100字范文 > 蒸腾耗水量 water consumption英语短句 例句大全

蒸腾耗水量 water consumption英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-17 15:11:11


蒸腾耗水量 water consumption英语短句 例句大全

蒸腾耗水量,water consumption

1)water consumption蒸腾耗水量

1.Transpiration rates andwater consumption of nine main plantation tree species in North China were studied by using Lico 6400 Portable Photosynthesis System and BP3400 Precision Balance etc.比较分析了不同水势梯度下、昼夜不同时间段的各树种的蒸腾耗水量及蒸腾耗水速率。

2.Daily variation ofwater consumption and transpiring rates of saplings of 4 tree species planted in different CO2 concentrations and drought stress were studied by BP3400 Precision Electronic Balance and Licor-7000 Open Analysis in the summer of .结果表明,在各干旱胁迫水平下,CO2浓度倍增有效地降低了幼树的蒸腾耗水量和耗水速率。


1.Review and Prospect on Research Methods of Tree Water Consumption by Transpiration乔木蒸腾耗水量研究方法述评与展望


3.Evapotranspiration may deplete the soil moisture and rob supplies of ground water.蒸发蒸腾作用能消耗土壤水分,减少地下水的水量供应。

4.Stidues on the Water Consumption Characteristics and Water Balance of the Stands of Populus Simonii and Robinia Pseudoacacie in Yangqin, Beijing;北京延庆小叶杨与刺槐林的蒸腾耗水特性与水量平衡研究

5.Studies on Characteristic of Water Consumption and Anatomical Structure in Woody Plants;树木蒸腾耗水特点及解剖结构的研究

6.Preliminary probe to the transpiration water-consumption regularity of Populus euphraticu and Populus pruinosa in Tarim Basin胡杨、灰叶胡杨蒸腾耗水规律初步研究

7.Influencing Factors of Water Consumption from Tree Transpiration乔木蒸腾耗水的影响因素及研究进展

8.cumulative evapotranspiration and precipitation蒸发蒸腾的积累及降水量

9.The seedling biomass,TWUE and total water consumption of foxtail millet were also the biggest under each treatment as compared with switchgrass and Old World bluestem.(2)各水分处理下谷子苗期总生物量、蒸腾效率和耗水量均显著大于白羊草和柳枝稷;

10.Study on Characteristics of the Water Consumption for Transpiration of Pinus Tabulaeformis Carr. Plantation of Daqing Mountain;大青山油松人工林蒸腾耗水特征的研究

11.Transpiration and Water Consumption Characteristics of Major Plant Species of Shrub and Grass Communities in the Loess Hilly Region;黄土丘陵区主要灌草种蒸腾耗水特性研究

12.Study on Characteristic of Transpiration and Ecological Function of Familiar Landscape Plants;常用园林植物蒸腾耗水特性及生态效应研究

13.Transpiration Characteristics of Main Trees Seedlings of Urban Forest on the Loess Plateau;黄土高原城市森林常见树种苗木蒸腾耗水研究

14.Study on Photosynthetic and Transpiration of Dominant Tree Species in Beijing Mountainous Area;北京山区主要树种光合蒸腾与耗水特性研究

15.Study on Growth Law and Characteristics of Transpiration Water Consumption of Excellent Poplar Clones杨树优良无性系生长规律与蒸腾耗水特性研究

16.Studies on Characteristics of Transpiration and Water Consumption of Ginkgo Biloba L. and Its Regulating and Controlling Mechanism in Given Urban Environment城市环境下银杏蒸腾耗水特性及其调节机制

17.Environmental responses of four urban tree species transpiration in northern China北方四种城市树木蒸腾耗水的环境响应

18.Application of Thermal Dissipation Probe in the Calculation of Plant Transpiration Water热扩散式茎流计在测定植物蒸腾耗水中的应用



1.Therefore, quantifying water use by planttranspiration under different ground water tables helps to understand responsive mechanism of plant growth to various ground water regimes.7mm;4年生花棒蒸腾耗水量比 1年生有显著增长 ,1。

3)transpiration water consumption蒸腾耗水量

1.Then it chooses thetranspiration water consumption as the factor to research the water and growth function of trees.本论文针对黄土半干旱区目前人工林造林成活率、林分生产力低的状况,从土壤-植物-大气连续系统理论出发,研究水分对当地主要造林树种生理生长活动的影响,确定蒸腾耗水量作为因子,建立林木水分生长函数,为在该地区环境条件下提高林木的水分利用率、成活率和保存率,进而改善人工林的营建提供理论依据。

4)Whole-tree evapotranspiration intensity单木蒸腾耗水量

5)transpiring water consumption蒸腾耗水

1.Daily variation oftranspiring water consumption of seedling of Ailanthus altissima under different drought stress;干旱胁迫对臭椿苗木蒸腾耗水日变化的影响

2.Water capacity of branches and stems of Pinus tabulaeformis and its impact ontranspiring water consumption.;油松枝干水容特征及其对蒸腾耗水的影响

3.Five main conclusions were gotten as follows:(1)Thetranspiring water consumption of different seedlings in the day time presented a sustained descent with the drought stress,the descending extent of different seedlings was obviously different.对土壤干旱胁迫条件下金沙江干热河谷29个植被恢复树种盆植苗的蒸腾耗水特性进行了研究,结果表明:(1)白天不同幼苗蒸腾耗水量均随干旱时间的延长而持续下降,而且下降的幅度具有明显差异;当水分供给量相同时,高强度蒸腾失水的幼苗在极度干热的天气里更易亦更快地受到干旱的胁迫。

6)water consumption蒸腾耗水

1.Results show that the daily course of sap flow is a single-peaked curve;that the velocity in clear days is higher than in cloudy days and under an overcast sky,and that the dailywater consumption of Prunus cerasifera and Platanus hispanicq is higher than that of Acer truncatum.结果显示,影响3树种液流速率的主要环境因子是空气温度、空气相对湿度、辐射强度和5 cm土层温度,在不同天气里起主导作用的因子不同,环境因子与树干液流之间的数量关系能较好地预测树木的蒸腾耗水量。

2.Employing LI-6400 photosynthesis system(LI-COR,1995,USA),this paper studied the gas exchange,water consumption,and water use efficiency of Populus alba×berolinensis seedlings under different water supply.在不同供水条件下,采用LI-6400光合作用系统(LI-COR,1995,USA)和电子天平等仪器,对银中杨苗木气体交换、蒸腾耗水量和水分利用效率及其有关环境因子进行了测定。


田间耗水量田间耗水量field water consumptiont ianiian haoshuiljang田间耗水盆(field water eonsumption)在作物整个生育期中,农田消耗的总水量。以毫米或米“/亩计。在水田,田间耗水量为作物需水量(见作物需水t)与渗漏量之和:在旱地,田间耗水量通常看作作物需水量。所以,在灌溉工作中,常以作物的最大蒸散量为耗水量。水田渗漏量包括田面垂直渗漏和田埂旁侧渗漏。在较大面积上,主要是田面垂直渗漏。这部分水不能为作物根系吸收,但保持适宜的渗漏速度,有利于土壤中空气的交换。渗漏量大小与土壤条件、农业措施、地形地势、水文地质条件以及水田分布等有关。水田的田间耗水量测定,一般采用田测法。生产中,为防止过量渗漏和减少无效蒸散,还需对作物需水量和渗漏量分别进行测定。用坑测法(有底测坑)测出需水量(蒸散量),再用已测田间耗水量减去需水量,即为渗漏量。(丁正熙)
