100字范文 > 税制 tax system英语短句 例句大全

税制 tax system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-03 20:30:49


税制 tax system英语短句 例句大全

税制,tax system

1)tax system税制

1.The conception of the reform of our individual incometax system;对中国个人所得税税制改革的构想

2.On virescence of relatedtax system in circulation economy development;论循环经济发展中相关税制的绿化问题

3.thoughts on efficiency and justice problems oftax system;对税制效率与公平问题的思考


1.Study on Plans of Enterprise Income Tax under Tax System in Force;论现行税制下的企业所得税纳税筹划

modity Tax of Financial Service Industry: Tax Burden Equilibrium and Tax System Reform;金融业流转税:税负均衡及税制改革

3.System Design of Property Tax on the Purpose of Improving Tax System;基于完善税制目的的物业税制度研究

4.Strategic Choice of Tax System Optimization: Establishing Double Type Tax System Structure;税制优化战略选择:构建双型税制结构

5.Unify the urban and rural taxation: the new way of agriculturetax reformation;统一城乡税制:农业税制改革新思路

6.Effect of WTO on Tax System Reformation for China;加入WTO对我国税制的影响与税制改革

7.American Tax System and the Reform of Individual Income Tax in China;美国税制与我国个人所得税制的改革

8.A Study on the Structure of the Tax System;税制结构实证研究──兼论完善我国税制

9.Doing a better job in financial and taxation work, stabilizing the taxation system, and strengthening tax collection and administration.努力做好财税工作,保持税制稳定,加强税收征管。

10.Research on Current Incremental Tax Burden Unfairness and the Reform of Chinese Incremental Value Tax System;现行增值税税负不公及增值税制改革研究

11.International Tax Reform:The Decline of Corporate Income Tax Rates;国际税制改革:公司所得税税率下降趋势

12.A Devise of China"s Personal Income Tax Rate Based on Current Tax System基于现行税制模式的我国个人所得税税率设计

13.Taxation Planning of Medium and Small Enterprises under New Taxation System Changsha Social Work College新税制下中小企业增值税纳税筹划探讨

14.Site Productivity Tax and China s Forest Taxation Reform;中国森林税制改革的方向——立地税——从森林税制,芬兰立地税看中国森林税制改革

15.This paper thinks that the mulberry tax in Jin dynasty derived from the mulberry tax system of Liao dynasty.金代桑税渊源于辽和北宋的桑税制度。

16.In a graduated tax scheme the more one earns, the more one pays.按照累进税制, 收入多者多纳税.

17.low, predictable, simple taxes;沿用税率低、稳定而简单的税制;

18.In a graduate tax scheme the more one earns, the more one pays .按照累进税制,收入多者多纳税。


Taxation System税制

1.A Research of the Problems onTaxation System of Non-profit Organizations in China;我国非营利组织税制问题研究

2.Current real estate tax system of China can not accord with the market economy development and has the problems such as emphasizing circulation but overlooking holding,heterogeneous taxation system,low level legislation,narrow taxation scope,incomplete matched system and so on.我国现行的房地产税制已不适应市场经济的发展,存在着重流转,轻持有,税制不统一,立法层次低、征税范围窄、配套制度不健全等问题。

3.With Chinese economy reform deepened ,the former taxation system is so obsolete that it can t satisfy economy development demand,the taxation system reform must be deepened to be more scientific rational.随着中国经济改革的进一步深入,原有的税制已经不适应经济发展的需要,必须继续深化税制改革,使税制更加 科学合理。


1.The Transfer Pricing of Intangible Assets Based on theTaxation;基于税制的无形资产转移定价研究

2.Deficiency of tax leagal of asset securitization, caused iteration taxation, unperfet favorate tax policy, confusion tax system, which affect security and stability of asset securitization business.资产证券化税制的建构应当坚持税收中性、稽征效率、税收优惠与反避税相结合的原则。

4)Tax Source and System税源税制


6)Tax system of consumption tax消费税税制


