100字范文 > 言论独立 independence of speech英语短句 例句大全

言论独立 independence of speech英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-26 08:48:52


言论独立 independence of speech英语短句 例句大全

言论独立,independence of speech

1)independence of speech言论独立

2)Declaration of Independence独立宣言

1.Understanding American Liberty,Law and Autonomy from theDeclaration of Independence;从《独立宣言》看美国的自由、法律与自治

2.On Cao Yuanshou s Translation of the "Declaration of Independence;试评曹元寿译《独立宣言》


1.He drew up the declaration of the independence.他起草了独立宣言。

2."The Declaration of Independence "was made in America in 1776.“独立宣言”于1776年在美国宣布。

3.The Fourth of July is the Independence Day when celebrated the signing of the Declaration of Independence.7月4日是美国的独立节,签署《独立宣言》纪念日。

4.The Declaration of Independence of Modern Chinese Women:Analysis of Chen Xiefen"s Independent Chapter近代中国妇女独立宣言书:陈撷芬《独立篇》探析

5.In 1776 the colonies signed a declaration of independence.各殖民地于1776年签发了独立宣言。

6.African Declaration on Cooperation, Development and Economic Independence非洲合作、发展和经济独立宣言

7.however, that was the year of the Declaration of Independentce,然而,该年是独立宣言发表的那一年,

8.Teacher:“ Who knows where the Declaration of Independence was signed?短文《独立宣言》是在哪儿签字的?

9.He was the author of the Declaration of Independence, too.他也是《美国独立宣言》的作者。

10.He was the first man to subscribe to the Declaration of Independence.他是第一位在《独立宣言》上签名的人。

11.Do you know who is the author of the American Declaration of Independence?你知道谁是《美国独立宣言》的作者吗?

12.Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言

13.The Declaration of Independence flames with his eloquence.《独立宣言》就闪耀着他雄辩的才华。

14.That year is notable also for the Declaration of Independence.那也是以美国独立宣言而著称的一年。

15.the D-of Independence(美国)独立宣言(1776年7月4日)

16.Understanding American Liberty,Law and Autonomy from the Declaration of Independence;从《独立宣言》看美国的自由、法律与自治

17.The existence of the U. S. is reckoned from the Declaration of Independence.美国立国是从发表《独立宣言》之日算起的。

18.The Fourth of July is our Independence Day when we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence.7月4日是我国的独立日,签署独立宣言的纪念日。


Declaration of Independence独立宣言

1.Understanding American Liberty,Law and Autonomy from theDeclaration of Independence;从《独立宣言》看美国的自由、法律与自治

2.On Cao Yuanshou s Translation of the "Declaration of Independence;试评曹元寿译《独立宣言》

3)exclusive commentary独家言论

4)Independence Review《独立评论》

1.Construction or Inaction in National Calamity——On the Discussion of "Inaction Politics" inIndependence Review;国难当头的建设与无为——评《独立评论》关于“无为政治”的讨论

2.On the Theory of "Rule of Law" of Scholars of Democratic Parties inIndependence Review;《独立评论》中民主派学人法治思想述论

3.Influenced by the movement of rural development in 1930s,the liberal intellectuals related withIndependence Review turned their concerned sight to the vast countryside.20世纪30年代,在乡村建设运动的影响下,聚集在《独立评论》周围的自由派学人将关注的目光转向广大农村,在分析农村破产原因的基础上,他们对国民政府倡行的农村复兴计划发表了自己的见解和主张,提出了解决农村困境的措施和建议,形成了较为系统的农村救济思想。

5)Independent Review独立评论

1.The members and main contributors ofIndependent Review;《独立评论》的社员及其主要撰稿人

2.The Freedom to Express the Opinions to the Public of the Intellectuals Amateur Identity and the Professional PeriodicalsIndependent Review during the Period of Anti-Japanese War;《独立评论》的“独立精神”与抗战时期学人时评

6)independent opinion独立舆论

1.On theindependent opinion and historical value of Shenbao——Taking the Japanese invasion of Taiwan in 1874 as an example;论《申报》之独立舆论及史料价值——以1874年日军入侵台湾为例


