100字范文 > 能源税制 energy tax system英语短句 例句大全

能源税制 energy tax system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-29 21:46:35


能源税制 energy tax system英语短句 例句大全

能源税制,energy tax system

1)energy tax system能源税制

1.By introducing and comparing the situation ofenergy tax system,environmental protection and energy consumption,the paper analyzed new tendency of the reform ofenergy tax system in developed countries in recent years.介绍、比较了世界各国对能源课税,保护环境、节约能源的情况,分析了近年来发达国家能源税制改革的新趋势。


1.Reform and Consummation of Energy Taxes System in China:also on Levying Fuel Tax;中国能源税制的改革与完善——兼论燃油税的开征

2.The Research on Energy Tax System: General Theory·Experience·System Improvement;能源税制研究:基础理论·经验借鉴·制度完善

3.On Resource Tax Reform and Coordinating Inter-regional Fiscal Capacities in China资源税制改革与统筹区域间财政能力

4.territorial source principle [taxation]地域来源原则〔税制〕

5.Learning from Western Experiences and Perfecting China s Resources Tax System;西方资源税制及其对完善我国资源税制的借鉴

6.Sino-Foreign Resources Tax System:A Comparison and Its Perfection;中外资源税制比较及我国资源税制的完善

7.This paper thinks that the mulberry tax in Jin dynasty derived from the mulberry tax system of Liao dynasty.金代桑税渊源于辽和北宋的桑税制度。

8.The Study on the Impacts of Energy Intensity Imposed by the Taxation of Energy Taxes: A CGE Approach;能源税征收对能源强度影响的CGE研究

9.Clean technology options for China s power industry in carbon tax and energy tax cases;碳税和能源税情景下的中国电力清洁技术选择

10.This system is funded out of national insurance contributions and taxation.此制度的所需资金来源于全国保险税和赋税。

11.Research on the Taxation System of Resource Tax in the Development of Mine Enterprises;矿山企业发展中的资源税税收制度研究

12.Orientation of the Resources and the Environment Tax under the Condition of the Green Tax System构建绿色税制条件下资源环境税的现实取向

13."Tax for fees reform": realization of substitution of water resources fee collecting institution by water resources protection tax;费改税:实现水资源保护税制对水资源费征收制度的替代

14.Research on Right Allocation between Central and Local Taxes--Thinking about Game Theory on Resource Tax分税制下中央和地方间税权配置研究——由资源税博弈引发的思考

15.The Roles of the Wealth Tax System and Its Revelation;从财产税制的功能谈我国财产税制的完善

16.Research on Deepening China s Tax Reform in the View of Functional Changein World-wide Tax System;从世界税制功能变化看我国税制改革的深化

17.A Probe into Tax Incentives for Renewable Energy Development;可再生能源发展的税收激励政策探析

18.On EU Energy Taxes and Its Enlightenment for China试析欧盟的能源税及其对中国的启示


Tax Source and System税源税制

3)resources tax system资源税税制

4)energy tax能源税

1.Clean technology options for China s power industry in carbon tax andenergy tax cases;碳税和能源税情景下的中国电力清洁技术选择

2.The method is based on system dynamics,and also takes energy price,interest rate,energy tax rate and energy-saving marginal cost into consideration,and how these factors influence the willingness to invest of energy-saving program.提出了一种中国交通可持续能源税收政策研究分析法。

3.Whether introduction ofenergy tax or not is the focus of controversy in Taiwan.台湾地区是否应该开征能源税已成为目前其税收理论界争论的焦点之一。

5)energy taxes能源税

1.The current situation and existing problem of related-energy taxes and the tendency ofenergy taxes reforms in our country are discussed.分析我国与能源相关税(费)的现状及存在问题,探讨了我国能源税制体系改革趋势:一是完善能源消费税,二是开征能源排污税,最终建立以保护环境和节约能源为目的能源税制体系。

2.The EU\"senergy taxes, including fuel taxes, CO_2 taxes, have made significant achievements in terms of economic development, and environmental protection since it was formulated.经过多年探索,欧盟国家的能源税,主要包括运输燃料税、CO_2税,在经济、环保方面取得了重大成就。

6)resource tax system资源税制

1.Suggestions of setting up and perfecting the Science & Technology tax system, environment protecting tax system andresource tax system are proposed.通过借鉴一些国家促进经济发展的税收制度和成功经验,从税收角度探讨了促进经济可持续发展的税制体系构想,提出了建立和完善我国科技税制、环保税制和资源税制的一些建议。


发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重发电能源在一次能源消费中的比重the share of energy for electricity generation in total primary energyfad旧n nengyuan za一y一ei nengyuan x.oofe一zhong由b lzhong发电能源在一次能派消费中的比,(theshare of energy for eleetrieity罗neratinn in totalprimary energy)是表征一个国家国民经济电气化程度的一个指标。在一次能源总消费中,发电用能源的比例越大,电力在能源系统中的地位越重要,国民经济电气化的程度就越高。由于使用电力比直接使用石油、天然气和煤炭等一次能源的效率高,且电力用途广泛,使用灵活方便,不污染环境,可靠性高,因此.世界各国的电力生产和消费以高于能源的速度增长,发电用能源在一次能源总消费t中的比例日益增大。下表列出了一些国家发电用能源占一次能源总消费的比例变化情况。一些日家发电能一占一次能派总消.一的比,(%)┌──┬───┬───┬──┬───┬──┬───┬───┐│年份│美国 │日本 │德国│加章大│法国│英国 │中国 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1970│28.4 │31。1 ││43.3 │23.8│ │ │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1980│37。65│44.9 │30.7│57.1 │36.1│39.7 │20.60 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1990│41.79 │50.30 │33.7│58.9 │46.0│37。6 │24.68 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1995│40.50 │51.50 │35.8│63.7 │57.0│36.7 │29.58 │├──┼───┼───┼──┼───┼──┼───┼───┤│1996│41。0 │50.7 │34.9│64。3 │54.2│35.4 │30.76 │└──┴───┴───┴──┴───┴──┴───┴───┘ 注:1.资料来浑日本海外电力调查会《海外电气事业统 计》和《中国电力统计资料》. 2.说明:(l)电力消费t系按电厂的发电t或净发电 t计算;(2)美国、日本、法国、英国系按供电热 效率计算煤耗,铭国、加幸大系按发电热效率计算煤耗,中国则立接按发电煤耗计算;(3)发电能浑 消费(含火电、水电、核电等)均用上述计算的煤 耗乘以各自的总发电t。
