100字范文 > 汾河水库 Fenhe Reservoir英语短句 例句大全

汾河水库 Fenhe Reservoir英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-04 03:33:06


汾河水库 Fenhe Reservoir英语短句 例句大全

汾河水库,Fenhe Reservoir

1)Fenhe Reservoir汾河水库

1.Studies on DCCA of the attached diatom community in headwater rivers ofFenhe Reservoir;汾河水库水源河着生硅藻群落的DCCA研究

2.Discussion on the Sedimentation ofFenhe Reservoir and the Prevention Measures;汾河水库的淤积及防治措施

3.The Stratification of Water Body ofFenhe Reservoir and the Countermeasures;汾河水库水体分层及对策


1.Analysis on the Benefit of Soil and Water Conservation in the Upper-reach of Fenhe Reservoir--A Case Study of Comprehensive Management to Fenhe During the Second Phase in Jingle County;汾河水库上游水土保持综合治理效益分析——以静乐县二期治汾为例

2.Dynamic Monitoring and Analysis of Soil Erosion of Upper Fenhe Reservoir in Shanxi Province;山西省汾河水库上游水土流失动态监测与分析

3.The Program Design of Management Software for Water Telemetry System of Fenhe Reservoir汾河水库水情遥测系统上位机管理软件的设计

4.Analysis on Variation Characteristics of Runoff and Flood Frequency in the Watershed Controlled by the Fenhe Reservoir汾河水库以上流域径流变化与洪水频率分析

5.Several Opinions on the Secondary Immigrant Settlement Planning of Fenhe Reservoir;对汾河水库二次移民安置规划的几点看法

6.The Research on the Water-lifting Aeration in the Treatment of Fenhe Reservoir Source Water;扬水曝气技术改善汾河水库水源水质的应用研究

7.Analysis on run-off variation and sediment reduction for water and soil conservation of Fenhe River Basin汾河水库流域水土保持治理减沙与径流变化分析

8.Grey correlational analysis and prediction of eco-environment and silt discharge amount to the Fenhe river reservoir生态环境与汾河水库输沙量的灰色关联分析和预测

9.Study on the annual runoff distribution in upstream watershed of the Fenhe Reservoir汾河水库上游流域径流年内分配时程变化规律研究

10.The Impact of the Redox Conditions on the Speciation of the Heavy Metals in the Sediment of the Fenhe Reservoir and Their Assessments of the Potential Ecological Risk环境条件变化下汾河水库沉积物中重金属形态分布特征及潜在生态风险评价

11.Study on United Dispatching of Water Provision for Fenhe First, Second Reservoirs and Shanxi Wanjiazhai Yellow River Diversion project;汾河一库、二库及引黄供水联合调度研究

12.Probe into the Present Situation of Water Environmental Quality in Linfen Section of Fenhe Basin and the Countermeasures汾河流域临汾段水环境质量现状及对策初探

13.Tender Invitation in Fenhe Reservoir Ⅱ Project;汾河二库工程招(议)标工作的特点

14.Probe into the Hydrologic Data Compilation of Fenhe Second Dam Hydrologic Station汾河二坝水文站水文资料整编的探讨

15.Development and Application of Water Quality Model of Taiyuan Reach,Fenhe River汾河太原城区段水质模型建立与应用

16.Analysis on the Prevention and Restoration of the Water Pollution of Fenhe Basin浅析汾河流域水质污染的防治与修复

17.Design and Application of RCC Mix Proportion in the Dam of Fenhe Ⅱ Reservoir汾河二库坝体碾压混凝土配合比设计及其应用

18.Probe into the Hydrological Forecast of Hechuan Water Diversion Reservoir of Diverting Qinshui Water into Fenhe River Project引沁入汾和川引水枢纽水库水文预报初探


Fenhe Reservoir Area汾河水库库区

1.Talking about the Engineering Geological Conditions inFenhe Reservoir Area;浅谈汾河水库库区工程地质条件

3)upstream of Fenhe Reservoir汾河水库上游

1.This paper,based on a case study of theupstream of Fenhe Reservoir in Yellow River,applies the Remote Sensing data of Landsat MSS(1976),TM(1990) and ETM+(2002) to dynamically monitor the land erosion with the results indicating that the soil has been eroded extensively during 1976 to 1990,and turned to a good condition in general during 1990 to 2002,but still worsening lo.以黄河流域汾河水库上游为研究区域,利用LandsatMSS(1976年)、TM(1990年)、ETM+(2002年)三期遥感数据,综合运用RS和G IS技术,对研究区的土壤侵蚀状况进行动态监测。

4)Fen river basin汾河水库流域

5)Fenhe Second reservoir汾河二库

1.[Objective]To know about the eutrophic condition of presentFenhe Second reservoir.[目的]了解汾河二库水体现阶段的富营养状况。

6)Fenhe Reservoir Two汾河二库

1.Analysis on and Treatment of the Cracks on the Rolled Concrete Dam Surface of theFenhe Reservoir Two;汾河二库碾压砼大坝坝面裂缝的分析与处理

2.The Main Construction Techniques Adopted in the Key Project ofFenhe Reservoir Two;汾河二库枢纽工程主要施工技术


