100字范文 > 汾河 Fenhe River英语短句 例句大全

汾河 Fenhe River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-01 10:39:58


汾河 Fenhe River英语短句 例句大全

汾河,Fenhe River

1)Fenhe River汾河

1.The Quality Evaluation on and Control Countermeasures for theFenhe River"s Water Resources;汾河水资源质量评价及治理对策

2.Analysis on Water Pollution ofFenhe River and Preventing Measures;汾河水污染分析与防治措施

3.Moist Scenery Construction Analysis of North Extending Section of Treating and Beautifying Project II ofFenhe River in Taiyuan Suburb;汾河太原城区段治理美化二期工程北延伸段湿地景观建设分析


1.Probe into the Present Situation of Water Environmental Quality in Linfen Section of Fenhe Basin and the Countermeasures汾河流域临汾段水环境质量现状及对策初探

2.Monitoring and Assessment of the Organic Pollutant in Fenhe River of Taiyuan Section汾河太原段有机污染物检测及评价

3.The Shanxi plain is watered by the Fen River which runs through it.山西平原由流经这里的汾河灌溉。

4.Development and Application of Water Quality Model of Taiyuan Reach,Fenhe River汾河太原城区段水质模型建立与应用

5.Effect of the Land Use on Environment on the upper Reaches of Fenhe River during Qing Dynasty;清代汾河上游土地利用对环境的影响

6.Ecological Security Character Analysis of Land Use in Fenhe Upriver;汾河上游土地利用生态安全特征分析

7.Probe into the Problems Influencing the Sustainable development of the Fenhe Irrigated Area;影响汾河灌区可持续发展的问题探讨

8.Tender Invitation in Fenhe Reservoir Ⅱ Project;汾河二库工程招(议)标工作的特点

9.Study on Quantitative Ecology of Wetland Vegetation in Yuncheng Section, Fen River Watershed, Shanxi汾河运城段湿地植被数量生态学研究

10.Analysis on the Prevention and Restoration of the Water Pollution of Fenhe Basin浅析汾河流域水质污染的防治与修复

11.Probe into the Hydrologic Data Compilation of Fenhe Second Dam Hydrologic Station汾河二坝水文站水文资料整编的探讨

12.Study on the Characteristics of Recent Land Use Change in the Upper Reaches of Fenhe River汾河上游近期土地利用变化特征研究

13.Study on the Remote Sensing Interpretation of the Land Use in the Headstream Region of Fenhe River汾河源头区土地利用的遥感解译研究

14.Analysis on the Benefit of Soil and Water Conservation in the Upper-reach of Fenhe Reservoir--A Case Study of Comprehensive Management to Fenhe During the Second Phase in Jingle County;汾河水库上游水土保持综合治理效益分析——以静乐县二期治汾为例

15.The enlightenment of Emscher river basin regularization model on Fen river regularization埃姆舍河流域治理模式对汾河治理启示

16.The Analysis of the Reasons of the Changes in the Section River From the Fen River to the Yellow River during Ming and Qing Periods明清时期汾河入黄段河道变迁的原因分析

17.Program Design of Automatic Monitoring System for Fen River Water Regime汾河河道水情自动化监测系统的程序设计

18.The Relation between the Economic and the Environmental in Fenhe River Basin in the Ming and Qing Dynasty明清时期汾河流域经济发展与环境变迁研究


Fen River汾河

1.Ecological Function of Wetland and Its Play a Role in HarnessFen River;湿地的生态功能及其在汾河治理中的作用

2.General description on rubber dam control project design ofFen River engineering rehabilitation in Taiyuan;太原市汾河河道治理工程橡胶坝设计

3.Study on the Diversity of Soil Animal Communities in Two Different Artificial woodlands inFen River Region;汾河两岸两种人工林土壤动物群落多样性研究


1.Water Environment ofFenhe River and Pollution Administration in Shanxi;山西汾河水环境与污染治理

2.Research on the Biodiversity of Diatom and Evaluation of the Water Quality in the Taiyuan Section of theFenhe River;汾河太原段硅藻多样性研究及水质生物学评价

3.This paper analyzes the flood resources between irrigation and reservoir ofFenhe River, present water diversion and sediment control facilities and characteristics of water and sand.对汾河灌区至汾河水库间的洪水资源、工程现有的引水防沙设施、水沙特性等作了分析 ,并估算了渠道挟沙能力和灌区三个坝的引水量与引沙量 ,总结了引洪灌溉的必要条

4)Linfen Section of Fenhe River汾河临汾段

1.Forecast and Analysis of Phenol Pollution ofLinfen Section of Fenhe River;汾河临汾段酚污染预测分析

5)The Fenhe River Course汾河河道

6)Fen River汾河河谷

1.The Plant Resourses′s Inquisition at the Bank ofFen River in Linfen;汾河河谷临汾段植物资源的调查


