100字范文 > 泉州城市用地 Quanzhou Urban Land Use英语短句 例句大全

泉州城市用地 Quanzhou Urban Land Use英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-15 16:09:26


泉州城市用地 Quanzhou Urban Land Use英语短句 例句大全

泉州城市用地,Quanzhou Urban Land Use

1)Quanzhou Urban Land Use泉州城市用地

2)Old city in Quanzhou泉州古城


1.Protecting Principles and Countermeasures of Scenery Interface of Ancient Quanzhou Town;泉州古城区景观界面保护的原则与对策

2.Discussion upon Ancient Quanzhou Bridges Dilapidation and their Protection;关于泉州古代桥梁损毁与保护的探讨

3.Original Relation between Quanzhou s "Picking LotusDance" and Ancient Musical Dance of Central Plains;泉州“采莲舞”与中原古乐舞的渊源关系

4.Quanzhou Licheng Tianli Kitchen Appliance Factory泉州鲤城天力厨房用具厂

5.Pushing City-Marketing to Make Brand-Quanzhou;推行城市营销 打造“品牌泉州”

6.The Feasibility on Quanzhou s Development into a big City with Land Shortage;关于泉州向大城市发展可行性的探讨

7.The living space form of Small towns in mountain areas in Quan Zhou泉州山区小城镇居住空间的形态特征

8.The Discussion of the Collision between Quanzhou City Planning and Religion Torism泉州城市规划与宗教旅游的冲突研究

9.In Situ Rural-urban Transformation in Quanzhou and Spatial Development Patterns of Greater Quanzhou;泉州市乡村—城镇就地转型与大泉州空间发展模式

10.Humane Construction of Quanzhou Urban Parks in Urbanization Progress;城市化进程中的泉州城市公园人文化建设

11.The Vertical Greening of Quanzhou City in Fujian Province城市垂直绿化探析——以泉州市城市垂直绿化为例

12.Preliminary Analysis on Realistic Meanings of Ecological Concept of Ancient Architectures in Quanzhou;浅析泉州古民居建筑绿色生态观的现实意义

13.On the Realistic Enlightenment of the Decorative Appearance of the Traditional Residence Architecture in Quanzhou略论泉州古厝建筑外观装饰与传承启示

14.Measurement and Analysis for Structural Dynamic Properties of Ancient Masonry Pagodas in Quanzhou,Fujian福建泉州古石塔结构动力特性测试与分析

15.On the Compulsory Education of the Children of Farmers Emigrating to Cities--case study of Quangang District in Quanzhou city;农民工城居子女的义务教育问题浅析——以泉州市泉港区为例

16.Local people are so proud of the four miracles of the ancient courier station, namely the city walls, ancient temples, Shepard Spring and ancient tree hole.古驿站人引以为傲的四绝是:城墙,古庙,“牧羊泉”和古树洞。

17.Sales: Sole agent for the renowned" BiQuan" Guzhengs from China. Sale of other Guzheng accessories.销售:总代理中国著名扬州碧泉牌各级古筝与各种古筝学习用品。

18.Quanzhou is situated in the south of Qingyuan Mountain,the place in which Jinjiang enters the sea,nearing the hill and beside the water.泉州城位于清源山之南,晋江入海处,依山傍水。


Old city in Quanzhou泉州古城

3)Quanzhou Urban泉州市区

1.Features of Acid Rain inQuanzhou Urban and Prevention;泉州市区酸雨的特点与防治措施

4)Quanzhou City泉州市

1.Preliminary Investigation on Development of Mineral Resources and Environmental Protection ofQuanzhou City;泉州市矿产资源开发中的环境问题与对策

2.Exploration on Public Participation in Urban Planning——WithQuanzhou City as an Example;公众参与城市规划的探索——以泉州市为例

3.Study on the change and the spatial pattern of land use inQuanzhou City;泉州市土地利用/土地覆盖变化的时空特征研究


1.Investigation and Study of Environmental Natural Radiation inQuanzhou;泉州市环境放射性水平调查

2.Research of Urbanized Course and Developmental Trend in QuanZhou;泉州市的城镇化历程及其发展趋势研究

3.A study on landscape pattern dynamical change during rapid urbanization inQuanzhou City;泉州市快速城市化过程中土地利用景观格局变化研究

6)urban land use城市用地

1.The method ofurban land use information extraction from QUICKBIRD image;QUICKBIRD影像用于城市用地信息提取方法

2.Study of Interactive Relationship between Urban Rapid Transit System and Urban Land Use;快速公交与城市用地互动关系的探索和研究

3.Theurban land use is categorized as high_rise building, multi_story .以兰州市为例 ,以地理信息系统软件ARC/INFO为开发平台 ,建立了城市地质环境基础数据库 ,将城市用地类型分为高层建筑用地、多层建筑用地、低层建筑用地、垃圾填埋用地及自然保护用地 ,系统分析了各类用地与地质环境协调性评价的指标体系 ,采用层次分析法建立了评价模型 ,对不同的用地类型进行了评价 。


