100字范文 > 日用水量 daily water consumption英语短句 例句大全

日用水量 daily water consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-19 12:51:16


日用水量 daily water consumption英语短句 例句大全

日用水量,daily water consumption

1)daily water consumption日用水量

1.Equal-dimension and new information SVR forecasting model of urbandaily water consumption;城市日用水量需求预测的等维新息SVR建模方法

2.A nonlinear combined regression model for predictingdaily water consumption was developed by introducing history data ofdaily water consumption in time series into regression analysis model using temperature and other parameters as variables.将时间序列中的日用水量历史数据引入以温度等作变量的回归分析模型,建立了日用水量非线性回归组合预测模型,同时为进一步提高预测精度,用4阶自回归模型对回归残差序列进行时间序列分析,建立了日用水量预测实用动态组合模型。


1.The application of BP-NN optimized by MCPSO for forecasting of daily water consumptionMCPSO优化BP-NN在日用水量预测中的应用

2.Prediction of Daily Water Consumption Based on Artificial Immunity and Support Vector Machines基于人工免疫与支持向量机的日用水量预测

3.The Nonlinear Time Series Model of Xi an Urban Daily Water Demand;西安市日用水量的非线性时间序列模型

4.Meteorological factors involved urban water demand forecast model考虑气象因子的城市日用水量预测模型

5.Researches on Daily Water Demand Prediction of Coal Preparation Plant Based on Neural Network基于神经网络的选煤厂日用水量预测研究

6.Partially linear AR model of urban daily water demand城市日用水量预测的部分线性自回归模型

7.Prediction Method of Urban Daily Water Consumption Based on Fractional Theory基于分形理论的城市日用水量预测方法

8.Maximum Rainfall in One Day and Maximum Rainfall in One Hour for the Applicability of Frequency Analysis Research in Taiwan Area日最大降水量与时最大降水量于台湾地区频率分析适用性之研究

9.This led to use of longer-duration varieties and to significant yield increase.这样便可采用大日月水稻品种使产量明显增加。

10.The daily per capita household water consumption is 216 litres, 3 litres less than the previous year.人均日生活用水量216升,比上年减少3升。

11.The Relationship between Nutrition Levels and Intake of Chicks;肉用雏鸡日粮营养水平与采食量的关系

12.Real-time Estimation of Soil Moisture Content Based on Precipitation of Automatic Weather Station利用自动站逐日降水量实时估测土壤墒情

13.The rate of delivery of solar radiation per unit of horizontal surface.日射能量单位水平面上日辐射的量

14.Today the demand for water is extremely high, as it is needed for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes.如今对水的需求量很高,因为日常生活、农业、工业都要用水。

15.The city water consumption and waste water discharge rises continuously in Daqing city, which has resulted in shortage of water resources and severe environment pollution.大庆市城市用水量和污水排放量不断增加,造成水资源紧缺,环境污染日益严重。

parative Analysis of Seasonal Drought Events in Guangzhou with Precipitation and Day without Rain用降水量和无雨日数判别广州季节性干旱的对比分析

17.employed when flying overwater in the daytime日间飞越水域时使用的

18.Interdictum de aqua cotidiana et aestiva日常和夏季用水令状


water demand日用水量

1.The nonparametric multi regression model of urban dailywater demand;城市日用水量预测的非参数模型研究

2.According to the effecting factor and the characteristic of urban daily water and the error of line model,we set up the nonparametrie multi regressive model of dailywater demand.根据城市用水量的影响因素及特点,针对传统的线性回归模型误差较大的缺点,基于核估计与局部线性估计理论,建立了城市日用水量的非参数回归预测模型。

3)coal washery daily water consumption选煤厂日用水量

1.Applied a novel machine learning algorithm-least squares support vector machines(LSSVM) intocoal washery daily water consumption times series prediction.针对选煤厂日用水量时间序列的预测问题,提出应用最小二乘支持向量机(LSSVM)这一新的机器学习方法来实现日用水量的短期预测。

4)municipal daily water consumption城市日用水量

bined with the characteristics and variation rule of the factors influencingmunicipal daily water consumption,a forecast model formunicipal daily water consumption was set up,then the particle swarm optimization was used to optimize BP artificial neural network to solve the model.结合城市日用水量影响因素的特点和变化规律,建立了城市日用水量预测模型,采用粒子群优化算法优化BP人工神经网络的连接权值,以求解该预测模型。

2.Forecast model formunicipal daily water consumption and its influencingfactors was set up, and then radial basis function ( RBF) network and support vector machines ( SVM) were adopted to solve the model.结合城市日用水量影响因素的特点和变化规律,分析探讨了城市日用水量预测模型的求解方法。

5)forecasting of daily water consumption日用水量预测

1.The application of BP-NN optimized by MCPSO forforecasting of daily water consumptionMCPSO优化BP-NN在日用水量预测中的应用

6)ever-increasing demand日益增加的用水量



