灭虫害。

11.Control Effect of 30% Chlorantraniliprole·thiamethoxam SC Drenched in Seedbed on Insect Pests of Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata L.) Plants30%氯虫·噻虫嗪SC苗床灌根对结球甘蓝害虫的控制效果

12.Control index is one of the important technologies in pest control theory and the key factor deciding the success or failure of operation in pest management project.害虫的防治指标一直是害虫控制论中的关键技术之一,是害虫治理项目实施成败的关键。

13.the costs of control or eradication in the territory of the importing Member;在进口成员领土内控制或根除病虫害的费用;

14.Rarely can permanent control be achieved by a single application of spray.使用一次药剂防治难于持久地控制害虫。

15.The idea of using microorganisms to control plant pests is not new.用微生物来控制病虫害的设想并不新鲜。

16.Studies on Occurrence and Control of Main Pests in Flowers Plants Field in Shanghai;上海地区花卉主要害虫发生规律与控制技术

17.Studies on the Effect That Planting Grass and Releasing Natural Enemies Has the Pests under Control in the Orchard;苹果园生草与释放天敌对害虫的控制效应

18.Controlling Activites of the Essential Oils Against Three Main Stored-product Pests;植物精油对三种储粮害虫控制作用的研究


Pest control害虫控制

1.Pest control plays an important role in agriculture.害虫控制在农业生产中具有重要作用,而微分方程数学模型在描述害虫种群动力学行为中起到了非常重要的作用,特别是用脉冲微分方程来描述害虫种群动力学模型能够更合理、更精确地反映各种变化规律,因为现实世界中害虫的繁殖和危害、以及人类的控制行为几乎都是阶段性的。

3)insect pest control害虫控制

1.In this paper,the direction and indirection effects of agricultural measures oninsect pest control were summarized,and some questions about the reasonable using and exactly evaluation of agricultural measures were also discussed.本文从农业措施在害虫控制中的直接作用、对天敌昆虫的影响等方面进行了综述,同时对利用农业措施控制害虫的几个问题进行了探讨,以期为合理利用和正确评价农业措施控制害虫提供参考。

4)Control pests控制害虫

5)pest-controlling agents害虫控制剂

1.In view of the ecotoxictity of synthetic insecticides and resistance developed by the insects,worldwide attention is focused on the study and use of naturalpest-controlling agents that are biodegredable and environmentally benign.由于有机合成杀虫剂的生态毒性影响和害虫抗药性的发展,目前世界范围的注意力集中于可生物降解和对环境友好的天然害虫控制剂的研究应用上。

6)Control I ing AbiIity on Pest害虫控制力


反馈控制(见控制系统)反馈控制(见控制系统)feedback control于。。伙。]伙ongZ片}反馈控制(几edbaekcontrol)见拉制系统。
