100字范文 > 言论自由 freedom of speech英语短句 例句大全

言论自由 freedom of speech英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-05 16:20:25


言论自由 freedom of speech英语短句 例句大全

言论自由,freedom of speech

1)freedom of speech言论自由

1.Freedom of Speech and Local Governance:A Case Study of Pengshui Poem Event;言论自由与地方治理——以“彭水诗案”为例

2.Freedom of Speech as a Human Right;论人权意义上的言论自由

3.Limiting or promoting:freedom of speech examined from the perspective of copyright;限制抑或促进——从言论自由的角度解读版权


1.Indeed, the concept of free speech,的确,言论自由的概念,

2.A breach of privilege, ie breaking the rules of parliamentary behaviour违反议会言论自由权

3.The freedom of speech should not be abridged.言论自由不应受限制。

4.Free speech is crippled all the way.言论自由更谈不上。

5.That law was framed to protect freedom of speech.制定法律保护言论自由。

6.On the Sense of Criminal Law of Freedm of Speech论言论自由的刑法意义——从思想言论罪到言论自由

7.violation of the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of association侵犯言论自由和结社自由权利事件

8.A democratic system guarantees freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of association.民主制度保障言论自由、闻自由和结社自由。

9.Legal Protection of Freedom of Speech and Legal Punishments for the Criminal Acts of Abusing the Freedom of Speech对言论自由的法律保护与对滥用言论自由的法律惩罚

10.or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;不得制定剥夺言论自由或新闻出版自由的法律;

11.The people at last won the right to free speech and a free press.人民终于赢得了言论自由和出版自由的权利。

12.Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble.国会不得制订任何剥夺言论自由,出版自由及和平集会自由的法律。

13.Free speech does not live many hours after free industry and free commerce die.工业自由、商业自由灭亡以后,言论自由也就长不了了。

14.Subject of,and Legal Protection For,Freedom of Speech,Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Journalism;言论自由、出版自由、新闻自由的主体及其法律保护

15.People enjoy complete freedom of speech.人民享受充分的言论自由。

16.the place of the media in a free society.媒体在言论自由社会中的地位

17.The government muzzled the newspapers.政府箝制报纸的言论自由。

18.accuse the government of muzzling the press, freedom of speech, etc谴责政府箝制新闻、言论自由等.


free speech言论自由

1.Thought on Commercial Free Speech from the Perspective of Constitutional Law商业言论自由的宪法学思考

2.Its application in the judiciary practice greatly protects thefree speech right of American citizens.实质恶意原则是美国言论自由诉讼案适用的重要司法原则,创设于沃伦法院时期。

3.The settlement of the paradox depends chiefly onfree speeches.言论自由是解决"悖论"的重要途径。

3)the freedom of speech言论自由

1.Awareness:the Role Consciousness of the Government by Law——Take the Government As the Object in the Freedom of Speech;自觉:法治政府的角色意识——以言论自由中的政府为对象

2.As a president of the United States,Thomas Jefferson not only participated in drafting The Declaration of Independence and The Bill of Rights,but also actively advocatedthe freedom of speech.美国第三、四任总统杰斐逊积极倡导言论自由,直接参与了《独立宣言》和《权利法案》的起草拟定工作,一直被新闻学界认定为自由主义报刊理论发展过程中最关键的人物之一。

3.Among them, the conflicts betweenthe freedom of speech and the rights of privacy, reputation and public interests are more worthy of our attention.在许多国家,言论自由被认为是宪法中公民的首要自由,但同时,这也是引起最多问题的自由,因为它会涉及到许多方面的利益和秩序。

4)liberty of speech言论自由

1.However,the important way to solve the fallacies isliberty of speech,which may be understood from the point of view of freedom in philosophy and democracy in politics.言论自由是解决这一悖论的重要途径。

5)On Freedom of Speech论言论自由

6)freedom of speech言论自由权

1.This article explores the relationship between internet privacy right andfreedom of speech, right to information and the government s right to inquiry both at the legislative level and the jurisprudential level, aiming to give maximum protection to internet privacy right with the balance of all rel.本文从立法和法理层面探讨了网络隐私权与言论自由权、知情权、国家查询权之间的关系,力求在平衡各方权益的前提下最大限度地保护网络隐私权。


